Collected articles
Collected articles Issue 2017
UDC [37.015.3:167.1]-043.83-057.4(06)
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017
Editorial Board:
Melnyk Yu.B. Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Docent, Professor at the Department
of Psychology and Pedagogy, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine;
Juchnowicz M.G. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Institute of Human Capital
Warsaw School of Economics, Poland;
Dmitrenko Т.О. – Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor, Kherson State University;
Iskakova L.T. Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor, JSC «NCPD «Orleu», the
Republic of Kazakhstan;
Kaidalova L.G. Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor, National University of
Kolbina Т.V. Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv
National University of Economics;
Kolbina V.V. Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Docent, Friedrich-Alexander-
University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany;
Kostikova І.І. Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv
National Pedagogical University;
Kostyuchenko E.V. Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Docent, Kyiv National
University of Culture and Arts;
Nagaev V.М. Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor, Kharkiv Research Center for
Management Education didactics;
Olefir V.О. Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Docent, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National
Pelepeychenko L.М. Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, National Academy of
the National Guard of Ukraine;
Plachynda Т.S. Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Docent, Kirovohrad Flight Academy of
National Aviation University;
Polischuk V.М. – Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Lviv Polytechnic National
Prykhodko І.І. Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, National Academy of the
National Guard of Ukraine;
Zеmlyanskya E.V. Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Kharkiv National
University of Internal Affairs.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation : collected
Р 96 articles. Warsaw : ANAGRAM; Kharkiv : KRPOCH, 2017. рр. 150, illus.,
tabs., bibls. ISBN 978-83-65554-15-4; ISBN 978-966-97260-9-4.
110 copies
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© Authors of articles, 2017
ISBN 978-83-65554-15-4 (Poland) © ANAGRAM, 2017
ISBN 978-966-97260-9-4 (Ukraine) © KRPOCH, 2017
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
Melnyk Yu., Pypenko I. Innovative potential of modern specialist:
the essence and content
Bondarenko V., Gulina M. Features of organization of business
etiquette skills as the basis of formation of professional ethics of the
masters in technical specialties
Shepel M. The role of a foreign language teacher in the process of
the professional training of future experts of the machine-building
Yuzefovych K. Analysis of the readiness of future philologists to use
SMART technologies in professional work
Mitina S. The factors of emotional burnout of the teacher of the
higher educational institution
Drobot O. Development of professional consciousntss from the
viewpoint of preparation of future specialists
Kostina V. Formation of professional readiness of future specialists
in social sphere for prevention of maladjustment among pupils
Kondratska L. Spiritual prospects of musical anthropology in post-
modernism context
Zavaruieva I. Intercultural communication and the use of non-
verbal means in the learning foreign
Kozhevnikova A. Student mobility: inside view
Podcherniaieva N. Experience of realization of Day of Europe at
euroclubs in general educational establishments
Orlov N. Clarification of the notion «Information and psychological
protection of law enforcement forces» in scientific research in the
field of national security
Gordyeyeva А. Developing future psychologists’ English
communicative skills with the Academic Encounters series
Collected articles Issue 2017
Savchenkov O. Book perspectives in modern education: the death or
Perezva E., Mironenko S. The formation of computer literacy and
information culture among future specialists of the transport industry
Behun-Trachuk L. The category «professional burnout»: the
essense and characteristic
Lazareva O., Kovtun O. Developing soft skills at ESP classes in
technical HEIs
Chuvasova N. Methodological approach to the research of the
problem of future chemistry and biology teachers’ creative potential
development in higher educational establishments
Grankina-Sazonova N. The study of psychology students’
emotional intelligence as an important factor of professional
Polyakova G. Environmental, marketing-monitoring and stakeholder
approaches to institutional quality assurance in higher education
Khachatrian Ye. Aspect analysis of cross-cultural discourse
competence of future specialists in economics
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
Melnyk Ju., Pypenko I. Potencjał innowacyjny współczesnego
specjalisty: charakter i treść
Bondarenko V., Gulina M. Funkcje tworzenia zdolnci etykiety
biznesowej jako podstawy kształtowania etyki zawodowej ekspertów
o specjalnościach technicznych
Shepel М. Rola nauczyciela języka obcego w trakcie szkolenia
zawodowego przyszłych specjalistów z branży inżynierskiej
Yuzefovich К. Analiza gotowości przyszłych nauczycieli filologów
do korzystania z technologii SMART w działalności zawodowej
Mitina S. Czynniki powodujące emocjonalne wypalenie u
nauczycieli wyższych instytucji edukacyjnych
Drobot О. Kształtowanie świadomości zawodowej pod kątem
przygotowania przyszłych fachowców
Kostina V. Utworzenie profesjonalnego przygotowania dla
przyszłych specjalistów od profilaktyki niedostosowania
społecznego uczniów
Kondratska L. Duchowe perspektywy antropologii muzycznej w
postmodernistycznym kontekście
Zavaruieva І. Międzykulturowa komunikacja i użycie
niewerbalnych środków w trakcie nauczania studentów
Kozhevnikova А. Mobilność studentów: wymiar zewnętrzny
Podcherniaieva N. Doświadczenie pracy euroklubów instytucje
edukacyjne o charakterze ogólny z przeprowadzonego Dnia Europy
Orlov М. Uściślenie pojęcia «informacyjno-psychologiczna siła w
tworzeniu porządku prawnego dotyczącego obrony bezpieczstwa
narodowego» w badaniach naukowych w zakresie narodowego
Collected articles Issue 2017
Gordeeva А. Rozwój u przyszłych psychologów anglojęzycznych
profesjonalnych umiejętności komunikacyjnych za pomocą serii
podręczników Academic Encounters
Savchenkov O. Perspektywy książki we współczesnej edukacji:
śmierć czy przeistoczenie
Perezva E., Mironenko S. Kształtowanie komputerowego
piśmiennictwa i kultury informacyjnej u przyszłego fachowca branży
Behun-Trachuk L. Treść i charakterystyka kategorii «wypalenie
Lazarjewa О., Kowtun О. Rozwój społecznych umiejętności (soft
skills) na zajęciach z języka angielskiego zawodowej specjalizacji
(ESP) na wyższych uczelniach technicznych
Chuvasova N. Metodyczne podejście do badań problemów rozwoju
potencjału twórczego przyszłych nauczycieli chemii i biologii w
szkolnictwie wyższym
Grankina-Sazonova N. Studium inteligencji emocjonalnej
studentów psychologii jako ważny czynnik rozwoju zawodowego
Polyakova G. Podejście środowiskowe, podejście marketing-
monitoring i podejście interesariuszy do zapewnienia jakości
wyższego wykształcenia
Xachatryan Е. Analiza dyskursu o aspekcie kompetencji
międzykulturowej przyszłych specjalistów w dziedzinie ekonomii
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
Мельник Ю., Пипенко І. Інноваційний потенціал сучасного
фахівця: сутність та зміст
Бондаренко В., Гуліна М. Особливості формування умінь з
ділового етикету як основи формування професійної етики
магістрів технічних спеціальностей
Шепель М. Роль викладача іноземної мови у процесі
професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців машинобудівної
Юзефович К. Аналіз готовності майбутніх учителів-філологів
до використання SMART технологій в професійній діяльності
Мітіна С. Чинники емоційного вигорання викладача вищого
навчального закладу
Дробот О. Становлення професійної свідомості з точки зору
підготовки майбутніх фахівців
Костіна В. Формування професійної готовності майбутніх
фахівців соціальної сфери до профілактики дезадаптації учнів
Кондрацька Л. Духовні перспективи музичної антропології в
постмодерністському контексті
Заваруєва І. Міжкультурна комунікація і використання
невербальних засобів в процесі навчання іноземних студентів
Кожевнікова А. Студентська мобільність: внутрішній перегляд
Подчерняєва Н. Досвід роботи євроклубів загальноосвітніх
навчальних закладів з проведення Дня Європи
Орлов М. Уточнення поняття «Інформаційно-психологічний
захист сил охорони правопорядку» в наукових дослідженнях у
сфері національної безпеки
Гордєєва А. Розвиток у майбутніх психологів англомовних
професійно орієнтованих комунікативних умінь з
використанням серії підручників Academic Encounters
Collected articles Issue 2017
Савченков О. Перспективи книги у сучасній освіті: смерть чи
Перезва О., Мироненко С. Формування комп’ютерної
грамотності та інформаційної культури в майбутнього фахівця
транспортної галузі
Бегун-Трачук Л. Сутність та характеристика категорії
«професійне вигорання»
Лазарєва О., Ковтун О. Розвиток соціальних компетенцій (soft
skills) на заняттях з англійської мови за професійним
спрямуванням (ESP) в технічних ВНЗ
Чувасова Н. Методологічні підходи до дослідження проблеми
розвитку творчого потенціалу майбутніх учителів хімії та
біології у вищих навчальних закладах
Гранкіна-Сазонова Н. Дослідження емоційного інтелекту
студентів-психологів як важливого чинника професійного
Полякова Г. Середовищний, маркетинговооніторинговий,
стейкхолдерський підходи до інституаційного забезпечення
якості вищої освіти
Xачатрян Є. Аспектний аналіз міжкультурної дискурсивної
компетентності майбутніх фахівців з економіки
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
UDC 161.1:[005.342::111.125-057.4:005]
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017.9
© Melnyk Y., Pypenko I., 2017
Yuriy Melnyk
National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine,
Iryna Pypenko
Kharkiv Regional Public Organization «Culture of Health»
The theoretical principles concerning the substantiation of the essence and
content of the innovative potential of the modern specialist have been
considered. The main purpose of the article is to clarify the features of
defining the innovative potential of a modern specialist on the basis of
structural-linguistic and etymological analysis. The proposed concept of
innovative potential of a modern specialist takes into account the constant
change of the innovative potential in time due to the results of personal
and social transformations. This concept reflects the ability of a modern
specialist to detect hidden efforts regarding the use of resources. The
innovative potential of a modern specialist serves as a guarantee of
efficiency of activity, ensures achievement of the established goals in a
competitive environment.
Keywords: potential, innovative potential of specialist, resources, efforts,
Dynamic competitive environment puts forward specific
requirements for a modern specialist, the main of which is the development
of innovative ideas and their successful implementation. The source of
innovative ideas, knowledge, and skills of a modern specialist is its
innovative potential, which defines the perspective of innovative
development of any enterprise. In order to use such a source, the essence
and content of the innovation potential should be first and foremost
determined. Therefore, it is important to clarify the features of the concept
of innovative potential of a modern specialist.
Materials and methods
In modern scientific literature on innovative management the
innovation potential is considered in relation to such carriers: personnel of
the enterprise, employee, and personality. First of all, we will consider the
Collected articles Issue 2017
relation between these concepts, we will define the place of a modern
specialist among other carriers of innovative potential.
Each specialist has his potential, an element of which there is an
innovative potential. The question of the innovative potential of personality
is devoted to the concept of psychology and pedagogy. In the classical sense
the innovative potential of personality is the resource of the innovative
possibilities of a person, the ability of a particular person to generate ideas,
and carry out innovation activities.
The innovative potential of personality is the basis for the formation
of a highly skilled specialist. Every person from the moment of birth and
before receiving the first workplace goes a long way, during which he
develops his skills and abilities, learns, forms the competence, which
becomes the basis of his own innovative potential.
Having received a job, a person becomes an employee of the
enterprise; from that moment the formation of its innovative potential as an
employee begins.
All employees of the company are his staff. Innovative potential of
some employees of the enterprise is considered as an innovative potential of
the personnel.
Proceeding from the fact that a modern specialist is a potential or
real employee of an enterprise, we will consider the scientific work devoted
to the interpretation of the innovative potential of the employee/personnel of
the enterprise [1-11; 13-14].
In the field of economics, research on the innovative potential of the
employee and the personnel of the enterprise with its own understanding of
this definition was undertaken by both foreign and domestic scientists, but
today there is no single point of view regarding the essence of this concept.
A thorough analysis of the definitions with the separation of the essential
features we conducted in [12].
The first group of scientists [1; 3; 7; 9; 10] as an essential generic
feature of the concept of innovative potential of personnel determines such
a characteristic as ability, readiness, ability, and the type the production
and implementation of new ideas, the realization of tasks, the use of
innovative abilities and possibilities.
The second group of scientists [4; 6] as an essential generic feature
of the concept of innovative potential of personnel determines the following
characteristic: a set of knowledge, skills, experience, competencies,
personal qualities of staff, and the type – readiness for the perception,
implementation and production of innovation, the implementation of
innovation activities.
The third group of scientists [2; 8; 13; 14] as an essential generic
feature of the concept of the innovative potential of personnel determines
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
the possibilities (hidden, unrealized, future), and the type – creation of
innovations, self-actualization of the employee, active actions of employees.
In a scientific article [5] the author considers the innovative potential
of personnel as a socio-economic entity, in terms of a holistic approach. In
this research the innovative potential of an individual employee is of
The authors of the work [11] define the concept of «employees
innovation potential» as an essential generic feature such as the labor
potential, and the kind an innovative activity in generating, developing
and implementing innovations.
In our opinion, the labor potential characterizes one of the spheres of
activity of the employee, along with financial, marketing. Therefore, this
characteristic is suitable for the formation of the elemental composition of
the overall potential of the employee.
Despite the existence of certain scientific advances, the essence and
content of the concept of innovative potential of a modern specialist
requires a theoretical synthesis and systematization.
The aim of the article is to clarify the features of defining the
innovative potential of a modern specialist on the basis of structural-
linguistic and etymological analysis.
Clarification of the concept of innovative potential of a modern
specialist should be based on a clear terminological definition of the actual
definitions of «potential» and «innovation», the derivative «innovative».
Based on our analysis in [12], the innovative potential of the
employee relies on the resources that he owns. These resources contribute to
the achievement of the established goals in the innovation field.
We will analyze an essential generic feature of the definition of the
innovative potential, which are found in the work of scientists [1-11; 13-
An essential generic feature of the first group of researchers [1; 3; 7;
9; 10] is «ability / readiness / ability». In our opinion, this characteristic
does not reflect the existing internal resources of the employee in full,
which reduces the efficiency of innovation activity in general.
The second group of researchers [4; 6] as an essential generic feature
offers a «set of knowledge, skills, experience, competencies, and personal
qualities of personnel». In our opinion, this is an important and necessary
characteristic of the employee’s innovation potential. However, it is not
sufficiently complete because it does not reflect the ability of an employee
to search for hidden efforts to use internal resources to meet the new
requirements of the competitive environment.
Collected articles Issue 2017
As an essential generic feature the third group of researchers [2; 8;
13; 14] offers «possibilities» (hidden, unrealized, future). This feature does
not help eliminate identified shortcomings and remains controversial.
For further understanding, we will consider interconnection between
employee resources and their possibilities.
Any resource, acting as a means to achieve a certain goal, has its
potential, has the property inherent in him, reflected by its internal
characteristics. At the same time, the level of realization of the potential of
the resource, the degree of manifestation of its properties in a competitive
environment is characterized by possibilities. Therefore resources, stocks,
sources that are at the moment a certain quantity and quality of an employee
are considered as internal resources.
In turn, the achievement of the goal set by the employee determines
the formulation and solution of specific tasks. One of them is to provide the
optimal combination of their own internal resources so that their
composition and size meet the needs of the tasks. In this case, the internal
resources of the employee, their optimal ratio, the correspondence of the
size and composition of the needs of the solved tasks constitute the resource
potential of the employee. The level of the use of such potential forms the
potential employee's ability to reveal hidden efforts in the use of resources
and serve as a prerequisite for building up its potential.
Thus, we have defined an essential generic feature of the definition
of innovation potential as a characteristic of the internal resources and
efforts of the employee; the type – their use in the field of innovative
The available resources of the employee are converted in the process
of their use to a certain end result, changing and acquiring new qualitative
and quantitative characteristics. At the same time, some of the transformed
resources can no longer by definition be part of the potential from which it
was isolated. Therefore, the initial characteristics of the employee’s
potential differ from his characteristics after the transformation so far as this
transformation was deep. In this regard, we take into account the fact that
the employee constantly changes the potential of the worker in time, both
under the influence of the results of transformations, and as a result of self-
development. At the same time self-development of the potential of the
employee involves such changes that cannot be explained by the influence
of various factors.
Thus, in clarifying the concept of the innovative potential of the
employee, we will observe the following:
- firstly, to base on the resource position, which reflects the internal
characteristics of the employee’s innovative potential;
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
- secondly, to take into account the employee’s ability to search for
additional efforts, as well as the scope of redistribution of existing efforts;
- thirdly, to determine the characteristic of internal resources and
efforts of the employee as an essential generic feature of the definition of
innovation potential;
- fourthly, to provide the optimal combination of knowledge, skills,
competencies available to the employee;
- fifthly, to group all processes of the sphere of innovative activity
(creation, testing, implementation, promotion of innovations, etc.), the
consideration of which characterizes a significant feature of the definition of
the innovation potential;
- sixthly, to consider the change of the innovation potential in time
due to the results of personal and social transformations;
- seventhly, to take into account the new requirements formed by the
competitive environment.
Based on certain provisions, we will clarify the concept.
The innovative potential of the employee is a dynamic characteristic
of internal resources and the efforts of the employee in order to optimize
their use in innovation activities in order to achieve their goals. At the same
time, the employee searches for hidden or redistribution of existing efforts
to use resources through their transformation and (or) as a result of self-
development taking into account new needs arising from the competitive
An employee who implements innovative potential and uses efforts
at an enterprise, which results in more efficient work, is a modern specialist
in innovative activity.
A modern specialist in innovation activity at the enterprise belongs
to the workers of the creative-research type, the characteristic feature of
which is the scientific-search approach to solving problems with the help of
various methods of creative thinking.
For the successful performance of their functions, a modern
specialist must possess a certain set of competencies that are revealed
through the personal and professional qualities of a specialist.
Effective innovative activity of a specialist is promoted by the
following professional competences: the ability to logically accumulate,
analyze, interpret the necessary information (conceptual qualification); the
ability to understand and effectively interact with other people (skilled
human relationships); the ability to implement their decisions methodically,
with clearly defined procedures, rather than accidental (administrative
qualifications); the availability of certain knowledge and abilities that allow
you to meet the requirements specific to a specific position (professional
Collected articles Issue 2017
Discussion and conclusions
Thus, the features of defining the innovative potential of a modern
specialist have been clarified. The proposed concept takes into account the
constant change of the innovative potential in time due to the results of
personal and social transformations; and also reflects the ability of a
specialist to detect hidden efforts in the area of resource use.
The issue of the elemental composition of the innovative potential of
a modern specialist; processes of its formation, use and development; taking
into account the culture of the enterprise, as well as the globalization
processes in society, require further research.
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Юрій Мельник, Ірина Пипенко. Інноваційний потенціал
сучасного фахівця: сутність та зміст.
Розглянуто теоретичні положення щодо обґрунтування сутності та
змісту інноваційного потенціалу сучасного фахівця. Основною метою
статті є уточнення ознак дефініції інноваційного потенціалу
сучасного фахівця на підставі структурно-лінгвістичного та
етимологічного аналізу. Запропоноване поняття інноваційного
потенціалу сучасного фахівця враховує постійну зміну інноваційного
потенціалу у часі внаслідок результатів особистісного та
суспільного перетворень. Це поняття відображає здатність
сучасного фахівця виявляти приховані зусилля щодо області
використання ресурсів. Інноваційний потенціал сучасного фахівця
виступає запорукою ефективності діяльності, забезпечує досягнення
встановлених цілей у конкурентному середовищі.
Collected articles Issue 2017
Ключові слова: потенціал, інноваційний потенціал фахівця, ресурси,
зусилля, можливості.
Jurij Melnyk, Iryna Pypenko. Potencjał innowacyjny
współczesnego specjalisty: charakter i treść.
Uwzględniono teoretyczne zasady dotyczące uzasadnienia charakteru i
treści innowacyjnego potencjału współczesnego specjalisty. Głównym celem
artykułu jest wyjaśnienie zagadnienia innowacyjnego potencjału
współczesnego specjalisty na podstawie analizy zykowej i etymologicznej.
Koncepcja potencju innowacyjnego współczesnego specjalisty uważa
potencjał innowacyjny za trwą zmianę w czasie ze względu na
przemiany osobiste i społeczne. Koncepcja ta odzwierciedla zdolność do
wykrywania ukrytych umiejętności współczesnego specjalisty w dziedzinie
wykorzystania zasobów. Potencjał innowacyjny współczesnego specjalisty
jest gwarancją efektywności działania, gwarantuje osiągnięcie celów w
konkurencyjnym środowisku.
Słowa kluczowe: potencjał, potencjał innowacyjny specjalisty, zasoby,
działania, możliwości.
Received 10.05.2017
Information about the authors:
Melnyk Yuriy Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Docent, Professor at
the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, National Academy of the
National Guard of Ukraine.
Pypenko Iryna Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Docent, Director of
the Educational Center, Kharkiv Regional Public Organization «Culture of
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
UDC 171.026.9
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017.17
© Bondarenko V., Gulina M., 2017
Volodymyr Bondarenko,
Maria Gulina
Kharkiv National University of Automobile and Highways
The article presents the features of organization of business etiquette skills
that are the foundation of formation of professional ethics of the Masters in
engineering specialities. The components of business etiquette, which form
the basis of a person’s business behavior in the professional activities are
highlighted. The disciplines aimed at formation of business etiquette skills
of the Masters in engineering specialities are determined.
Keywords: etiquette, business etiquette, components of business etiquette,
the Masters in engineering specialities.
The rapid development of education, science and technology in
Ukraine pose the new requirements for the professional training and
education of the future generation of specialists (the educated, skilled,
aware in different areas of professional activity ones) in front of instructors
of engineering universities. It is about the specialists who are able to be
conversant both in manufacturing and in business situations related to
professional activities. The modern system of education should be based on
the formation of not only the specialists, who have the set of professional
knowledge and skills, but also of the personalities with the high level of
moral, ethical, business qualities and business etiquette skills.
Today the system of higher engineering education neglects the study
of professional and business ethics. For example, only specialities
8.05020201 «Automated process control», 8.06010105 «Motorways and
Airfields», 8.06010106 «Bridges and Vehicular Traffic Tunnels» provide
the study of the subjects aimed at formation of fundamentals of ethics of the
Materials and methods
In view of the above, in the context of rising requirements for the
professional training of the Masters in high technical school of Ukraine,
there is an urgent need to optimize the learning process in general, and,
particularly, to form the business etiquette skills of the Masters in
Collected articles Issue 2017
engineering specialities, as the basis of professional ethics. So, we consider
the study of the disciplines of the psycho-pedagogical cycle, programs of
which also provide the learning of the foundations of business ethics, by the
Masters of engineering universities as an appropriate thing.
The goal of the research is the analysis of features of organization of
the foundations of business etiquette and learning of the components of
business etiquette in the process of training of the Masters in engineering
The problem of organization of business etiquette skills as the basis
of formation of professional ethics of the Masters in engineering specialities
is investigated insufficiently today [2, p. 5].
We can note I. O. Ahalets, Ya. V. Strelchuk among national
scientists, engaged in the research of the problems of organization of the
foundations of business etiquette, and N. O. Lukianova among Russian
In addition, this problem has found its place in the researches linked
to the formation of business communication skills, which are carried out by
Ukrainian scientists V. O. Mykhailiuk, O. L. Kaniuk, T. P. Rukas,
V. I. Svystun, V. P. Sukachova, V. V. Yagupov, and by Russian scientists
V. O. Saveliev, V. I. Ivanova, O. A. Davydova, M. V. Dembrovska,
O. V. Penkova, M. M. Kalashnikov.
In order to form the business etiquette, the essence of «business
etiquette» concept should be correctly interpreted, that will optimize this
process. Business etiquette represents the rules of rational behavior of
partners in joint activity which ensure the respect for the human person and
the observation of mutual moral, legal and ethical obligations [1, p. 101].
The research of «business etiquette» definition indicates its importance in
the training of the Masters in engineering specialities. As far as the Masters
in engineering specialities are the future professionals who combine both
professional and personal qualities and skills, knowledge of the rules of
business professional ethics, which play a crucial role for their prospective
professional life.
The analysis of the components of business etiquette allows to
interpret the essence of «business etiquette» concept correctly as much as
possible in order to form the bases of business etiquette of the Masters in
engineering specialities.
So, for example, Full Professor E. A. Utkin identifies the following
key components of business etiquette:
- handsome manners and ethics;
- tact and lightness;
- modesty;
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
- punctuality and obligingness [7, p. 59].
English researcher J. Yaher identifies six main components:
- punctuality;
- confidentiality;
- courtesy, kindness and hospitality;
- attention to people around;
- appearance;
- competence [8, p. 67].
The analysis of business etiquette components presented by
scientists, indicates that they are not adequately reflect its essence, as they
provide mostly the rules of human behavior in business, and to a lesser
extent his internal moral and business qualities. Basing on the already
known definitions of the scientists, we consider it appropriate to define the
components of business etiquette of the Masters in engineering specialities,
taking into account the characteristics of their professional training, and
presenting them as follows.
The components of business etiquette.
Cognitive – provides knowledge of the implementation details of the
communication side of interaction; informative power and search of a way
out of the situation that occurs [1, p. 37]. Knowledge of the cognitive
component in business is necessary for easy entry of the Masters in
engineering specialities into the business contact with partners, persuasion
of their companions and ensuring of making correct decisions in business
situations. We consider that it is composed of the following factors:
a) communicative; b) information-oriented.
Epistemological. The subject of epistemology is the specificity of
scientific knowledge and so on [3, p. 236]. An introduced component
provides knowledge of the sphere of business activities and, namely, human
activities, aimed at the fullest possible realization of itself as a business
person. Therefore, they are constituted of the following factors: a)
awareness; b) self-knowledge and self-development.
Emotional. Emotions are the subjective human responses to internal
and external influences [6, p. 5]. A good mood and positive attitude to any
business situation help the Master in engineering specialities to overcome
all obstacles in business successfully, and, therefore, to succeed more
quickly. So, the emotional component includes the following factors:
a) mood; b) attitude to the situation.
Axiological is based on the human values, the awareness of his role
and destination, the ability to choose the ambitions and semantic attitudes
for his actions and deeds [3, p. 3]. Business person should know which he
wants to see himself a successful, self-confident and more. The Master in
engineering specialities should be motivated to achieve the effective results
in business, and also he should visualize clearly the goals and priorities of
Collected articles Issue 2017
the business. An introduced component includes the following factors:
a) intellectual development; b) motivation; c) self-organization.
Image-building it is the idea that person creates for himself, an
external reflection of his personality, business and purely human qualities.
[4, p. 8]. The attitude of business partners to each other depends on the first
impression that is formed within the first 15-20 seconds of their
communication and concerning their appearance. The ability to cooperate
with each other, mutual respect and success of further business relationships
depend on the appropriate internal qualities of the Master in engineering
specialities and his proper business behavior. This component includes the
following factors: a) first impression; b) appearance; c) breeding;
g) partnership relations; d) business conduct.
By breaking down the components of business etiquette like that, it
is possible to see that an effective business behavior of the Master in
engineering specialities is based on his respective competencies and
abilities (axiological, epistemological and emotional) and business skills
that future Master gets in the process of education (cognitive and image-
building). The foregoing presented as a scheme (Figure 1).
Components of business etiquette
Figure 1. Components of business etiquette
First impression
Partnership relations
Business conduct
Attitude to
the situation
Self-knowledge and self-
Business skills
Business qualities
Professional ethics of the Masters in engineering specialities
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
The suggested scheme allows to see visually that namely the
presence of business skills and business qualities of the Master in
engineering specialities is the basis for the formation of his professional
The ensuring of the Masters in engineering specialities with the skills
of business etiquette based on business skills and competencies is possible
due to the use of complex psychological and pedagogical impact in the
educational process. It would simultaneously help to identify the existing
competencies, improve the internal competencies and master the necessary
business skills rapidly. The study of the disciplines of psychological and
pedagogical cycle by the Masters in engineering specialities should be
focused on the formation of business etiquette.
After analyzing the existing programs of the disciplines of
psychological and pedagogical cycle in Kharkiv National Automobile and
Highway University we concluded that too little of study time is given for
the formation of business skills of the Masters in engineering specialities.
Thus, the cycle of psychological and pedagogical training of the Masters in
engineering specialities includes only such disciplines as «Pedagogy of
Higher School», «Psychology of Higher School» and «Psychology of
Within this framework, we consider it appropriate to increase the
number of the academic subjects and time spent on the formation of
business etiquette of the Masters in engineering specialities through the
complement of training programs of psychological and pedagogical cycle
and optimization of the content of such disciplines as «Pedagogy of Higher
Schooand «Psychology of Higher School». The drill of business etiquette
skills is the most appropriate exercise during the pedagogical traineeship.
The study of the components of business etiquette in the course of
the basics of psychology and pedagogy of higher school by the students will
allow the Masters in engineering specialities to know and understand the
basis for building the effective business relationships. And this, first of all,
depends on the study of the necessary components of business skills and the
elements of proper business behavior of business person by the students.
The Masters in engineering specialities, basing on the acquired knowledge
of business etiquette, can deeply know themselves as a business person,
and, having considered their level of managing the professional qualities,
they can form the lacking necessary business skills for them. The main task
of the pedagogical traineeship will be in formation the students’ practical
skills in professional business communication and also in the methodology
of teaching in the higher school for the further use in the professional
activities at the chosen field of science and technology.
Collected articles Issue 2017
Discussion and conclusions
The basis of professional ethics of the Masters in engineering
specialities is their abilities of business etiquette. The carried out research of
the components of business etiquette leads to the conclusion that the
professional ethics of the Master in engineering specialities is formed on the
basis of business qualities of an individual (axiological, epistemological and
emotional) and business skills that future Masters gets in the process of
education (cognitive and image-building). The formation of the necessary
skills of business etiquette of the Masters in engineering specialities is
possible by studying the disciplines of psychological and pedagogical cycle.
Prospects for the further research are in a deeper study of the nature
of the professional ethics of the Masters in engineering specialities, and in
the identification of its basic components in order to form the professional
ethics of the Masters in engineering specialities.
1. Gorbatov, A. V., & Eleskina, O. V. (2007). Delovaya etika
[Business ethics]. Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat. (in Russian)
2. Kaniuk, O. L. (2009). Formuvannia vmin inshomovnogo dilovogo
spilkuvannia maibutnikh sotsialnyh pratsivnykiv u protsesi profesiinoi
pidhotovky [Formation of skills of foreign-language business
communication of future social workers in the process of professional
training] (Candidate dissertation, Ternopilskyi NPU im. Volodymyra
Hnatiuka, Ternopil, Ukraine). (in Ukrainian)
3. Klyueva, N. V. (2005). Pedagogicheskaya psihologiya
[Pedagogical psychology]. Moscow: Izd-vo VLADOS-PRESS. (in Russian)
4. Kuzin, F. A. (2002). Sovremennyiy imidzh delovogo cheloveka,
biznesmena, politika [The modern image of a business person, businessman,
politician]. Moscow: Os-89. (in Russian)
5. Mykhailiuk, V. O. (1999). Formuvannia kultury dilovogo
movlennia studentiv ahrarnogo vuzu [Formation of the culture of business
broadcasting by students of the agrarian university] (Candidate
dissertation, Kyiv, Ukraine). (in Ukrainian)
6. Rubinshteyn, S. L. (1984). Emotsii. Psihologiya emotsiy
[Emotions. Psychology of emotions]. Moscow: MGU. (in Russian)
7. Utkin, E. A. (2003). Etika biznesa [Ethics of business]. Moscow:
TEIS. (in Russian)
8. Yager, Dzh. (2004). Delovoy protocol: strategiya lichnostnogo
uspeha [Business protocol: the strategy of personal success]. Moscow:
Alpina biznes buks: Delovaya kultura. (in Russian)
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
Володимир Бондаренко, Марія Гуліна. Особливості
формування умінь з ділового етикету як основи формування
професійної етики магістрів технічних спеціальностей.
У статті представлено особливості формування умінь з ділового
етикету, що є підґрунтям формування професійної етики в магістрів
технічних спеціальностей. Виділено компоненти ділового етикету, що
становлять основу ділової поведінки особистості у професійній
діяльності. Визначено дисципліни, спрямовані на формування умінь
ділового етикету в магістрів технічних спеціальностей.
Ключові слова: етикет, діловий етикет, компоненти ділового
етикету, магістри технічних спеціальностей.
Vladimir Bondarenko, Mariya Gulina. Funkcje tworzenia
zdolności etykiety biznesowej jako podstawy kształtowania etyki
zawodowej eksperw o specjalnościach technicznych.
W artykule przedstawiono możliwości kształtowania umiejętności z zakresu
etykiety biznesowej, która jest podstawą etyki zawodowej ekspertów o
specjalnościach technicznych. Wybór elementu etykiety biznesowej stanowi
podstawę biznesowych zachow danej osoby w działalności zawodowej.
Zdefiniowana dyscyplina ma na celu kształtowanie umiejętności etykiety
biznesowej ekspertów o specjalnościach technicznych.
Słowa kluczowe: etykieta, etykieta biznesowa, elementy etykiety biznesowej,
ekspert specjalności technicznych.
Received 17.05.2017
Information about the authors:
Bondarenko Volodymyr – Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Docent,
Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Vocational
Training, Kharkiv National University of Automobile and Highways.
Gulina Maria Postgraduate Student, Kharkiv National University of
Automobile and Highways.
Collected articles Issue 2017
UDC 377.112.4:377+621+81’243
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017.24
© Shepel M., 2017
Maryna Shepel
Odessa Automobile and Road College
Odessa National Polytechnic University
The article deals with the issue of the role of a foreign language teacher in
the process of professional training of future experts of the machine-
building industry during the period of studying in technical institutions. The
viewspoints of leading scientists on the concept of «the professional training
of future experts in engineering» are regarded. The author gives her own
definition of the concept of «professional training of future experts in the
machine-building industry». It is noted that the humanitarianization of
technical education plays an important role in the professional training of
future experts in the machine-building industry. Measures aimed at the
professional training of future experts of the machine-building industry
during the study of the discipline «A Foreign Language for the Professional
Purposes»: working with professional texts and instructions from original
sources, get acquainted with the documentation, playing various
communicative situations, creating presentations on a given topic,
conducting binary sessions.
Keywords: a foreign language teacher, vocational training, a future expert
of the machine-building industry, technical institution.
The development of Ukraine as an independent democratic state puts
forward educational institutions of Ukraine new important challenges and
requirements. An important factor of changing of the educational process is
the integration of Ukraine to the European Union, strengthening relations
with developed European countries, introduction of new educational
According to the European Framework of Reference for Languages
and Concept of Teaching foreign languages the main aim of teaching a
foreign language is the formation of communicative competence among the
professionals, that means mastering a language as a way of intercultural
communication, the development of skills to use a foreign language as a
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
tool in the dialogue of cultures and civilizations of the modern world [9].
Today’s job market sets up a claim of experts of the machine-building
industry who know a foreign language in a sufficient level as a means of
communication. The topical question is the role of a foreign language
teacher in the process of professional training of future experts of the
machine-building industry.
The purpose of the article is to define activities that a foreign
language teacher can use in the process of professional training of future
experts of the machine-building industry in the period of their studying at a
technical institution.
Materials and methods
The problem of training of experts in the engineering industry is
reflected in the researches of O. Dzhedzhula, M. Kozyar, G.Raykovska,
O. Gavrilyuk, A. Lytvyn, S. Lytvynchyk, Yu. Loboda, S. Mamrych,
М. Fomіna and others; the humanitarization of experts of engineering
branch is investigated in the assignments of A. Kochubey, S. Korol. The
personality development of professional, professional orientation and
formation is considered in the researches of B. Avalos, S. Amelina,
L. Vyhots'ky, E. Erikson, Ye. Klimov, O. Leont’yev, P. Makarenko,
R. Pelekh, S. Rubinshteyn, L. Shneydera , O. Yermolayva, G. Yavors’ka.
Resourse books define the term «trainin as: 1) supply of
knowledge, skills and experience gained during the training, practice;
2) preparation of all necessary for something [4, р. 329].
In psychological and educational reference materials the term
«training» is interpreted as: 1) the formation and enrichment of knowledge
and skills which are necessary for the individual to adequately performance
of special tasks. The meaning of training is revealed in its two meanings: a
specific training organized by the formation of readiness to meet future
challenges and how readiness the existence of competence, knowledge
and skills needed to successfully perform a certain set of tasks [2, p. 140];
2) formation and enrichment of facilities, knowledge and skills necessary
for a person to adequately perform specific tasks [8, p. 344].
In the scientific examinations of scientists (Yu. Loboda, A. Lytvyn,
S. Litvinchuk, O. Ihnatyuk, M. Fomina) one can find different
interpretations of the phenomenon of professional training of specialists of
engineering profile.
So, Yu. Loboda understands professional training as the system of
targeted measures ensuring the formation of professional orientation of a
future expert, knowledge, skills and professional readiness that allow to
work in a particular field of activity [7, p. 8].
According to O. Ignatyuk, professional training of a future engineer
is a socio-pedagogical system, which is directed to the formation of value
Collected articles Issue 2017
orientations of future specialist with the goal of personal and professional
development and improvement [3, p. 16].
The scientist defines the requirements that apply to modern
engineers under the Euro standard, so called «key qualifications». Among
the major are the following requirements: communicativeness,
responsibility, reflection, the ability to cooperate, professional autonomy, an
ability of self-development, initiative, excessive professional activity, and
the like. Creative autonomy, thus, is the part of key qualifications as a basis
[3, p. 14].
By the definition of M. Fomina, psychocological and pedagogical
training of future engineers of machine-building descriptions in the higher
technical educational institutions is regarded as a specially organized
process, aimed at mastering of psychological, pedagogical and managerial
knowledge, abilities and skills, on the formation and development of
personal and professionally important qualities needed in the future
professional activity [1, p. 11].
Under the professional training of future experts of machine-building
industry we understand the deliberate process of mastering the professional
knowledge, knowledge about requirements posed by the society to the
experts of the machine-building industry.
In our opinion, the humanitarization of the professional training of
future experts of machine-building industry is very important.
A. Kochubey defines «the humanitarization of technical education»
as the system of activities during the educational process, aimed at using in
educational institutions, the capabilities of each item; the creation of
favourable conditions for formation of intellectual, spiritually rich
personality with well-developed general and professional culture of future
engineers [6, p. 9].
According to the position S. Korol, knowledge of humanities are
widely used in engineers’ daily professional activities, including:
communication with colleagues, customers, documentation, working with
others concerning the profession, establishing interpersonal relationships in
the team, etc. [5, p. 8].
Thus, a leading role in the training of future experts of machine-
building industry should belong to a foreign language teacher.
Own job experience as a foreign language teacher in Odessa
Automobile and Road College of ONPU has given an opportunity to define
the following activities aimed at professional training of future specialists in
the period of studying of the subject «A Foreign Language for Professional
Purposes»: working with specialized texts and instructions from primary
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
sources, review of documentation (drafting letters, reports, etc.), playing
various communicative situations (communicative skills with colleagues,
clients), creating presentations on a given subject, conducting binary
Discussion and conclusions
Therefore, the activies that a foreign language teacher can use in the
process of professional training of future experts of the machine-building
industry is regarded in the article. Further study is required an investigation
the role of reading comprehension of specialized texts during the subject «A
Foreign Language for Professional Purposes».
1. Fomіna, М. V. (2005). Strukturuvannja zmistu psykhologho-
pedaghoghichnoji pidghotovky majbutnikh inzheneriv mashynobudivnogho
profilju [The structuring of the contents of psychological-and-pedagogical
training of future engineers of machine-building description] (Candidate’s
thesis, M. Kotsyubynsky VSPU, Vinnytsia, Ukraine). (in Ukrainian)
2. Herasymova, N. Ye., Kasiarum, N. V., Korol, V. M., &
Savchekno, O. P. (2010). Slovnyk-dovidnyk z pedaghoghiky i psykhologhiji
vyshhoji shkoly [Glossary Directory of pedagogy and psychology of higher
school]. Cherkasy: B. Khmeljnycjkyj ChNU Publ. (in Ukrainian)
3. Ighnatjuk, O. A. (2010). Teoretychni ta metodychni osnovy
pidghotovky majbutnjogho inzhenera do profesijnogho samovdoskonalennja
v umovakh tekhnichnogho universytetu [Theoretical and methodical bases
of preparation of the future engineer to professional self-perfection in
conditions of technical university] (Expended abstract on Doctor’s thesis,
H. S. Skovoroda KhNPU, Kharkiv, Ukraine). (in Ukrainian)
4. Ivchenko, A. O. (2008). Tlumachnyj slovnyk ukrajinsjkoji movy
[Thesaurus of the Ukrainian language]. Kharkiv: Folio. (in Ukrainian)
5. Korol, S. V. (2011). Profesijna sprjamovanistj ghumanitarnoji
pidghotovky fakhivciv inzhenernogho profilju v universytetakh
[Professional orientation of humanitarian preparation of engineering
profile specialists in the universities] (Candidate’s thesis, Volodymyr
Hnatiuk TNPU, Ternopil, Ukraine). (in Ukrainian)
6. Kochubey, A. V. (2010). Ghumanitaryzacija pidghotovky
majbutnikh inzheneriv u vyshhykh navchaljnykh zakladakh zasobamy
narodoznavstva [Humanization of training future engineers in higher
educational establishments by ethnography methods] (Candidate’s thesis,
M. Kotsyubynsky VSPU, Vinnytsia, Ukraine). (in Ukrainian)
7. Loboda, Yu. G. (2010). Pedaghoghichni umovy vykorystannja
komp'juterno-integhrovanykh tekhnologhij u procesi pidghotovky
majbutnikh inzheneriv [Pedagogical conditions of implementing computer-
Collected articles Issue 2017
integrated technologies in the process of training the future engineers]
(Candidate’s thesis, K. D. Ushinsky SUNPU, Odessa, Ukraine). (in
8. Mizherikov, V. A. (1998). Psikhologo-pedagogicheskii slovar dlia
uchitelei i rukovoditelei obshcheobrazovatelnykh uchrezhdenii
[Psychological and pedagogical dictionary for teachers and heads of
general educational institutions]. Rostov-on-Don: Feniks. (in Russian)
9. Nikolayeva, S. Yu. (Ed.). (2003). Zagal’noyevropejs’ki
Rekomendaciyi z movnoyi osvity: vyvchennya, vykladannya, ocinyuvannya
[Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning,
Teaching and Assessment]. Kyiv: Lenvit. (in Ukrainian)
Марина Шепель. Роль викладача іноземної мови у процесі
професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців машинобудівної галузі.
У статті розглянуто питання ролі викладача іноземної мови у процесі
професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців машинобудівної галузі у
період навчання у технічних вишах. Розглянуто погляди провідних
науковців стосовно поняття «професійна підготовка майбутніх
фахівців інженерного профілю». Автором надано власне визначення
поняття «професійна підготовка майбутніх фахівців машинобудівної
галузі». Зазначено, що важливого значення у професійній підготовці
майбутніх фахівців машинобудівної галузі відіграє її гуманітаризація.
Визначено заходи, спрямовані на професійну підготовку майбутніх
фахівців машинобудівної галузі у період вивчення дисципліни «Іноземна
мова за професійним спрямуванням»: робота з фаховими текстами
та інструкціями з першоджерел, ознайомлення з документацією,
розігрування різних комунікативних ситуацій, створення презентацій
на задану тематику, проведення бінарних занять.
Ключові слова: викладач іноземної мови, професійна підготовка,
майбутній фахівець машинобудівної галузі, технічний ВНЗ.
Marina Shepel. Rola nauczyciela języka obcego w trakcie
szkolenia zawodowego przyszłych specjalistów z branży inżynierskiej.
W artykule poruszona została kwestia roli nauczyciela języka obcego w
trakcie szkolenia zawodowego przyszłych specjalistów z branży
inżynierskiej podczas studiów na uczelniach technicznych. Przedstawione
zostały poglądy uznanych, czołowych naukowców na temat
«profesjonalnego szkolenia przyszłych specjalistów o profilu inżynierskim».
Autor podaje własną definicję pojęcia «kształcenia przyszłych specjalistów
z branży inżynierskiej». Należy zauważyć, że tego typu kształcenie odgrywa
istotną rolę w humanizacji tego kierunku. Środki umożliwiające szkolenie
przyszłych specjalistów z branży inżynieryjnej w trakcie studiów «Języka
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
obcego o kierunku profesjonalnym» to: praca ze źródłowym tekstem
zawodowym, zapoznanie się z dokumentacją, tworzenie wielorakich
sytuacji komunikacyjnych, tworzenie prezentacji na dany temat,
prowadzenie wykładów.
Słowa kluczowe: nauczyciel języka, szkolenia, przyszłość przemysłu,
specjalista inżynierii, uczelnia techniczna.
Received 24.05.2017
Information about the author:
Shepel Maryna – Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Lecturer, Odessa
Automobile and Road College Odessa National Polytechnic University.
Collected articles Issue 2017
UDC 378.014.8:811.161.1-051:004
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017.30
© Yuzefovych K., 2017
Kateryna Yuzefovych
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
The article presents the results of the research done to define the readiness
of future language teachers to use SMART technologies in their
professional work. In particular, it presents the interpretation of the
statistical results received after conducting a survey with the students of
philological departments.
Keywords: SMART technologies, professional competence, Internet
technologies, distance learning, webinar.
The development of a new, SMART society and evolution of
technologies has changed the profile of a contemporary language teacher.
The usage of SMART technologies in the educational process is quite broad
and covers those areas that are directly related to subject learning. At the
same time they provide a substantial ground for improving educational
process, providing more freedom to students and developing their creativity.
Materials and methods
Studying the state of the professional competence of philologists in
terms of using SMART technologies in their professional work, we have
been interested in assessing the readiness of students who are future
teachers of language and literature to apply such technologies in the
educational process. Our respondents were the 4
year students of the
Philological specialization (67 people) who were asked to provide answers
to a questionnaire.
All students have given the correct definition of «SMART
technology», but it is incomplete since they associate most modern
technologies of Smart class only with the Internet and smart gadgets. We
have found that, in practice, 85% of students have faced with the SMART
technologies of distance learning, 15% of whom actively use them in the
process of studying philological sciences; 80% of the undergraduates
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
believe that the studying process which involves SMART technologies may
be more effective than traditional learning, 12% doubt the effectiveness of
such a study and 8% of respondents do not consider SMART learning to be
The interviewed students replied they would like to receive
educational materials and tasks for the courses via educational information
portal of the university without contacting the teacher personally. Thus,
80% say that it is convenient to consult with the teacher via e-mail; 90% of
students have sent their assignments to the teachers to be checked via email.
Distance communication has been carried out with the lecturers of such
courses as «Theoretical Grammar», «Practical course of a second foreign
language», «Foreign Literature». In all these cases distance communication
was initiated by teachers.
As for the conditions for the implementation of SMART
technologies in education, students mention the presence of e-learning
courses (60%), the ability to apply to a tutor, the availability of high-speed
Internet (50%), the availability of computers (20%). In addition, students
reply that the most efficient SMART technologies are video tutorials,
webinars, e-mail (40%), on-line tutorials, television-satellite technology
(40%), chat rooms and Internet resources (20%).
The students have evaluated the readiness of the university to the
implementation of SMART technologies differently: 30% of students
believe that the university is prepared for such a change; 30% of
respondents say that the university is prepared only technically; 40% of
students say that high school is not ready to fully implement the SMART
technologies into the training process. It should be noted that the views of
students are quite subjective.
Having analyzed the answers we found that the bachelors have little
interest in this issue, although almost everyone has a personal computer or a
smartphone with the Internet access.
Among the benefits of using SMART technologies in education, all
participants of the survey have named the following: the opportunity to
study remotely having an individual training schedule (60%), individual
pace of learning, an additional amount of material on the subject (50%), use
of modern teaching methods (40%), free posting of materials on the web,
the opportunity to study outside the institution (40%), the possibility of
individual consultations (30%).
Furthermore, students find that using SMART technologies in
education will be effective in assessing the quality of training in the
subjects, as it eliminates the subjective factor in the assessment.
Of all students surveyed 50% are ready to use SMART technologies
in the study of the course and consider distance learning; 20% of students
Collected articles Issue 2017
are not prepared to use new technologies because they think it needs more
knowledge and skills.
Students believe that the insufficient number of teachers in the
classroom use such SMART tools as multimedia boards, Internet resources;
information is often outdated.
Discussion and conclusions
Analysis of the received results has shown that most respondents
have formed the motivation to use SMART technologies in education. We
have found that students show interest in distance learning. In our opinion,
difficulties are associated with the inability of students to use the SMART
tools and with the lack of awareness in this regard. In addition, it can be
concluded that the more familiar young people are with the traditional
model of studying, formed in the school years.
1. Blood, R. (2000). The Weblog Handbook: Practical Advice on
Creating and Maintaining Your Blog. Cambridge, Mass.: Perseus
2. Khutorskoy, A. V. (2003). Didakticheskaya e’vristika. Teoriya i
tehnologiya kreativnogo obucheniya [Didactic heuristics. Theory and
technology of creative classroom activities]. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo MGU.
(in Russian)
3. Khutorskoy, A. V. (2005, September 1). Model’ obrazovatel’noj
sredy v distancionnom evristicheskom obuchenii [Model of the educational
environment in the distance heuristic learning]. Eidos. Retrieved from (in Russian)
4. Zakharova, M. G. (2003). Informacionnye tekhnologii v
obrazovanii [Information technology in education]. Moscow: Izdatel’skij
centr «Akademiia». (in Russian)
Катерина Юзефович. Аналіз готовності майбутніх учителів-
філологів до використання SMART технологій в професійній
У статті представлені результати дослідження, проведеного з
метою визначення готовності майбутніх учителів мови до
використання Smart технологій у своїй професійній діяльності.
Зокрема, підготовлений опис статистичних результатів, отриманих
після проведення анкетування студентів філологічних факультетів.
Ключові слова: SMART технології, професійна компетентність,
Інтернет-технології, дистанційне навчання, вебінар.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
Katarzyna Yuzefovich. Analiza gotowości przyszłych nauczycieli
filolow do korzystania z technologii SMART w działalności
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w celu
określenia gotowości przyszłych nauczycieli filologów do używania
technologii SMART w ich działalności zawodowej. Przede wszystkim mamy
tu omówienie danych statystycznych uzyskanych po przeprowadzeniu
ankiety wśród studentów filologii.
Słowa kluczowe: technologia SMART, kwalifikacje zawodowe, technologie
internetowe, kształcenie na odległość, webinar.
Received 29.05.2017
Information about the author:
Yuzefovych Kateryna Applicant, Taras Shevchenko National University
of Kyiv.
Collected articles Issue 2017
UDC 159.924:378.124
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017.34
© Mitina S., 2017
Svitlana Mitina
Bogomolets National Medical University
The article is devoted to the research of the problem of emotional burnout
of the teacher of the higher educational institution. It was analyzed the
essence and the factors of emotional burnout. It was found that the teaching
experience and the organizational conditions of professional activity effect
the development of the syndrome of «emotional burnout» of the teacher.
Keywords: the emotional burnout, the teacher, the educational activity.
The feature of the educational activity of the teacher is the fact that
its work always has an emotional relationship between the subjects of the
educational process, which may be accompanied by the intense
psychological stress and the stressful situations. As a result among the
teachers there is often the «emotional burnout» that negatively affect their
professional activity. The actual is the study of the factors of development
of the emotional burnout in order to timely measures aimed to improve the
emotional and psychological stress resistance of the teachers, which will
prevent the formation of the «syndrome of emotional burnout».
Materials and methods
Theoretical (analysis and synthesis of the psychological literature);
empirical (Pilot study, questionnaires). The research is carried out on the
basis of the chair of Pedagogics and Psychology of Postgraduate Education
of the National Medical University O. O. Bogomolets, Kyiv. The sample
composed the teachers of the higher educational institutions, a total number
of 53 persons aged from 28 to 60 years, with the pedagogical work
experience from the 1 to 30 years. The psychodiagnostical technique -
questionnaire «Professional burnout» (Maslach Burnout Inventory, MBI).
The analysis of the literature about this problem suggests that the
concept of burnout is used to indicate the state of physical, emotional and
mental exhaustion, that manifested by the sense of apathy, increased
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
anxiety, deterioration of the professional skills, self-doubt, and it is the
consequence of combination of the high emotional costs with the chronic
situational stress. V. V. Boyko [1] describes the syndrome of emotional
burnout as the acquired by the personality mechanism of the psychological
defense in the form of the exclusion of emotions in the response to the
stressful influences. In this regard, the burnout can be interpreted as the
functional stereotype of professional behavior, which allows the human to
dose and to economically use the power resources. In itself, the author
considers the emotional burnout as constructive, but its effects are
dysfunctional when emotional burnout negatively impact on the
relationships with the partners and further leads to the professional
deformation of the personality.
The external factors of the development of the emotional burnout of
the teachers are: the presence of chronical intense psycho-emotional activity
that is associated with the intensive communication; the destabilizing
organization of the work, the increased level of responsibility; the adverse
psychological sphere of the professional activity; the complex psychological
contingent in the field of the communication. The internal factors of the
emotional burnout of the teachers are the emotional rigidity, the intense
internalization and the weak motivation of professional activity.
During the study of the manifestation of emotional burnout
syndrome of the teachers, we used three-factorial model C. Maslach [2] and
S. Jackson, which includes three main components: the emotional
exhaustion, the depersonalization and the reduction of personal
The results of the research show the dependence of syndrome
manifestation of the emotional burnout of pedagogical experience of the
teacher. The severity of as such symptom of emotional burnout as
«depersonalization» has the growing character, which may manifest in the
negativism, the cynicism in the relation to the students and colleagues, as
well as in the personality deformation. The maximum values of emotional
exhaustion is observed to the teachers with experience of work about 20
years (Table 1).
Table 1
The manifestation of syndrome of emotional burnout of the teachers
depending on the experience of educational activity
Reduction of
1-10 years
10-20 years
20-30 years
Collected articles Issue 2017
Results of the survey showed that the syndrome of emotional
burnout manifested to the teachers, regardless of the work experience, that
were dissatisfied with working conditions. Increase the risk of «burnout»: -
the unclear organization and planning of the work, the deficiency of
equipment, the excessive standards of the students in the classroom; - the
lack of possibility of the certification training; - the strained relation with
the direction, the poor relation in the team, the conflicts in the system
«teacher-student». However, the awareness of their work as prestigious
reduces the risk of the «burnout» appearance.
Discussion and conclusions
In our view, the teachers who have been staying in the intensive
interaction with the students, some of whom are rude, unmotivated to learn,
triggered a psychological defense mechanism in the form of emotional
neglect, indifference. In this case, the decrease of the emotional background
can be regarded as the acquired stereotype of the professional behavior of
the teacher allowing to dosed use of the emotional resources. But when a
teacher applies indifferently to the needs of other students and colleagues, it
can cause the conflicts, and emotional burnout manifested his dysfunctional
The teachers of the higher educational institutions are at the group of
the risk of emotional burnout syndrome’s development, which is the main
cause is the continued intensive psycho-emotional overload. It was found
the tendency of aggravation of the burnout symptoms depending on the
work experience of the teacher and the dissatisfaction of the organizational
conditions of the professional activity.
The optimization of working conditions, the organization and the
passing of the special trainings aimed to the improving of the emotional and
psychological stress resistance, will allow to prevent the formation of
emotional burnout syndrome of the teachers of the higher educational
1. Bojko, V. V. (2004). Jenergija jemocij [Energy of emotions].
Saint Petersburg: Piter. (in Russian)
2. Maslach, C., & Leiter M. (2008). Early predictors of job burnout
and engagement. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(3), 498-512.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
Світлана Мітіна. Чинники емоційного вигорання викладача
вищого навчального закладу.
Статтю присвячено дослідженню проблеми емоційного вигорання
викладача вищого навчального закладу. Проаналізовано сутність та
чинники емоційного вигорання. З’ясовано, що на розвиток синдрому
«емоційного вигорання» викладача впливають педагогічний стаж та
умови професійної діяльності.
Ключові слова: емоційне вигорання, викладач, педагогічна діяльність.
Swietłana Mitina. Czynniki powodujące emocjonalne wypalenie
u nauczycieli wyższych instytucji edukacyjnych.
W artykule analizowany jest problem wypalenia nauczycieli w trakcie pracy
na uczelni. Omówiony jest charakter i przyczyny wypalenia. Stwierdzono, że
na rozwój syndromu «wypalenia emocjonalnego» u nauczyciela wpływa
pedagogiczne doświadczenie w pracy oraz warunki działalności zawodowej.
Słowa kluczowe: emocjonalne wypalenie, nauczyciel, zajęcia dydaktyczne.
Received 30.05.2017
Information about the author:
Mitina Svitlana Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology, Docent, Associate
Professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Postgraduate
Education, Bogomolets National Medical University.
Collected articles Issue 2017
UDC 159.9.015:
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017.38
© Drobot O., 2017
Olga Drobot
State Higher Educational Establishment «Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky State
Pedagogical University named after Hryhoriy Skovoroda»
Development of professional consciousness of the future specialist is
examined via formation of the specialists own system of transforming
information and explaining the reality, where his subjective world is
transformed, in the course of professional training and practice, into the
world of profession of a practicing specialist. Today’s preparation of future
specialists must be aimed more at systemic development of their
professional consciousness. Certain professional consciousness
development methods have been outlined.
Keywords: development of professional consciousness, professional
semantics, psychosemantic methods, professional training, university-based
According to the logic of development of complex systems, patterns
of development of the professional’s consciousness must concur with the
patterns of development of professional consciousness per se [9], especially
in the light of university-based preparation of specialists.
An individual’s activity-based indirect relationships with a group (in
every age category, an individual is included to a new social group which
becomes the reference group for him) influence development of his
personality [1; 7]. Therefore, consciousness becomes dependent not so
much from the activity as such as from the leading activity.
The most intensive processes of the specialist’s development occur
at the time of study in a higher education institution; however, development
of professional consciousness continues during the person’s entire
professional ontogenesis.
The world of profession consists of specific (for every profession)
accents of perception and reflection of the world by persons for whom
profession became a way of life. The world of profession manifests itself
via professional semantics, professional reflection of situations, professional
social perception and professional aspects of communication. Professional
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
activity is conducted on the basis of certain professional and personal
experience. Gaining this experience requires development of a system of
professional meanings and mastering new cognitive schemes, development
of special forms of thinking, partial transformation of semantic structures,
which on the whole, compose the image of the world typical for this
particular activity.
The structure of professional consciousness was described in the
provisions formulated by E. F. Zeyr [4] for personality-oriented
professional education. The author shows that development of a specialist
envisages development of: axiological orientation and professional
consciousness; social and professional intellect; emotional-volitional
sphere; positive attitude toward the world and oneself; independence,
autonomy and confidence in oneself; professionally important qualities and
In today’s world, more attention should be devoted to cognition-
oriented education, intellectual development of graduates and their
preparation for the future socio-professional life. A person starts
professional labor activity with the already-developed, value-based
consciousness, knowing what interests he would like to realize with his
Professional environment forces a person to transform his value-
based orientations, forming a practical consciousness plan influenced by
personality’s value-based orientations and particular circumstances of
professional work life. For instance, O. I. Hrynchuk [2] uses materials of an
empirical study to show the role of value-based orientations in development
of professional self-perception of future managers.
Continuing this line of thought, the scholar D. V. Ronzin writes that
content-wise, level-wise and structural specifics of professional
consciousness determine forecasting, goal setting, planning, decision
making, control, evaluation and correction of the specialist’s activity [8].
Materials and methods
Goals of academic programs are insufficient to develop all structural
components of professional consciousness. The study of professional
consciousness as a subject of psychological research is developing in
psychosemantic direction, and requires use of psychosemantic methods. The
science of psychosemantics is a branch of psychology studying genesis,
composition and functioning of the individual system of meanings and
personality-related senses in the person’s consciousness. Psychosemantic
research paradigm is the most capable of recording deep manifestations of
human subjectivity, i. e. psychosemantic one. Psychosemantics propose a
study of categorical structures of individual consciousness and composition
of meaning-based models of certain types of professional consciousness,
Collected articles Issue 2017
filled with concrete content [3]. Study of a certain type of professional
consciousness means reconstruction of the system of individual meanings
and senses of every future specialist or professional and of the entire
professional group. Determination of common psychosemantic content in
professional consciousness, through which one perceives objects, oneself
and others, is what differentiates one type of professional consciousness
from another in its psychosemantic representation.
Contemporary psychological science uses a number of methods for
quality development of professional consciousness in future professionals.
U. L. Morokhovska [6] has devised and implemented a program of
developing new professional senses, and proved its applicability for
development of motivational components of professional self-determination
in students. O. V. Drobot’s methodology of Managerial Decision Making
Situations (MDMS) [3] outlines sophistication and development levels of
administrative consciousness in future managers. O. M. Lozova’s technical-
semantic methodology, Sense Formation Initiation Technique [5], creates
conditions for initiation of production by respondents of linguistic texts to
overcome predetermination of old senses and accomplish the rethinking
The conclusion that university-based preparation must be aimed at
systemic development of professional consciousness in the future specialist
remains of contemporary importance.
1. Akopov, G. V. (2004). Obrazovanie i razvitie soznaniya
[Education and development of consciousness]. Problemy soznaniya v
rossiyskoy psihologii Problem of consciousness in Russian psychology
(pp. 161-175). Moscow: MPSI; Voronezh: NPO «MODEK». (in Russian)
2. Grinchuk, O. I. (2006). Tsinnisni orientatsiyi yak pokaznik
profesiynoyi samosvidomosti maybutnih menedzheriv [The valued
orientations as index of professional consciousness of future managers]. In
L. E. Orban-Lembrik (Ed.), Zbirnik naukovikh prac’: filosofiia, sociologiia,
psikhologiia Collection of scientific works: philosophy, sociology,
psychology (11 (1) pp. 56-65). Ivano-Frankivsk: VDV CIT. (in Ukrainian)
3. Drobot, O. V. (2016). Profesiyna svidomist kerivnika
[Professional consciousness of leader]. Kyiv: Talkom. (in Ukrainian)
4. Zeyr, E. F. (2006). Psihologiya professiy [Psychology of
professions]. Moscow: Akademicheskiy proekt. (in Russian)
5. Lozova, O. M. (2009). Teoretichni pidstavi ta praktika
zastosuvannya tehniki initsiyuvannya smisloutvorennya [Theoretical
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
grounds and practice of applying the technique of initiating the meaning of
formation]. In S. D. Maksimenko (Ed.), Aktualni problemy psihologiyi
Actual problems of psychology (9 (4) ed., pp. 249-256). Kyiv: Institut
psikhologii imeni G. S. Kostiuka NAPN Ukraini. (in Ukrainian)
6. Morokhovska, U. L. (2011). Rozvitok motivatsiynih skladovih
profesiynogo samoviznachennya maybutnih psihologiv [Development of
motivational components of professional self-determination of future
psychologists] (Candidate’s thesis, Derzhavnij vishchij navchal’nij zaklad
«Universitet menedzhmentu osviti», Kyiv, Ukraine). (in Ukrainian)
7. Petrovskiy, A. V. (1984). Problema razvitiya lichnosti s pozitsii
sotsialnoy psihologii [The problem of personality development from the
standpoint of social psychology]. Voprosy psihologii Questions of
psychology, 4, 13-17. (in Russian)
8. Ronzin, D. V. (1991). Professionalnoe soznanie uchitelya kak
nauchno-prakticheskaya problema [Professional consciousness of teacher as
a scientific and practical problem]. Psihologicheskiy zhurnal
Psychological Journal, 5, 65-72 (in Russian)
9. Hanina, I. B., & Leont’ev, D. A. (Eds.). (2011). Psihologiya
subektivnoy semantiki: Istoki i razvitie [Psychology of subjective semantics:
Origins and development]. Moscow: Smysl. (in Russian)
Ольга Дробот. Становлення професійної свідомості з точки
зору підготовки майбутніх фахівців.
Розглядається становлення професійної свідомості майбутнього
фахівця через формування у нього власної системи перетворення
інформації та пояснення дійсності, де його суб’єктивний світ, у
процесі професійного навчання та практики перетворюється за
змістом до світу професії працюючого фахівця. Сучасна підготовка
майбутнього фахівця повинна спрямовуватись більше на системне
формування його професійної свідомості. Наводяться методи
формування професійної свідомості.
Ключові слова: становлення професійної свідомості, професійна
семантика, психосемантичні методи, професійне навчання, вузівська
Olga Drobot. Kształtowanie świadomości zawodowej pod kątem
przygotowania przyszłych fachowców.
Analiza kształtowania świadomości zawodowej przyszłego fachowca
poprzez tworzenie u niego własnego systemu przetwarzania informacji i
wyjaśnienie rzeczywistości, w której jego subiektywny świat w trakcie nauki
i praktyki zawodowej zmienia się pod względem spojrzenia na świat
pracującego zawodowo fachowca. Współczesne przygotowanie przyszłego
fachowca powinno być przede wszystkim ukierunkowane na systemowe
Collected articles Issue 2017
kształtowanie jego świadomości zawodowej. W artykule podane zostały
metody owego kształtowania świadomości zawodowej.
Słowa kluczowe: kszttowanie świadomości zawodowej, semantyka
zawodowa, metody psychosemantyczne, studia zawodowe, przygotowanie
na uczelni wyższej.
Received 16.06.2017
Information about the author:
Drobot Olga Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor at the
Department of Psychology, State Higher Educational Establishment
«Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky State Pedagogical University named after
Hryhoriy Skovoroda».
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
UDC 304.2-043.83-027.561-057.4:159.922.2-049.4-044.025]:37.091.212
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017.43
© Kostina V., 2017
Valentyna Kostina
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University
The article analyzes innovative ideas on formation of professional readiness
of future specialists in social sphere for the prevention of maladjustment of
pupils. Substantiated is the choice of methods and means in the course of
their preparation within the framework of the designed educational, which
ensures the development of professionally significant personal
characteristics and qualities and the increase of their professional
competence level in preventive work with maladjusted pupils.
Keywords: specialist in social sphere, prevention of maladjustment of
pupils, formation of professional readiness.
The changes which are happening in Ukraine in the area of
university education are based on necessity of taking into account latest
world-wide tendencies in various spheres of common development in
general and in the area of education in particular. Spreading of globalization
processes, transformation of existing educational beacons, implementation
of educational technology innovations is promoting the necessity of
attentive study and summarizing of the experience of EU countries in the
area of social work with the purpose of selecting effective ways and means
of preventive work with maladjusted pupils and implementing them in the
process of training of future specialists in social sphere.
Analysis of science literature on issues in the area of training of
future workers of social assistance in various countries have shown that the
system of professional training has common sides and individual
differences, dependent on the type of country’s commonwealth system and
differences of development and also on the standard of living of its citizens.
O. Pichkar, based on analysis of training of social workers for preventive
work with children and youth in different countries noted, that there exist
certain limitations [4, p. 166-167]: age (Switzerland, Finland, USA,
Canada); certain educational level (USA, Canada, Australia); previous
Collected articles Issue 2017
social work experience (Germany, Switzerland, USA); pedagogical skills
and foundation of pedagogical culture (Russia); existence of a developed
social intellect which allows to understand person’s motivation and personal
characteristics (USA). Author also highlights the following important
characteristics of social intellect [4, p. 167]: social self-effectiveness;
emphatic interest; pronounced estimable attitude to oneself and others. For
the successful conduct of social work the social worker has to develop the
following competency types [4, p. 168]: methodical, social, organizational.
Also, in Great Britain, to special competency which has to be demonstrated
by the social work specialist is attributed acknowledgement of values of
social work. Comparison of essence and features of various systems of
training of future social sphere specialists in Ukraine and abroad, has
allowed to identify the following essential elements of professionalism of
future specialist, which independent from the actual place of work always
must provide effectiveness of their work: professional worldview,
professional skills and qualities, professional conduct, where the first is the
basis for the following two.
In philosophical dictionary compiled by M. Rosenthal the following
definition is specified: «worldview accumulation of principles, views and
beliefs that set direction for work and relation to reality of an individual,
social group, class or community as a whole» [7, p. 247]. Worldview
consists of elements, which belong to all forms of social consciousness
(philosophical, scientific, political, moral, aesthetic views) and has
enormous practical sense for an individual, influencing behavior, life
aspirations, interests, work and society, creating pre-conditions for its
development. Analysis of scientific psychological and pedagogical literature
on problems of forming professional worldview of future pedagogues
allows asserting that in the related scientific environment there appeared a
number of related terms: «pedagogical worldview», «professional
pedagogical worldview». For example, in a thesis investigation made by
I. Ibrahimova she clarifies the notion of «pedagogical worldview». Author
highlights its main characteristics [2]: orientation on humanitarian values,
personal and professional motivation, adherence to scientific principles,
independence, activity and effectiveness. Due to demands of a modern
changing world, the requirements for professional activity of social workers
have also changed. During the times of globalization, increasing migration
processes social worker must have ability to communicate with
representatives of different ethnic groups and social strata to organize
communal welfare activity, aimed at preventing cases of maladjustment
among children and youth, that are brought forward by atypical social
problems: war conflicts (between representatives of related ethnic groups);
the proliferation of different maladies that have dangerous pandemic
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
tendencies (drug addiction, computer addiction, AIDS, etc.). Given
developed by I. Ibragimova system of meaningful elements of educational
worldview of future pedagogues and specifics of modern professional
activity of future specialists in social sphere focused on prevention of
maladjustment among students, among the main characteristics of their
professional worldview we highlight the following: humanistic orientation,
personality-oriented professional motivation, adherence to scientific
principles, social activity, creativity, flexibility, openness, effectiveness,
ability for tolerant communicative interaction.
E. Dmitrieva defines the professional pedagogical worldview as a
system of attitudes, beliefs, values and ideals of the teacher, dynamic and
based on philosophical, psychological, educational, economic, legal
scientific knowledge, which are determining the direction of teacher’s
career and are reflected in his or her independent personal position [1].
Analysis of E. Dmitrieva research suggests that in the formation of
professional pedagogical worldview of the future teacher there exists a
sequence of interrelated phases: orientation, appropriation and
transformation. Because important part of the work of specialist in social
sphere for prevention of maladjustment of students in different social
institutions, is both implementation of teacher education and education of
children and young people, it is considered appropriate in the formation of a
professional worldview of the future experts in social sphere to identify
above-named interdependent steps with the following content: orientation
(formation of the students focus on positive activities for the prevention of
maladjustment of pupils in different social institutions, the formation of a
need for professional improvement in the above-named direction);
assignment (mastering by students of humanistic values, ideals, modern
tactics in the area of social work related to prevention of maladjustment of
pupils, testing existing foreign and domestic approaches and forming own
opinions regarding the prevention of maladjustment of pupils in affiliate
network facilities environment) and conversion (formation of readiness of
students for self-development of professional worldview of the future
specialists in social sphere on a personal level and for creative self-
L. Reutova defines professional pedagogical worldview as integral
personal formation, which is dynamically developing and consists of a
system of attitudes, beliefs, values and ideals of the teacher, based on
philosophical, psychological, educational, economic, legal scientific
knowledge that together determine orientation of teacher’s professional
training and activity and is reflected in the increase of professional
identification [5]. The researcher notes that the formation of teacher’s
professional worldview implies development of tolerance for others’ way of
life, behavior, customs, feelings, ideas, opinions, beliefs, faiths. We share
Collected articles Issue 2017
the author’s idea of the importance of the formation of professional
pedagogical worldview for future specialists in social sphere that have to
implement prevention of maladjustment of pupils in different social
institutions because an important area of their professional activities is to
create conditions for the development of sociality of both students and their
social circle through pedagogical development of social environment, which
is a prerequisite for their successful adaptation to it. Given what is
mentioned above regarding professional training of future specialists in
social sphere for work of prevention of maladjustment among pupils, we
consider it necessary to introduce students to issues of philosophy of
education as key component in building their worldview and also to
possibilities of enhancing their pedagogical culture and pedagogical
The analysis of the training of teaching staff in prevention of
maladjustment of pupils at home and at school in the United States and
Canada allows to distinguish effective means allowing to increase their
level of professionalism. A. Faber and E. Mazlish provide an opportunity to
familiarize with unique communication strategies that help children and
teenagers solve daily problems and enjoy the learning process [6].
V. Olefir developed a structural model of the intellectual-personal
potential of self-regulation of the subject of activity. The author states that
«self-regulation of the subject is based on the intellectual-personal potential
as an integral entity that has a nonspecific manifestation in the context of
situations of uncertainty, achievement, pressure, mediating their influence
on the success of various activities and psychological well-being of the
individual» [3, p. 143-144]. Taking into account the aforementioned, during
the process of training future specialists in social sphere for the prevention
of maladjustment of pupils, it is necessary to develop their intellectual and
personal potential as a necessary resource that will ensure success of their
work with complex contingents and in conditions of uncertainty.
Discussion and conclusions
On the basis of analysis and generalization of scientific literature, the
following components of the professional readiness of future specialists in
social sphere for prevention of maladjustment of pupils are identified:
motivational (the formation of interest in the implementation of professional
activities for the prevention of maladjustment of pupils in various social
institutions); cognitive (the formation of a system of knowledge for the
identification of factors that cause the emergence of child and youth
maladjustment, as well as the organization of socio-pedagogical and social
activities for the prevention of maladjustment of pupils in various social
institutions as a prerequisite for the formation of professional outlook of
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
future specialists); practical (development of professional skills for
implementing multi-level activities for the prevention of maladjustment of
pupils in various social centers, as well as experience and skills of
pedagogical and social work and the foundation of pedagogical culture);
personal (development of intellectual personal potential of future
specialists, which will provide effective activities for the prevention of
maladjustment of pupils).
Consequently, based on the results of analysis of domestic and
foreign studies, it can be argued that the formation of professional readiness
of future specialists in the social sphere to prevent maladjustment of pupils
in various social institutions has to ensure, with the help of a specially
designed educational environment, the development of their professional
outlook and professional skills of intellectual and personal potential, as the
basis for the identification of professionally acceptable behavior in the
process of practical training within higher education institutions and social
institutions of the partner network, which will contribute to increase in their
resources for work with the specified contingent and the success of their
further practical activities.
1. Dmitrieva, E. V. (2003). Formirovanie professionalnogo
pedagogicheskogo mirovozzreniya buduschego uchitelya [Formation of the
professional pedagogical outlook of the future teacher] (Candidate’s
thesis). Retrieved from
uchitelya#ixzz4TBm1Pw00 (in Russian)
2. Ibragimova, I. Yu. (2002). Formirovanie pedagogicheskogo
mirovozzreniya buduschego uchitelya v vuze [Formation of the pedagogical
worldview of the teacher in the university] (Candidate’s thesis). Retrieved
from (in
3. Olefir, V. O. (2016). Psykholohiia samorehuliatsii subiekta
diialnosti [The psychology of self-regulation of the subject activity]
(Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from (in Ukrainian)
4. Pichkar, O. P. (2004). Pidhotovka sotsial’nykh pratsivnykiv do
profilaktychnoyi roboty z dit’my i molodyu u Velykiy Brytaniyi [Preparing
social workers for preventive work with children in the UK]. Pidhotovka
sotsialnykh pratsivnykiv/sotsialnykh pedahohiv do profilaktyky
adyktyvnoyi povedinky molodiTraining of social workers/social educators
to prevent addictive behavior among young people (pp. 164-175).
Cherkasy : Cherkas’kyy natsional’nyy universytet. (in Ukrainian)
Collected articles Issue 2017
5. Reutova, L. P. (2011). Professionalno-pedagogicheskoe
mirovozzrenie i pedagogicheskaya deystvitelnost’ [Professional-
pedagogical worldview and pedagogical reality]. In A. F. Dolmatov (Ed.),
Teoreticheskie i metodologicheskie problemy sovremennogo obrazovaniia
Theoretical and methodological problems of modern education. Moscow:
Institut strategicheskikh issledovanij. Retrieved from (in Russian)
6. Faber, A., & Mazlish, E. (2012). Mystetstvo spilkuvannya z
dit’my: Udoma ta v shkoli [The art of communicating with the children: At
home and at school]. Kyiv: KM Publishing. (in Ukrainian)
7. Rozental’, M. M. (Ed.). (1972). Filosofskiy slovar’ [Philosophical
dictionary]. (3
ed.). Moscow: Politizdat. (in Russian)
Валентина Костіна. Формування професійної готовності
майбутніх фахівців соціальної сфери до профілактики дезадаптації
У статті проаналізовано інноваційні ідеї з формування професійної
готовності майбутніх фахівців соціальної сфери до профілактики
дезадаптації учнів. Обґрунтовано вибір методів і засобів у процесі
їхньої підготовки у межах спроектованого освітнього середовища, що
забезпечує розвиток професійно-значущих особистісних
характеристик та якостей і зростання рівня їхньої професійної
компетентності в профілактичній роботі з дезадаптованими учнями.
Ключові слова: фахівець соціальної сфери, профілактика дезадаптації
учнів, формування професійної готовності.
Valentina Kostina. Utworzenie profesjonalnego przygotowania
dla przyszłych specjalistów od profilaktyki niedostosowania
społecznego uczniów.
W artykule analizowane innowacyjne pomysły dla profesjonalnego
kształcenia przyszłych specjalistów od profilaktyki niedostosowania
społecznego uczniów. Dobór metod i narzędzi stosowanych w trakcie
szkolenia został przygotowany tak, aby zapewnić optymalny rozwój
zawodowy, uwzględniając przy tym ważne cechy indywidualne, i zwiększ
poziom kompetencji zawodowych kursantów w pracy profilaktycznej z
niedostosowanymi społecznie uczniami.
Słowa kluczowe: specjalistyczne usługi społeczne, profilaktyka
niedostosowania uczniów, tworzenie profesjonalnej gotowości.
Received 20.06.2017
Information about the author:
Kostina Valentyna Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Docent, Doctoral
Candidate at the Department of Primary, Pre-School and Professional
Education, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
UDC 378:78:[27:572
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017.49
© Kondratska L., 2017
Ludmila Коndratska
Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University
The article makes an attempt to ground the concept of Master’s course of
Musical anthropology on the basis of a priori idea of a homo musicus being
attached to God specifically on the idea of antonymic correlation between
the Image (its changing nature) and a given Appearance (unchanging
personality) on the way of obtaining a desirable freedom and meeting its
challenges: the exchange of authenticity of Salvation into the idea of «Earth
Keywords: phenomenology of intonative consciousness, strategy of homo
musicus, types of prayer dialogues, musically rhetoric sermon, new sacred
space, spiritual commitment.
Postmodern existential anxiety determines the peculiar content
features of intonations of definite musical events where the composer works
less with notes but more with contexts and the participants are united by the
pathos of the Utopian local project aiming at critical destruction of the
existing models. Among the most interesting attempts of this type last year
there were some foreign premieres worth mentioning such as done by
Georg Haas, Franck Bedrossian, Stefan Prins and especially experimental
music theatre (Winzig) of Manos Tsangaris in Ultimafestivalen in Oslo; the
newest acoustic «inventions» hidden under the mask of musical
accompaniment to theatrical performances often turn out to be the core of
the action; absolutely incredible transformation of the world classical music.
Presented new musical thinking is a result of the radical breakthrough
beyond the European Tonsatz і Harmonielehre.
Mentioned tendencies appear to be aiming not at proving
V. Martynov’s tragic statement about «the end of the composers’ epoch»
but making desperate attempts to deny it. Special creativity is observed in
works by an American composer Mark Barden, Italian Lorenzo Troiani,
Dane Christian Winther Christensen, Norwegian Lars Petter Hagen,
Spaniards Abel Paúl, Marina Poleukhina and Alexander Chernyshkov and
Collected articles Issue 2017
However, unfortunately, their efforts don’t move beyond the limits
of attempts to present positivistic self-satisfaction and scientism ideas of
‘looking secretlyat the mystery of a ‘new Earth’s ruler’. It seems that we
are presented a type of a so called ‘Kafkian person’ who seems not so tragic
as pointless, completely immersed into the problems of nomadology, the
philosophy of crisis, the search for marginal self-identification. The
alternative to this position can be intonative consciousness able to do
responsible anagogical self-criticism. In order to observe this intonative
consciousness a course of Musical anthropology has been devised.
Materials and methods
The scientific ground of the subject of Musical anthropology was
suggested in groundbreaking research and ethnographic description by
Bruno Nettl, Alan P. Merriam, A. R. Radcliffe-Brown, Anthony Seeger,
David P. McAllester, and also Vladimir Martynov, Viktoriya Suhantseva,
Victoriya Getman, Alla Toropova and others. On the one hand, it is an
investigation of music as an ethnical, cultural, social, and psychological
phenomenon, on the other hand, it is an investigation of variety of
revelation of homo musicus (as a composer, musician, listener) in a spiritual
and creative process’.
The original textbook (2016) is a result of a completely innovative
research concerning the meaning and style evolution of intonative
consciousness (in the context of Christian anthropology). Its publishing was
preceded by narrative studying during which Master’s students had been
inspired to do erothemetic search for the essence of the following ideas:
hierophanic essence of music in a sacred space (Topic 1); strategic
conditions of traditional and historical types of homo musicus in their
choice of spiritual transformation or of both evolutionary and revolutionary
self-assurance (Topic 2); the typology of religious phenomenology of
intonative consciousness as a symbolic and syncretic function of human
psyche which is realised on the level of eidetity of musical being (Topic 3),
individual image of a prayer as a anagogical factor of composing practice
(Topic 4); musical and rhetoric antonymy as metaphorical vocabulary of a
Baroque composer-preacher (Topic 5); musical disposition of classicists as
Cartesianian and Kantian search for canon of a natural human (Topic 6);
subjectively intonative reflection and creation of the existence by ‘the
Demiurge of esthetic shadows’ as a revelation of ‘Christological decline’ of
a composer-romanticist (Topic 7); a trip of a Kafkian producer-consumer
over musical avant-garde ‘wonderland’ as an attempt to return to a sacred
ritual (Topic 8).
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
Consequently, epistemological interpretation is done on the basis of
the original concept of the musical anthropology content as a factor of
spiritual asceticism of Music Master’s students which means:
- the interpretation of spiritual strategies (such as rituals,
divinization, evolutionary and revolutionary act, matrix) and principles
(such as bricolage, variability, composition) of realization of different
models of a homo musicus what means prevalence of heartfelt prayers on
iconic stage (on condition of antonymous creation as an act of obedience
and development of Catholithianic consciousness) and on cultural stage or
prevalence of rational prayers (on condition of author’s creation as an act of
- the interpretation of the reasons for the extension (in the epoch of
cantus firmus) of the range of the existential iconic singing and introduction
of a new type of intonative consciousness which is revealed in ‘new
authenticity of compositional structures (such as organum of the Notre-
Dame epoch) and in the violation of the author’s canon by folk melodies;
- the interpretation of the reasons for the beginning of the epoch of
thematism and the appearance of a ‘smart’ preacher of the allegorical,
tropological and anagogical senses of musical texts which bear affective
procedural character specifically musical and rhetoric schemes (indices and
icons) as fundamental paradigm of the composer’s practice of a
‘Cartesianian personality’.
- the reasons for the necessity of a new cognitive strategy
(‘harrowing’ into secular world and rising to a spiritual ideal on a gradually
horizontal trajectory), discovery of the principle of thematic development
and reanalyzing the connection between music and rhetoric in classicistic
Gospel sermons as a fundamental paradigm of the composer’s practice of a
‘Kantian personality who appears to be an independent fighter with a
perfectly formed titanic (Sturmeric) dignity (based on the deep belief in
personal perfection as a reflection of God), with an intention to seek the
truth, with the skills to efficiently combine striking novelty of individually
sensitive musical expression with then known rational method of its
- the interpretation of the reasons for the contradiction of intonative
consciousness of romanticists: on the one hand, they look like a
‘Frankenstein with a blue rose who has lost his human and angelic
appearance living without God, on the other hand, they appear to be
escapist-dreamers with bitter images of ‘religiousless Christianity
combined with extreme dissatisfaction, complaints, anger in their
- the interpretation of causality of anthropological disaster that
reflects the following: existential atmosphere of the first avant-garde (before
1930-s) when an intonative extreme collectivist desperately denies common
Collected articles Issue 2017
sense; the second post-war avant-garde (1945-1968) which was quietly and
continuously insisted on by an intonative radical individualist; the third
avant-garde (since 1970-s) during which minimalists have been acquiring
‘the art of not being a composer’ and the music has eventually obtained its
own ‘ego wearing all possible masks of different techniques and
approaches (micro tonation, aleatoric music, action, glitch) that reflect
unprecedented (still musically approved) nature of correlation between
homo musicus and a machine what is often incomprehensible for listeners
and causes doubts in its reasonability;
- the interpretation of the consequences of damaging the correlation
between an intonative person and the space and its Creator, as a result, the
search for soteriological defense takes place and the project of ‘new sacred
spacehas been introduced.
The phenomenon of new sacred space means:
- interpretation of the text as a sacred structure that transforms
psychological ‘now into metaphysical ‘now=always’ and allows writing
musical statements into time-space out of music and makes possible its
canonic interpretation (that overcomes modern tendency to interpret sacred
texts in an emotional and psychological way);
- renovation of cantusian writing that is based on the system of
liturgical singing: Gregorian chant, ancient Rus chant, Byzantine octoechos,
traditions of early polyphonic adaptation of monody, archaic folk music,
styles of Renaissance and Baroque polyphony, Venetian polichoir, and also
stylistic idioms of New music;
- commenting on historic and stylistic complex as a cantus that
implies using reading techniques ‘of the parallel places’ and text collage
technique as forms of comments; introducing the parallel text above the
main material and creation of the context as a source of author’s comments;
- actualization of musicians’ authenticity according to style models.
Differentiating the introduced versions of the defined concept in the
postmodern musical space requires from Music Master students to
comprehend the typology of:
- symbolic structures of anthropological sense;
- musical texts according to the ways of anthropological and sense
codification; semiotic principles of their organization and the criteria of
their ranking according to the levels of complicity of forming
anthropological sense;
- musical practice of anthropological and sense intonation including:
a) image and subject musical practice (musical text is regarded as the
project of manipulation of simulacra of the humanity’s archetypes initiated
by ‘producer-consumer’); b) symbol and meaning musical practice (musical
text is regarded as an author’s intellectual and affective construction of
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
thinking image of anthropological sense in a space of sacred tradition);
c) sign and scheme musical practice (musical text is viewed as a spiritual
awakening, humble following a sacred canon and its translator is considered
to be a viewer of the human essence in a sacred space of their existence);
to acquire:
- the skills to define the limits of the ‘body of intonative sense of
rhetoric figures (of an icon, index, symbol) and disposition in order to
define the anthropological sense;
- the technique of inquiring the anthropological sense in different
types of musical texts interpretation specificall: a) sense shortage and
generalization in the process of changing the perspective; b) metaphorical
perception of allegorical-tropological-anagogical senses of musical texts;
c) the technique of logical organization of thinking search in the process of
figuring out (retro-, pro-, transpective reflection) the trajectory of
appearance and transformation of intonative and meaningful complexes;
d) hypothetical deductive explication of the process of proposed musical
modeling of the anthropological sense and multifunctional communication
by thoughts.
The desire to help a musician-listener to be aware of causal
conditions of homo musicus performing in sacred space space of sacred
art art space space of producing-consuming (with the aim to follow
gradual and endless self-damaging transformation) has determined the
necessity to introduce the models of sense and hermeneutic didactic,
- latent obligatory learning as observing the model of differentiating
the anthropological sense of the musical texts (artifacts);
- associative learning as an inborn differentiating icons and indices
of a person-archetype;
- dialogical incentive teaching to understand and interpret musical
texts; art-projects.
Realization of these didactic models is obviously based on the
following principles:
- improvisation as a means of unexpected and transforming
organization of the studying process;
- variability as a gradual variation of the plan in the process of
musical adapting the anthropological sense;
- paradoxality as a conflict between theoretical grounds and
ontological being of musical modeling anthropological sense;
- intonationability caused by the intonative nature of human
Collected articles Issue 2017
The experimental implementation of the course in the studying
process proved that the final solution to the problem of the phenomenology
of intonative consciousness from the perspective of antonymic mutual
dependence between human nature and personality means spiritual rise of
Master students themselves: changing their direction from the faith in their
own almighty talent into realizing their creative weakness and belief in the
higher wisdom and hope (humble expectation) for help in the deal of
affective and intellectual owe of the powerful God’s Creation. Only this
pure faith is able to inspire a homo musicus to improve the gifted qualities
as factors of awakening and avoidance of possible art practice which are
characterized as ‘emptiness and decline into non-existence’.
Discussion and conclusions
Expertise evaluation of the results after having done the course of
Musical anthropology by Master students proved the importance to use the
techniques of narrative, hermeneutic, sense didactic as well as original
technique of spiritual receptions in the environment of both conscientious
will and believing thought which are able to inspire a young scientist to gain
anthropological competence with the aim to prevent their souls from
existential anxiety.
The problem of the limits of total evidentness of sense information
coded in artifacts, the ability of a recipient to perceive the confession
(iconic) of a certain fictional text and grounds for successful realization of
this process doesn’t lose its constitutiveness and still remains the horizons
for the theory and practice of the professional art education. The analysis of
the contents of the methodological and teaching sources proposed to
contemporary art teachers reveals, though, that it is mostly oriented to
Aristotle’s «nature aesthetics». Probably, for the mass culture epoch which
has substituted Madame Tussauds’ waxworks for the artists who had been
creating their masterpieces by means of dying this theory may be
reasonable. However, even in the situation of confrontation between
mechanic and philosophy of art this aesthetic concept appears to be
inappropriate. Moreover, in the case of post-dualistic paradigm what
implies self-referenceness of the essence of objectness when the structure of
the text and the structure of its sense coincide in adjusting and similarizing
the non-said and what cannot be said, it merely prevents from understanding
(Ch. Blanc, M. Brütje, H. Sedlmayer, Е. Panofsky).The situation cannot be
improved either by realization of the potential of an absolute emotion as an
elementary human ability (even if not just a separately taken affect or set of
affects but the experience of the spiritual rise and the rise of «I», what calls
a person to self-perfection, is meant) or fundamental (realized by ancient
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
Greeks) statement «think by the thought about the worl [1, p. 75].
Because both positions don’t take into account the experience of perception
as experience of freedom which appears to be the result of getting the truth.
1. Gеtmаn, V. V. (2007). Spetskurs «Musykalnaya antpopologiyv
sisteme podgotovki pedagoga-musykanta [Special course «Musical
Anthropolog in the system of training a music teacher]. Sredneye
professionalnoye obrazovaniye Secondary vocational education, 3, 28-29
(in Ukrainian)
2. Suhanceva, V. К. (2000). Musyka kаk mir cheloveka. Ot ideyi
vselennoy k filosofiyi musyki [Music as the world of man. From the idea
of the universe to the philosophy of music]. Kyiv: Fakt. (in Ukrainian)
3. Toropova, А. V. (2002). Musykalno-psyhologicheskaya
antropologiya kak put issledovaniya musykalnogo soznaniya cheloveka
[Musical-psychological anthropology as a way to explore the musical
consciousness of a person]. Moscow: МPGU. (in Russian)
4. Blacking, J. (1998). Some problems of theory and method in the
study of musical change. Yearbook of the International Folk Music, 9, 1-26.
5. Nettl, B., & Bohlman, P. V. (Eds.). (1991). Comparative
Musicology and Anthropology of Music: Essays on the History of
Ethnomusicology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
6. Merriam, A. P. (1984). The anthropology of music. Chicago:
Northwestern University Press.
7. Merriam, A. P. (1987). Definitions of «Comparative Musicology»
and «Ethnomusicology»: an historical-theoretical perspective.
Ethnomusicology, 21, 189-204.
Людмила Кондрацька. Духовні перспективи музичної
антропології в постмодерністському контексті.
У статті здійснена спроба обґрунтувати концепцію змісту
магістерського курсу музичної антропології на основі апріорного
розуміння людини музикуючої в її причетності Божій повноті, тобто
як антиномічного взаємозв’язку даного Образу (її мінливої природи) і
заданої Подоби (незмінної особистості) на шляху завоювання
благодатної свободи і пасування перед її випробуваннями: обміну
достовірності Спасіння на квант «земного раю».
Ключові слова: феноменологія інтонуючої свідомості, стратегії
людини музикуючої, типи молитовного діалогу, музично-риторична
проповідь, новий сакральний простір, духовне подвижництво.
Collected articles Issue 2017
Ludmiła Kondratska. Duchowe perspektywy antropologii
muzycznej w postmodernistycznym kontekście.
W artykule podjęto próbę uzasadnienia koncepcji magisterskiego kursu
muzycznej antropologii, na podstawie apriorystycznego rozumienia muzyka
w związku z jego z boską pełnią, czyli antynomicznego związku tego Оbrazu
(jego zmiennego charakteru) i Wyglądu (niezmienna osobowość) na drodze
do uzyskania łaski i wolności. Sprostanie tym wyzwaniom jest możliwe
dzięki wymianie autentyczności zbawienia w ideę «ziemskego raju».
Słowa kluczowe: fenomenologia świadomośći intonacji, strategia człowieka
muzykującego, typy modlitewnego dialogu, muzyczno-retoryczne kazanie,
nowy sakralny obszar, duchowe wysiłki.
Received 25.06.2017
Information about the author:
Коndratska Ludmyla Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Full Professor,
Professor at the Department of Musicology and Music Techniques, Ternopil
Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
UDC 008 024.63:316.28]::316.772.2-045.7-04:376-054.62
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017.57
© Zavaruieva I., 2017
Inna Zavaruieva
Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport
named after academician V. Lazaryan
The article considers the problem of using non-verbal components in the
teaching of Russian as a foreign language, analyzes the features of non-
verbal means of communication serving to create, transmit, and perceive
messages in intercultural communication. The study and teaching of a
foreign language should be carried out in close connection with the world
of the native speakers, in an inseparable unity with the cultures of peoples
who use these languages as a means of communication. In the process of
communication, an important role belongs to the culture of communication,
to which not only the form of speech relates, but also its non-verbal
component (body movements, mimics, gestures, etc.). Non-verbal
components are essential components of communication, since they are the
most important bearers of message values. An important contribution to the
problem of studying non-verbal communication was made by the domestic
and foreign scholars A. Piz, M. Kozzolino, T. M. Nikolaev, B. A. Uspensky,
V. P. Morozov. The importance of teaching methods for RCTs is a problem
related to the study of the linguistic and conceptual picture of the world of
the Russian person, knowledge through the language of axiology, the
emotional and ethical spheres of Russians. All this makes it possible to get
closer to the understanding of the Russian people, promote more successful
intercultural communication, and form a special attitude towards the
culture of the country of the language under study.
Keywords: nonverbal communication, communication culture, language
and conceptual picture of the world, the semantics of non-verbal
One of the urgent problems in the teaching of a foreign language
today is the need for a deeper study of the world of its carriers. Without
understanding socio-economic systems, knowledge of cultures, studying
traditions that have shaped the way of thinking of those people with whom
it is necessary to interact, it is impossible to learn the language as a means
of communication. In modern linguistics, culturology, in the methodology
Collected articles Issue 2017
of teaching foreign languages, intercultural communication is the object of
close attention of scientists.
The pages of the scientific literature pay great attention to the
problem of intercultural communication in professional and pedagogical
activity. One of the aspects of this direction is the study of non-verbal
means of communication, which plays an important role in the process of
intercultural interaction, since it is known that various means of non-verbal
communication (gesture, facial expression, posture, view, distance) are in
some cases more expressive and effective than words. In modern linguistics,
culturology, the methodology of teaching foreign languages, intercultural
communication is the object of close attention of scientists. Among the
works in the field of cultural communication are the works of
Vereshchagin E. M., Ignatova I. B., Kostomarov V. G., Mitrofanova O. D.,
Furmanova V. P., Bakhtina M. M., Ter-Minasova S. G., Afanasyeva I. N.,
Busygina A. G., Busygina A. L., Grekova A. A. and others.
According to me Ter-Minasova S. G., the basis of any
communication is the «mutual code», mutual knowledge of the realities,
knowledge of the subject of communication between the participants in
communication [5], so the study and teaching of a foreign language should
be carried out in close connection with the world of the speakers of the
language being studied, in indissoluble unity with cultures of peoples using
these languages as a means of communication. Only in this way it is
possible to provide foreign language learners with the necessary
background knowledge, without it, real communication is impossible. In
every country, people communicate in different ways: in accordance with
their customs, traditions and mentality. In the process of communication, an
important role belongs to a culture of communication, which includes not
only the forms of speech, but also its non-verbal component (body
movements, facial expressions, gestures, etc.). Non-verbal components are
the most important components of communication, since they are the most
important carriers of message values. Most often the non-verbal
transmission occurs simultaneously with the verbal and can either enhance
or change the content of words. In the opinion of psychologists, 60-80% of
communication occurs due to non-verbal means only 20-40% - due to
verbal ones. This opinion is confirmed by researches of scientists in the
field of cultural communication, according to the data presented in the book
of Ter-Minasova’s S. G. «War and the World of Languages and Cultures»,
communication consists of: 7% verbal means proper, 38% phonetic
language design, 55% non-verbal means [4, p. 93].
A significant contribution to the problem of studying non-verbal
communication was made by domestic and foreign scientists Pease A.,
Koztsolino M., Nikolaeva T. M., Uspensky B. A., Morozov V. P.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
The relevance of the topic of this work is conditioned by the needs of
the communicative and activity-based methodology of teaching Russian as
a foreign language. The aim of the study is to comprehensively interpret the
non-verbal means of communication. Importance for the methodology of
teaching RCTs presents problems related to the study of the linguistic and
conceptual picture of the world of the Russian people, cognition through the
language of axiology, the emotional and ethical spheres of Russians. All
this allows us to approach the understanding of the Russian people,
contributes to a more successful intercultural communication, and forms a
special attitude to the culture of the country of the studied language.
Materials and methods
A foreign student who for the first time found himself in a new
socio-cultural environment without knowing the language can instinctively
(at the level of gestures and facial expressions) perceive certain information.
Often, facial expressions or gestures affect the addressee more than any
words - induce to action or, conversely, to relaxation. The gesture reports
what is between the lines and makes communication more complete and
One of the most important qualities of a teacher is his ability to
organize interaction with students. Not only verbally, but also with non-
verbal means. When organizing the teaching of the Russian language for
foreign students, it is necessary to take into account that speech gestures are
nationally and socially conditioned: different gestures used to express one
feeling, and the same movement of the hand can mean different things in
different peoples – from anger to amazement; A gesture adopted in a
particular social environment can cause condemnation or misunderstanding
in other collectives. Accounting for this factor is important for the proper
organization of the teacher's communication with foreign students, and is
also an integral component of mastering Russian language by foreign
students. Thus, in order to avoid misunderstandings in parallel with other
aspects of the Russian language, it is necessary to acquaint foreign students
with the typical gestures and facial gestures. When the national-cultural
component is included in the content of teaching a foreign language,
adequate means are needed to assimilate it. Such means can be, first of all,
authentic materials: literary and musical works, objects of real reality and
their illustrative images, which are the most likely to bring the student
closer to a natural and cultural environment. There is no doubt that the
wordless language of the posture, gesture, look, spatial composition of the
pictorial canvas and the film frame has not been sufficiently studied. Thanks
to researches in the field of semiotics, sociolinguistics and the theory of
communication. The questions of studying sign language attract the
attention of scientists. Of course, the teacher of Russian as a foreign
Collected articles Issue 2017
language should take into account that there are national differences in the
use of gestures. In a foreign audience, it is especially important to
understand the teacher's gestures used by students, and to use non-verbal
means by the teacher, adequately perceived by the audience.
With inter ethnic communication, questions of semantics gesture
become especially important. Errors in interpretation occur mainly when
they coincide formally: a similar gesture is given to the meaning that it has
in its culture (the textbook example of misinterpretation with formal gesture
coincidence is the opposite movement of the head in the affirmation and
denial of Russians and Bulgarians, in the German and Ukrainian
communicative Behavior. There is a difference when the German begins to
count, then the bent fingers of the left hand unbend with the fingers of the
right hand, starting with the thumb, we have the opposite, the fingers bend
with a little finger). The teacher should also remember that foreign
communicative behavior has gestures that are absent in the native language
(for example, a gesture of tapping the table with bones of the fingers,
expressing approval and satisfaction from a well-read lecture or report at the
conference). Shallow penetration into the environment of the studied
language leads to errors and comic situations. There are general norms of
gesticulation adopted by different peoples (from the reserved to the
temperamental in the north), some specific differences in the sign language
have social, professional and confessional groups. All these facts should be
taken into account by teachers in the classroom. Knowledge of foreign
language students’ dictionaries will allow the teacher to receive feedback
when submitting material and to correct the information provided during the
course. But, nevertheless, not knowing the language of another country, he
can explain himself with foreign students using gestures. Hence, there are
some general rules for their application and decoding everyone, for
example, understands that a raised hand means calling for attention,
clapping hands approval, nodding his head consent threatening to shake
his fist – anger, shrugging his shoulders – lack of interest, passivity, yawn
boredom, hand motion palm to himself – request to approach, etc.
Because of insufficient knowledge of vocabulary, foreign students
who first find themselves in a new social environment experience feelings
of anxiety and anxiety associated with a number of psychological reasons
they always cannot tell the teacher. The gestures are more eloquent than
their words. You just need to be able to notice the signals that are sent. An
attentive teacher in the gesticulation of students can determine their
emotional state. Each emotion has a special effect on body movements,
slowing or speeding them up. For example, joy, high spirits make the
movements quick, expansive, rhythmic, expressive. On the contrary, with
depression the person’s movements become slow, indecisive, and an attack
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
of anger manifests itself in a delay in breathing and closing of the lips.
Various ways can also be expressed discontent, vexation or disgust. The
presence of such gestures and body movements in the student testifies the
appearance of psychological barriers before him.
The Incorrect interpretation of completely harmless gestures
sometimes leads to sad misunderstandings. Teachers of Russian as a foreign
language need to take this into account and develop their own specific
strategy and tactics that will help to remove psychological difficulties,
create conditions under which students will feel psychologically
comfortable in a foreign culture environment. The knowledge of culturally-
conditioned behavioral scenarios (the norm that native speakers of a
particular culture usually follow in communication) makes it possible to
decipher what they see, hear and helps to understand others as well [1]. In
the absence of non-verbal means of communication, the communication
process proves to be inadequate.
Discussion and conclusions
Thus, it should be said that non-verbal communication is of great
importance in cross-cultural relations. Studying a foreign language is
necessary to teach its silent options. Reading correctly the body language
and using it in communication between representatives of different cultures
can be successful and fruitful. The linguistic-cultural aspect in the study of a
foreign language provides with the allocation of linguistic units, signs that
have features of verbal and non-verbal design in the native and studied
language. Ethical norms of communication that reflect the mentality of this
cultural and linguistic community, to allow the statement to be adequately
addressed to a specific situation. And then the understanding will be
everywhere: in the streets of London, and in the Middle and Far East.
So, using non-verbal means of communication, the teacher raises the
effectiveness of the learning process, creates a positive tone of
communication, establishes and maintains contact, affects the verbal
activity of students and promotes the memorization of educational material
as well.
1. Vezhbitckaia, A. (1996). Jazyk. Kultura. Poznanie [Language.
Culture. Cognition]. Moscow: Russkie slovari. (in Russian)
2. Morozov, V. P. (1998). Iskusstvo i nauka obshhenija:
neverbal’naja kommunikacija [The art and science of communication: non-
verbal communication]. Moscow: IPRAN. (in Russian)
3. Nikolaeva, Т. М., & Uspenskij, B. A. (1966). Jazykoznanie i
paralingvistika [Linguistics and Paralinguistics]. In Т. М. Nikolaeva (Ed.),
Lingvisticheskie issledovanija po obshhej i slavjanskoj tipologii Linguistic
Collected articles Issue 2017
researches on the general and Slavic typology (pp. 63-65). Moscow: Nauka.
(in Russian)
4. Piz, A. (1995). Jazyk zhestov: kak chitat’ mysli drugih ljudej po ih
zhestam [Sign language: how to read other people's thoughts by their
gestures]. Moscow: Aj-K’ju. (in Russian)
5. Ter-Minasova, S. G. (2007) Vojna i mir jazykov i kul’tur [War and
the world of languages and cultures]. Moscow: AST, Astrel’, Hranitel’. (in
6. Ter-Minasova, S. G. (2000). Jazyk i mezhkul’turnaja
kommunikacija [Language and intercultural communication]. Moscow:
Slovo. (in Russian)
Інна Заваруєва. Міжкультурна комунікація і використання
невербальних засобів в процесі навчання іноземних студентів.
У статті досліджується проблема використання невербальних
компонентів під час викладання російської мови як іноземної,
аналізуються особливості невербальних засобів комунікації, що
служать для створення, передачі і сприйняття інформації в процесі
міжкультурної комунікації. Вивчення і викладання іноземної мови
повинно здійснюватися в тісному зв’язку зі світом носіїв мови, яку
вивчають, в нерозривній єдності з культурами народів, що
використовують ці мови як засіб спілкування. У процесі спілкування
важлива роль належить культурі спілкування, до якої відноситься не
тільки форма мови, а і її невербальна складова (рухи тіла, міміка,
жести і т.п.). Невербальні компоненти є значними складовими
комунікації, оскільки саме вони виступають найважливішими носіями
значень повідомлення. Істотний внесок в проблему вивчення
особливостей невербального спілкування внесли вітчизняні та
зарубіжні вчені А. Піз, М. Коццоліно, Т. М. Ніколаєва,
Б. А. Успенський, В. П. Морозов та інші. Ключовими для методики
викладання російської мови як іноземної є проблеми, пов’язані з
вивченням мовної та концептуальної картини світу людини, пізнанням
через мову аксіології, емоційної і етичної сфер росіян. Все це дозволяє
наблизитися до розуміння народу, сприяє більш успішній
міжкультурній комунікації, формує особливе ставлення до культури
країни мови, що вивчають.
Ключові слова: невербальні засоби комунікації, комунікація культур,
мовна і концептуальна картина світу.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
Inna Zavaruieva. Międzykulturowa komunikacja i użycie
niewerbalnych środków w trakcie nauczania studentów
W podanym artykule rozpatruje się problem wykorzystywania komponentów
niewerbalnych w nauczaniu języka rosyjskiego jako języka obcego. Oprócz
tego analizie poddane właściwości niewerbalnych środków komunikacji,
służących do tworzenia, przekazywania oraz odbierania wiadomości w
komunikacji międzykulturowej. Nauka i nauczanie języka obcego powinny
odbyw się w ścisłym związku ze światem mediów badanego języka, w
nierozerwalnej łączności z kulturą narodów wykorzystujących języki jako
narzędzia komunikacji. W procesie komunikowania się znaczącą rolę
odgrywa kultura komunikacji, do której odnosi się nie tylko forma
wypowiedzi, ale i jej niewerbalne składniki (gesty, mimika itp.).
Niewerbalne środki najważniejszymi elementami komunikacji, poniew
to one stanowią najistotniejsze nośniki wiadomości. Znaczący wkład w
problematykę nauki komunikacji niewerbalnej wnieśli krajowi i zagraniczni
naukowcy: A. Pease, M. Koccolino, T. M. Nikołajew, B. A. Uspienski,
W. P. Mrozów. Ważne dla metodyki nauczania języka rosyjskiego jako
języka obcego kwestie związane z nauką języka oraz pojęciowy obraz
świata rosyjskiego człowieka, poznanie przez język aksjologii emocjonalnej
i etycznej sfer rosyjskich. Wszystko to pozwala zbliżyć się do zrozumienia
narodu, przyczynia się do skuteczniejszej komunikacji międzykulturowej,
tworzy szczególny stosunek do kultury kraju badanego języka.
Słowa kluczowe: niewerbalne środki komunikacji, komunikacja kultur,
językowy i konceptualny obraz świata.
Received 05.07.2017
Information about the author:
Zavaruieva Inna Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Associate Professor
at the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines for Foreign Students,
Dnipropetrovsk National University Of Railway Transport named after
academician V. Lazaryan.
Collected articles Issue 2017
UDC [316.444:37.091.212]-026.911-047.43
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017.64
© Kozhevnikova A., 2017
Alina Kozhevnikova
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
The student mobility is examined in this article. International education
today is a way for cultural and knowledge sharing, self-development and
deleting stereotypes. Adaptation and integration are the most important
parts of the exchange study and it should be correctly organized by host
country. The current state of psychology has been analyzed by establishing
the meaning of intercultural communications and comparing two exchange
studying experiences of the author in Europe (In Sweden and Czech
Republic). There are pros and cons of exchange study systems established
and particularly discussed step by step. More practical needs and
availability of student mobility are also headlined.
Keywords: study, exchange, student mobility, intercultural, overview.
Studying abroad is one of the best ways for sharing knowledge,
building communications and getting experience. Every university has its
own way of making intercultural communication, integrate incoming
students, but there are common principles. I was an exchange student twice
and I tried to complete an overview of such practice in this article.
Materials and methods
International educational ties today can be attributed to the most
important and promising areas of international cultural exchange. To note
that it can rightly be called one of the most dynamically connected aspects
of cooperation since students and scientists are characterized by mobility,
the desire to acquire new knowledge [2].
Modern international migration has a strong result, it adjusts the life
of both the host community and the donor, influences the policies pursued
by sovereign states, the relations between individual social groups within
the recipient countries, and also changes the personal characteristics [3].
A positive attitude towards the representatives of another culture is
also connected with such phenomena as adaptation and integration.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
Adaptation is associated with the desire of a person to adapt to the
conditions of another culture, without fundamentally changing their
identity, preserving their traditions, moral and ethical values.
A deeper penetration and comprehension of another culture is
associated with integration. Integration into another culture and cultural
environment is conditioned by certain living conditions and is possible
when the individual lives in another environment long enough.
The advantages of cooperation in higher education are obvious: it is
the pooling of resources, especially when they are so inaccessible as now;
Eliminates duplication and unnecessary copying of research topics; Better
identification of projects and increasing confidence in their feasibility in a
collective supervisory environment [1].
The first exchange experience was in Umea, Sweden. The second
one was in Prague, Czech Republic, and I want to headline four positive
points with some comparing:
1. Good supporting team (or buddy program), where you can find
help for day-to-day life.
In Umea there were teams made of 15 students each. A team was
constant for all of the competitions. Additionally, teams made their
In Prague there were personal buddies for every exchange student.
This is good for the first days and accommodation questions, but many
buddies are lost after a couple of weeks. Hence, the first approach is better
in accordance with human nature.
2. Clear document system, which you can easily complete even on
foreign language.
Step to step system, moodle and rewriting of information helps to be
ready with all documents in time and be in touch with every happening.
3. Wide cultural programs, which helps to assimilate at a new
Excursions, games and language classes (Czech), dancing classes
(Sweden) become a good activity and intercultural diving.
4. High level of education and opportunities for studying different
Mixing your field of study with a couple of other additional courses
lets to get more experience.
At the same time I can add missed zones:
1. Scientific coaching. It would be more effective for students to
keep in touch with a supervisor, who will coordinate with conferences,
laboratories and everything concerning field of study.
Collected articles Issue 2017
2. Working on real projects or make a practice on real job in the
3. It should be an easier way to participate in a short-term including
education program for every country.
Discussion and conclusions
Student mobility system is a perspective way for better education,
but it should be more practical and available. Wider cultural experience,
duplication of events and stuff helps to build stronger integration into a host
1. Astafieva, L. S. (2009). Mezhdunarodnyye obrazovatelnyye
obmeny: istoriya i sovremennoye znacheniye [International educational
exchanges: history and contemporary significance]. Bulletin of Peoples’
Friendship University of Russia, 3, 40-46. (in Russian)
2. Bogolyubova, N. M., & Nikolaeva, Ju. V. (2009). Mezhkulturnaya
kommunikatsiya i mezhdunarodnyy kulturnyy obmen [Intercultural
communication and international cultural exchange]. Saint Petersburg:
SPbKO. (in Russian)
3. Ryazantsev, S. V., & Grebenyuk, A. A. (2014). «Nashi» za
granitsey. Russkiye, rossiyane, russkogovoryashchiye, sootechestvenniki:
rasseleniye, integratsiya i vozvratnaya migratsiya v Rossiyu Our»
abroad. Russians, Russian-speakers, compatriots: resettlement, integration
and return migration to Russia]. Moscow: ISPI RAS. (in Russian)
Аліна Кожевнікова. Студентська мобільність: внутрішній
У цій статті розглядається мобільність студентів. Міжнародна
освіта сьогодні є способом обміну культурами та знаннями,
саморозвитку та стирання стереотипів. Адаптація та інтеграція
це найважливіші частини дослідження обміну. Поточний стан
психології було проаналізовано шляхом встановлення значення
міжкультурної комунікації та порівняння двох обмінних досліджень
автора в Європі Швеції та Чехії). Є плюси і мінуси систем обміну.
Більш практичні потреби та наявність мобільності студентів
також орієнтовані.
Ключові слова: навчання, обмін, студентська мобільність,
міжкультурний, загальний огляд.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
Alina Kozhevnikova. Mobilność studentów: wymiar zewnętrzny.
W niniejszym artykule omawiana jest mobilność studentów. Obecnie
edukacja międzynarodowa jest skutecznym sposobem poznawania obcej
kultury i zdobywania wiedzy, pomaga w samorozwoju i eliminowaniu
stereotypów. Adaptacja i integracja najważniejszymi elementami
wymiany studentów. Aktualny stan psychologii został przeanalizowany
poprzez określenie znaczenia komunikacji międzykulturowej i przez
porównanie dwóch badań dotyczących wymiany autora w Europie (Szwecji
i Czechach). plusy i minusy systemów wymiany. również
uprawnienia do tworzenia dostępności praktycznych potrzeb i
mobilności studentów.
Słowa kluczowe: studia, wymiana, mobilność studentów, międzykulturowe,
Received 05.07.2017
Information about the author:
Kozhevnikova Alina Master Student, Peter the Great St. Petersburg
Polytechnic University.
Collected articles Issue 2017
UDC 373:[005.336.4:005.961]:793.35"34"(4)
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017.68
© Podcherniaieva N., 2017
Nataliia Podcherniaieva
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University
In the article the problem of organization and realization of Day of Europe
is considered. Day of Europe is one of facilities for pupils to get acquainted
with European values at euroclubs of general educational establishments.
Essence of a concept «European values» is exposed, the role of a school
euroclub as one of forms of an extracurricular work for teaching an
information about European subjects, experience of Day of Europe
realization in general educational establishments of Ukraine is reflected. It
is found out, that application of proper forms of event realization assists the
best understanding of essence of certain European values. The experience
of Day of Europe realization at Ukrainian euroclubs demonstrates a widest
spectrum of interactive educator work forms for the best cognition of
culture and customs of European countries. It is found out, that an
important moment in education of schoolchildren is theirs knowledge, that
Europe is begun with each of them.
Keywords: Day of Europe, euroclub, European values, forms of work.
The celebration of Day of Europe became an important step in
strengthening of self-definition of Ukraine as a European state participating
traditions and values of Europe. Day of Europe became an annual event in
our state according to the Decree of President of Ukraine from April, 19 in
2003 339 [1]. Greater popularity of this holiday is acquired by school
euroclubs. Euroclub is one of the most effective forms of extracurricular
work that assists mastering the information about European subjects.
Materials and methods
The problems of organization of work at euroclubs were researched
by scientists P. Verbytska [2], S. Lutsenko, A. Horon, O. Kaleniyk [3],
P. Kendzior [4], A. Kyrpa [5]. Practical advices in relation to work of
euroclub are given in publications of R. Dymek [6], Yu. Loburets [7],
L. Parashchenko [8]. Without a regard to an increasing interest of scientists
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
and practical teachers in research of European projects and organization of
work at school euroclubs, a deeper study of essence of European values and
bringing up schoolchildren in spite of European values deserves attention
The main aim of this article was to light up the question of
organization and realization of Day of Europe as one of facilities of
acquaintance with European values in an educational process at euroclubs in
general educational establishments.
Common determination of essence of European values was offered
by N. Amelchenko, who determines it as a system of axiological maximas,
basic principles of development of a family, a society and a state, political,
economical, cultural, legal and other norms, that unites meaningful most of
Europe habitants and presents basis of their identity [9, p. 2]. European
values have a concrete practical expression as legal norms, base documents
of CE and European Union envisaged in a row, and found the reflection in
the Charter of basic rights of European Union [10]. Questioning in 27
countries of EU, conducted a few years ago on the order of European
Commission, educed such ideals of the polled Europeans: human rights
(37%), world (35%), democracy (34%), supremacy of law (22%), respect is
to other cultures (17%), solidarity (15%), respect is to life of man (14%),
equality (13%), personal freedom (11%), tolerance (10%), self-expression
(4%), religion (3%), did not know what to answer (5%) [11].
The main aim of marking of Day of Europe is an acquaintance of
students with European values and traditions, popularization of general
European cultural acquisition, and also realization of national self-
During last years the practice of scale celebration of Day of Europe
has been successfully approved in the regions of Ukraine.
Events take place both on school and on municipal and regional
levels. Euroclubs in all schools prepare actively to Day of Europe: every
class of junior and middle school studies and presents on a school festival
the history and the culture of one of European countries, symbolics, national
clothing and foods, acquaints with national literary heroes. Senior pupils
demonstrate generalism and ability to answer questions about European
As a result of open Internet-resources analysis [12; 13; 14] it is
possible to draw a conclusion: aims, tasks and subjects of events, organized
by euroclubs in different Ukrainian regions in relation to celebration of Day
of Europe are overall. Applications of certain forms of events realization
assists the best understanding the essence of European values, mastering of
Collected articles Issue 2017
information about European subjects, bringing in students to active actions
in the processes of eurointegration of the country (see a Table 1).
Table 1
Use of forms of educator work by euroclubs at a celebration
of the Day of Europe for understanding the essence of the European values
Essence of value
Form of event
Dignity (division 1,
art. 1-5) [10]
The right to life, to body
security, the prohibition of
behavior that humiliates
dignity, freedom from slavery
and dependent state
Freedoms (division
2, art. 6-19) [10]:
fundamental civil
and political
freedoms envisaged
in European
convention for the
human rights
The right to freedom and
body security, the respect to
private and domestic life,
privacy of the personal
character, the freedom of
idea, conscience and religion,
the freedom of expression of
one’s opinion and freedom of
information, the freedom of
collections and associations,
social rights: right to
education, the freedom of
professional activity, right to
work, the freedom of
enterprise, property rights
Lessons of
lessons of
politeness, art
lessons, brain
rings, virtual trips,
quests, relay races
Equality (division
3, art. 20-26) [10]
Equality of people in rights,
non-admission of
discrimination, cultural,
religious and language
variety, equal rights for men
and women, protection of
rights of a child and old
Competitions of
competitions of
connoisseurs of
countries` national
traditions, culinary
fairs, flash mobs,
round tables
Solidarity (division
4, art. 27-38) [10]
A right of workers to
information, right on services
from employment, the right to
defence in case of illegal
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
Table 1
(division 5, art. 39-
46) [10]
Active and passive rights to
vote on elections, right to the
proper management, freedom
of movement and residence,
diplomatic defence
elections of a
president of a
euroclub, forums,
actions, projects
Justice (division 6,
art. 47-50) [10]
A right of effective legal
defence and access in an
uninterested court,
presumption of ungainliness
and right to defence
reviews of
literature, role
plays, street
actions, seminars
Most mass and organized marking of Day of Europe took place in
2010, when Centers of European information [15] brought over 10 thousand
of Ukrainian euroclubs members to participate the event. In many cities
there were conducted Parades of Schuman and small tent towns were
organized. Thus, in Vinnytsya a tournament of self-made films among
euroclubs passed. A slogan of the tournament was: «Europe from the
Schuman Declaration until now». In Dnipro the European lesson for senior
pupils called «Day of Europe in Ukraine» was held, in Ivano-Frankivsk
there was a competition of drawings with a motto «Ukraine is a part of
Europe» and a quiz «What do we know about countries of EU». Euroclubs
of Kropyvnyckiy city arranged a photo-exhibition named «Europe from far
away and from near distance» and presented creative works, on the topic of
«Europe in pictures and words». In Luhansk the fair of European
personality passed and an interactive exhibition «Europe in personalities»
took place. Euroclubs of Lviv took part in a parade and a quest held in the
central boulevard of city. In Nikolaev Day of Europe was marked with an
ethnic forum named «European national traditions and traditions of
Ukrainian people». There also was a street action «What do we know about
EU». In Rivne euroclub members conducted such games as European
forfeits, trip, eurodarts, Europe, «Give a crab, Europe!» and participated a
radioquiz. Euroclubs of Sumy became participants of intellectually-sporting
competition «Eurofoot quest». In Kharkiv a virtual trip took place. The
route of the trip was «Ukraine Poland Germany France – Italy
Ukrain. In Khmelnytskyi in a relay race «Learn more about countries of
European Union», euroclubs of each district presented an informative stand.
Collected articles Issue 2017
Euroclubs of Chernivtsi city arranged a photo-exhibition called «Europe in
my city: Architecture. Contemporaneity. Historical memory», participated
the round table «Europe of the future day». Event «Chernihiv is the cultural
capital of Europe» and a pilot excursion «Chernihiv as the European city»
was held on Day of Europe in Chernihiv.
Discussion and conclusions
Thus, the experience of Ukrainian euroclubs from realization of Day
of Europe demonstrates application of wide spectrum of interactive forms of
educator work for cognition of European values, culture and customs of
European countries. An important detail of European culture in Ukrainian
schools is a knowledge of schoolchildren that Europe begins with each of
A perspective direction of further scientific researches is the
development of quests, flash mobs, ethnic forums as forms of acquaintance
with European values for students and active introduction of students in
work at euroclubs in general educational establishments.
1. Ukaz Prezydenta Ukrainy «Pro Den Yevropy» [A decree of
President of Ukraine is «About Day of Europe»]. (n.d.), Retrieved from (in Ukrainian)
2. Verbyts'ka, P. V. (2014). Diyalnist molodizhnoho yevroklubu
yak efektyvna forma hromadyans’koho vykhovannya osobystosti [Activity
of youth euroclub as an effective form of civil personality’s education].
Theory and methodology of studies and education, 36, 160. (in Ukrainian)
3. Lutsenko, S. M., Horon, A. V., & Kalenyk, O. V. (2009).
Osoblyvosti orhanizatsiyi ta diyal’nist’ Yevroklubu v zahal’noosvitnikh
navchal’nykh zakladakh [Features of organization and work at Euroclub in
general educational establishments]. Sumy: Sumskyi oblasnyi instytut
pisliadyplomnoi pedahohichnoi osvity. (in Ukrainian)
4. Kendz’or, P. I. (2008). Yevrokluby v Ukrayini: orhanizatsiya
roboty ta uspishnyy dosvid [Euroclubs in Ukraine: organization of work
and successful experience]. L’viv: ZUKTS. (in Ukrainian)
5. Kyrpa, A. V. (2012). Osnovni polozhennya diyal’nosti yevroklubu
pry zahal’noosvitn’omu navchal’nomu zakladi [Substantive provisions of
activity of euroclub in general educational establishment]. Pedagogical
process: theory and practice: collection of scientific works, 1, 56-62. (in
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
6. Dymek, R. (2006). Yevropeys’kyy klub u shkoli. Navishcho? Yak?
Chomu? [The European club at school. For what? How? Why?]. Varshava:
Polska Fundatsiia imeni Roberta Shumana. (in Ukrainian)
7. Loburets’, Yu., Brushchenko, V., & Babadzhanyan, B. (2010).
Metodychnyy posibnyk dlya yevroklubiv [A methodical manual for
euroclubs]. Кyiv: Salyutis. (in Ukrainian)
8. Parashchenko, L. (2004). Yak orhanizuvaty shkil’nyy Yevroklub
[How to organize a school Euroclub]. Kyiv: Mizhnarodnyi fond
«Vidrodzhennia» (in Ukrainian)
9. Ameljchenko, N. (2013). Cinnosti ob’jednanoji Jevropy [Values
of incorporated Europe]. Кyiv: GhO «Laboratorija zakonodavchykh
iniciatyv». (in Ukrainian)
10. Hartiya osnovnyih prav Evropeyskogo Soyuza [Charter of basic
rights of European Union]. (n.d.), Retrieved from (in Russian)
11. Jevropejsjki cinnosti: realjnistj chy mif? [European values:
reality or myth?]. (n.d.), Retrieved from (in Ukrainian)
12. Uriadovyi portal [Governmental portal].
Retrieved from
223561792&cat_id=223561076 (in Ukrainian)
13. Ternopilska oblasna derzhavna administratsiia [Ternopils’k
regional state administration]. Retrieved from
ropa.pdf (in Ukrainian)
14. Jevropejsjkyj prostir. Portal projevropejsjkogho
ghromadjansjkogho suspiljstva Ukrainy [European space. Portal of the Pro-
European Civil Society of Ukraine]. Retrieved from (in Ukrainian)
15. Merezha centriv jevropejsjkoji informaciji [Network of centers
of European information]. Retrieved from
zha_centriv_evropeiskoi_informacii_provede_zahodi_do_dnya_evropi (in
Наталія Подчерняєва. Досвід роботи євроклубів
загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів з проведення Дня Європи.
У статті порушено проблему організації та проведення Дня Європи
як одного із засобів ознайомлення учнів з європейськими цінностями у
роботі євроклубів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Розкрито
сутність поняття «європейські цінності», визначено роль шкільного
євроклубу як однієї з форм позакласної роботи для засвоєння учнями
Collected articles Issue 2017
інформації європейської тематики, висвітлено досвід проведення Дня
Європи в загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах України. З’ясовано, що
застосування відповідних форм проведення заходів сприяють кращому
розумінню сутності певних європейських цінностей. Обґрунтовано
думку, що досвід роботи євроклубів України з проведення Дня Європи
демонструє застосування широкого спектру інтерактивних форм
виховної роботи для пізнання культури та звичаїв країн Європи.
З’ясовано, що важливим моментом у вихованні школярів є
усвідомлення ними, що Європа починається з кожного з них.
Ключові слова: День Європи, євроклуб, європейські цінності, форми
Nataliia Podcherniaieva. Dwiadczenie pracy euroklubów
instytucje edukacyjne o charakterze ogólny z przeprowadzonego Dnia
W artykule poruszono problem organizacji i przeprowadzenia Dnia Europy,
jako jednego ze środków zapoznania się uczniów z europejskimi
wartościami w pracy euroklubów. Przybliżono istotę pojęcia «europejskie
wartości», określono rolę szkolnego euroklubu jako jednej z form zajęć
pozalekcyjnych, które służą przyswojeniu przez uczniów informacji z
zakresu europejskiej tematyki, przedstawiono również doświadczenie z
przeprowadzenia Dnia Europy w ogólnokształcących edukacyjnych
zakładach na Ukrainie. Wyjaśniono, że stosowanie odpowiednich form
organizowania imprez sprzyja lepszemu rozumieniu istoty pewnych
europejskich wartości. Uzasadniono, że doświadczenie pracy euroklubów
Ukrainy (z Dnia Europy) ukazuje zastosowanie szerokiej gamy
interaktywnych form pracy wychowawczej w celu poznania kultury i
obyczajów krajów Europy. Wyjaśniono, że ważnym momentem w edukacji
uczniów jest uświadomienie im, że Europa zaczyna się od każdego z nich.
Słowa kluczowe: Dzień Europy, euroklub, europejskie wartości, formy
Received 10.07.2017
Information about the author:
Podchernyayeva Nataliya Postgraduate Student, H. S. Skovoroda
Kharkiv National Pedagogical University.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
UDC 355.426.4:303.425.2
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017.75
© Orlov N., 2017
Nicolay Orlov
National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine
A concept vehicle and mechanism of informatively-psychological defense of
personnel of forces of guard of law and order, that is entered in scientific
researches in the field of national safety and degree of responsibility for this
defiance of corresponding organizational structures, are considered in the
article, given suggestions in relation to further research of the marked
problem. Text for is well-proven that informatively-psychological defiance
of forces of guard of law and order public authorities engage in, and organs
of certain power structures - carry out the role of propagandists of that it is
already done, or it is planned within the limits of the state. Warning is done
on impermissibility of statement, and moreover scientific ground of that
informatively-psychological defence of personnel of forces of guard of law
and order engage in the separate power structures of the state. A final
conclusion is done: national safety is a marathon, but not sprint and this
question it was, is and will decide public authorities with bringing in of
necessary forces and facilities certain power.
Keywords: sources of safety, information, protective contour, defiance,
forces of guard of law and order, public authorities.
The forces of law enforcement, which include bodies and certain
units of the National Police of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine and
other law enforcement agencies, require not only comprehensive provision
for solving certain tasks, but also information and psychological protection.
When solving this problem in scientific research, it is important to
determine: firstly, the essence of the categorical-conceptual apparatus of the
main terms, secondly, the mechanism of informational and psychological
protection; and thirdly, which organizational structure is responsible for this
problem and to what extent.
The purpose of the article. To clarify the concept of «Information
and psychological protection of law enforcement forces», which have use in
scientific research in the field of national security and to determine the
Collected articles Issue 2017
mechanism of real protection of the personnel of said forces from negative
information and which organizational structure is responsible for this
problem and to what extent.
Materials and methods
Questions of the formulation of the problem of information-
psychological safety and the main directions of its research were taken care
of [1; 2] Anosov V., Lepsky V., Emelyanov G. and others. The
classification of the main threats to information and psychological security
was substantiated by Averchenkoov V., Kozakov U. [3]. The requirements
for the formalization of semantic information in the machine translation
system were studied by Ros A., Nikolaevsky O. [4]. The peculiarities of
information influences and the possibility of counteracting them were
investigated by Kuril A., Zefirov S., Golovanov V. [5].
At the same time, the author did not know the works in which the
research was carried out on clarification of the notion «Information and
psychological protection of law enforcement forces» during the conduct of
scientific research in the field of state security.
The category-conceptual apparatus on the subject of the study
contains such concepts as:
1. State security it is a category of political science that characterizes
the status of social institutions, which ensures their effective activity to
maintain optimal conditions for the existence of the individual and
society [6]. When solving the problems of state security, the state
authorities are asked (apply) the forces of law and order, by conducting a
series of measures on information protection of its personnel. Some of these
measures are discussed below.
2. Information. This is a general and deep concept that cannot be
explained in one phrase. In this word is put different content in technology,
science, in life situations. Within the limits of a definite research we will
understand the information about objects and phenomena of the
environment. Such information, which has a negative content, can be both
external (created by the hostile side) and internal (created in the middle of
the state on the order of the warring elements).
Regardless of its origin, if it contains negative elements, the
influence on the psyche of the personnel of the forces of law and order
protection will be the task of the relevant state authorities to reduce this
influence. To this end, certain measures are being taken to create a so-called
«protective circuit».
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
3. «Protective contour» it is artificially create physical and
organizational obstacle, which to a certain extent reduces the negative
information influence on the personnel of the forces of law enforcement.
Negative information has been distributed using radio-electronic
means, printed materials, gossip, which are distributed by specially trained
people. Depending on this, the «protective contour» may be of a technical
origin, or as coercive measures and prohibitions. The choice of how to
create a «protective contour» is determine by the highest authorities of the
state, and implement by regional authorities and relevant specialists.
Known ways are: the creation of a system of radio technology to
suppress the signals of negative information; prohibition of the use of
services of certain operators of local area networks; preparation of printed
editions (for example, newspapers) of the Ukrainian direction and their free
«Protective contour» whish create will partially reduce the negative
informational impact on the personnel of the forces of law enforcement,
which will positively affect their tasks in the field of national security. This
is the essence of the mechanism of information protection personnel.
4. Protection it is an action for the meaning of protecting, protecting,
defending, and protecting. Within the limits of the said study, the protection
of the personnel of the forces of law enforcement is engaged in: at the first
stage (within the framework of the creation of the «protective contour»)
the state authorities; at the second stage (with the information that «leaked
through the protective contour» the relevant officials of the law
enforcement forces, by means of clarification, persuasion and own example.
If at the second stage it was not possible to completely eliminate
negative information and there are signs of the mental state of the
personnel, then this work involves psychologists and doctors in a specialty.
Discussion and conclusions
Thus, the clarification of the notion «Information and psychological
protection of law enforcement forces» in scientific studies in the field of
national security has shown that the said phrase does not fully correspond to
the task and mechanism of protecting the personnel of these forces from
negative information. This problem is mainly concerned with state
authorities, who are fully responsible for state security, and some secondary
tasks of this problem are performed by certain officials of the law
enforcement forces.
Continuation of the study on the chosen topic may be: a description
of the sources of negative information that affects the psyche of the
personnel of the forces of law enforcement.
Collected articles Issue 2017
1. Anosov, V., Lepsky, V., & Emelyanov G. (1996). Ishodnye
posylki problematiki informacionno-psihologicheskoj bezopasnosti [Initial
parcels of range of problems of informatively-psychological safety].
Problem of informatively-psychological safety, 7-11. (in Russian)
2. Gmelianov, G., Lepincki, V., & Strelkov, A. (1999). Problemy
obespechenija informacionno-psihologicheskoj bezopasnosti v Rossii
[Problems of providing of informatively-psychological safety of Russia].
Informative society, 3, 47-51. (in Russian)
3. Averchenkoov, V., & Kozakov, U. (2007). Aspekty monitoringa i
sistemnogo analiza predmetno orientirovannyj web-informacii [Aspects of
monitoring and analysis of the systems in detail oriented to web-
information]. In V. I. Averchenkoov (Ed.), Intellectual systems in industry
and science (pp. 138-139). Sumy: SGU. (in Russian).
4. Ros, A., & Nikolaevsky, O. (2013). Vymohy do formalizatsii
semantychnoi informatsii v systemi mashynnoho perekladu [Requirements
to formalization of semantic information in the machine translation].
Military-special sciences, 31, 59-63. (in Ukrainian)
5. Kuril, A., Zefirov, S., & Golovanov, V. (2006). Audit
informacionnoj bezopasnosti [Audit of informative safety]. Мoscow: Group
«BDS-Press». (in Russian)
6. Judas, О., & Bogysh, V. (2005). Informacijna bezpeka derzhavi
[Informative safety of the state]. Kharkiv: Konsym. (in Ukrainian)
Микола Орлов. Уточнення поняття «Інформаційно-
психологічний захист сил охорони правопорядку» в наукових
дослідженнях у сфері національної безпеки.
В статті розглянуто понятійний апарат і механізм інформаційно-
психологічного захисту особового складу сил охорони правопорядку,
який запроваджується в наукових дослідженнях у сфері національної
безпеки та ступінь відповідальності за цей захист відповідних
організаційних структур, подані пропозиції щодо подальшого
дослідження зазначеної проблеми. Автором доведено, що
інформаційно-психологічним захистом сил охорони правопорядку
займаються органи державної влади, а органи певних силових
структур виконують роль пропагандистів того, що уже зроблено,
або планується в межах держави. Зроблено застереження на
неприпустимість ствердження, а тим паче наукового обґрунтування
того, що інформаційно-психологічним захистом особового складу сил
охорони правопорядку займаються в окремих силових структурах
держави. Зроблено остаточний висновок: національна безпека – це
марафон, а не спринт і це питання було, є і буде вирішуватися
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
органами державної влади з залученням необхідних сил і засобів певних
силових структур.
Ключові слова: джерела безпеки, інформація, захисний контур,
захист, сили охорони правопорядку, органи державної влади.
Mykoła Orlov. Uściślenie pocia «informacyjno-psychologiczna
siła w tworzeniu porządku prawnego dotyczącego obrony
bezpieczeństwa narodowego» w badaniach naukowych w zakresie
narodowego bezpieczeństwa.
W artykule rozpatrzono aparat pojęciowy oraz mechanizm informacyjno-
psychologiczny w tworzeniu porządku prawnego, który został
wprowadzany do badań naukowych w zakresie narodowego
bezpieczeństwa, a także stopień odpowiedzialności za obro
odpowiednich struktur organizacyjnych; podane również propozycje do
późniejszego badania poruszanego problemu. Autor wykazał, że informacje
i psychologiczne sy obronne wykorzystywane są przez organy ścigania
władzy państwowej oraz niektóre organy mundurowe działanie jako
propagandystów, co zostało zrobione lub jest planowane w państwie.
Udowodniono, że istnieje naukowe uzasadnienie tezy, że personel
informacyjno-psychologicznych sił obronnych zaangażowany jest, w
niektórych organach mundurowych, do egzekwowania prawa.
Przedstawiono też wniosek końcowy: bezpieczeństwo narodowe to maraton,
a nie sprint; pytanie zostanie podjęta przez władze publiczne pomoc
niezbędna w kwestii zdolności pewnych struktur władzy.
Słowa kluczowe: źródła bezpieczeństwa, informacja, obwód
zabezpieczający, obrona, siły ochrony porządku prawnego, władze
Received 15.07.2017
Information about the author:
Orlov Nicolay Doctor of Public Administration Sciences, Docent,
Professor at the Department of Operative Art, National Academy of
National Guard of Ukraine.
Collected articles Issue 2017
UDC ((811.111’276.6+004.738.4):159.9):378.147
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017.80
© Gordyeyeva А., 2017
Anzhela Gordyeyeva
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
The paper presents teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) to
university students of psychology. The study investigates the problem of
preparing non-native speakers of English to study in English at the college
or university level. After observing during the last academic year the
second, third and fourth year students’ learning when working with
different course books and using a variety of authentic materials, the
research has shown the necessity of analyzing the Academic Encounters
series. The objective of the study is to reveal the advantages of application
of the Academic Encounters series, which can provide students of
psychology with the communicative skills they need to be successful in
academic courses.
Keywords: English for academic study, the Academic Encounters series,
professional communication skills, students of psychology.
In ESP teaching is considered an effective tool used to efficiently
receive and convey messages for academic and professional purposes. For
example, students of a psychology department may need a suitable
command of English to succeed in their academic careers (English for
Academic Psychological Purposes EAPP). Or they may also need English
to communicate effectively at their place of work dealing for example with
people who have psychological problems (English for Vocational Purposes
EVP). This paper will draw attention to academic approach (EAPP) and
will present the analysis of the Academic Encounters series with the
purpose to show how much it can help future psychologists to develop their
academic skills for further study in English at university level and, of
course, for their professional activity in the future.
Materials and methods
Course books selection, application and adaptation to students’ needs
is an important area in EAPP teaching, representing a practical result of
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
effective course development and providing students of psychology with all
necessary materials with the purpose to equip them with the skills they need
in their study at university.
One of the most arguable points regarding EAPP course book choice
is what the most appropriate ratio of general English to subject-specific
English in the course book is. General English focus of a course book is
good for the development of general ability to communicate more
effectively, while specific focus of a course book is perfect for improvement
of specific academic skills. Both general and specific oriented course books
will provide students with necessary skills and knowledge, but the specific
orientation of the course books in the Academic Encounters series is better
for EAPP learners’ special demands. Thus, if the choice of a course book
does depend on the students’ needs in relation to their future study at
university in our case, we are inclined to choose the Academic Encounters
series as a perfect source of EAPP materials that can be useful to develop all
necessary academic skills like note-taking, study and discussion skills as
well as can help improve students’ academic reading, writing and listening.
The first course book Academic Encounters: Human Behaviour
includes texts for reading taken from psychology and human
communications textbooks used in English-speaking colleges and
universities. It is designed to help learners improve their skills in reading
when working with authentic samples of academic texts, and in writing
when high-interest content of the texts also provides stimulus for students’
writing assignments.
The second course book Academic Listening Encounters: Human
Behaviour offers learners a large variety of tasks which involve listening
and note-taking and which focus on critical thinking, sharing personal
experiences or cultural perspectives. The course book contains authentic
audio materials designed to involve students in listening informal and
formal interviews, academic lectures in English with the purpose to expose
them to different styles of discourse.
Thus, the Academic Encounters series includes the course books
which are able to provide learners with authentic teaching materials
adequate to their academic needs. It prepares students of psychology for
success in academic settings as well as presents relevant cultural content,
with the view to promoting discussion of cultural differences and
universals. Therefore, progressing through the books, working on their
academic skills, students will be able to acquire a basic foundation in the
concepts and vocabulary of human behaviour on the one hand, and will
manage to do an academic course when studying in English at university
level in the future on the other hand.
Collected articles Issue 2017
Using a content-based approach to teach students of psychology the
skills they require to be able to do an academic course at university, the
books presented in the Academic Encounters series have been chosen as
major course books for future psychologists who are going to do an
academic course in English. The series includes two course books and two
teacher’s books. The Academic Encounters Book helps students of
psychology develop their reading, writing and study skills. The academic
Listening Encounters Book helps learners improve their listening, note-
taking and discussion skills. The two Teacher’s Books are useful to get
extra advice on the selection of structures, vocabulary, and measurement of
students’ progress and achievements through the academic course.
Discussion and conclusions
As we can see the course and teacher’s books presented in the
Academic Encounters series give EAPP teachers a possibility to offer their
students a complete four-skills course in English for academic purposes.
The great advantage of this series is that it offers students of psychology the
possibility to work with carefully selected authentic materials which can
provide a stimulus for students’ great involvement into the academic course
in the future.
1. Seal, B. (2009). Academic Encounters. Human Behaviour.
Reading. Study Skills. Writing. Glasgow: Cambridge University Press.
2. Council of Europe. (2001). Common European Framework of
References for Languages: Learning, Teaching and Assessment. Strasbourg:
Council of Europe.
3. Hutchinson, T., & Waters, A. (1994). English for Specific
Purposes. Glasgow: Cambridge University Press.
4. Espeseth, M. (2009). Academic Encounters. Human Behaviour.
Listening. Note taking. Discussion. Glasgow: Cambridge University Press.
5. Espeseth, M. (2009). Academic Encounters. Human Behaviour.
Lectures. Audio Materials [CD ROM]. Cambridge University: Microsoft.
Анжела Гордєєва. Розвиток у майбутніх психологів
англомовних професійно орієнтованих комунікативних умінь з
використанням серії підручників Academic Encounters.
У статті розглянуто питання навчання студентів-психологів
англійської мови професійного спрямування. Робота досліджує
проблему підготовки студентів, які не є носіями англійської мови, до
навчання в англомовних коледжах і університетах. Після
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
спостереження минулого навчального року за процесом вивчення
студентами другого, третього і четвертого курсів факультету
психології фахової англійської мови, які використовували різні
підручники та велику кількість автентичних матеріалів, ми дійшли до
висновку про необхідність аналізу книг серії Academic Encounters.
Розглянуто два підручника для студентів і дві книги для вчителя, які
представлені в рамках цієї серії. Метою роботи є виявити переваги
використання книг Academic Encounters для забезпечення студентів-
психологів комунікативними вміннями, необхідними для успішного
опанування академічного курсу.
Ключові слова: англійська для академічних цілей, серія підручників
Academic Encounters, професійно орієнтовані комунікативні вміння,
Angela Gordeeva. Rozj u przyszłych psychologów
anglojęzycznych profesjonalnych umiejętności komunikacyjnych za
pomocą serii podręczników Academic Encounters.
Artykuł dotyczy szkoleń studentów psychologii w języku angielskim o
kierunku profesjonalnym. Niniejsza analiza dotyczy problemu
przygotowania przyszłych psychologów języka angielskiego do nauczania w
języku angielskim w college’u czy na uniwersytecie. W trakcie zeszłego roku
akademickiego, na podstawie obserwacji studentów drugiego, trzeciego i
czwartego roku kierunku „profesjonalny język angielski w psychologii”,
zauważono, że studenci wykorzystywali różne podręczniki i dużą ilość
oryginalnych materiałów. Doszliśmy do wniosku, że konieczna jest analiza
książek z serii Academic Encounters. Rozpatrzono dwa podręczniki dla
studentów i dwie pozycje dla nauczycieli, które ukazały sw ramach serii.
Cel studiowania ukazanie istoty serii Academic Encounters, która może
pomóc studentom psychologii zmienić ich przyzwyczajenia i przygotować do
akademickich kursów językowych.
Słowa kluczowe: angielski dla celów akademickich, seria podręczników
Academic Encounters, profesjonalne umiejętności komunikacyjne, student
Received 24.07.2017
Information about the author:
Gordyeyeva Anzhela Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Docent,
Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages, Taras
Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Collected articles Issue 2017
UDC [028.1(4/9)37]"712.9"-043.96
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017.84
© Savchenkov O., 2017
Oleksii Savchenkov
Odessa National Polytechnic University
This article explores the phenomenon of «clip thinking» and change of the
perception information in modern society. As the book, familiar to us for
centuries, transforms into something new. In the clip method presenting of
the information, through the perception of nonlinear, individual and not
always ordered pieces of information. This is confirmed by the analysis of
such indicators as the growth of literacy rate in the last almost seventh
centuries, constant growth of book printing and a comparative overview of
generated information on the Internet. They clearly show that, despite many
pessimistic forecasts, the amount of perception of information significantly
increased in comparison with the linear method. And the book as a method
of disseminating information does not disappear, but only transformed into
a more convenient source. Which is more adapted to the new conditions for
the modern reader.
Keywords: information society, clip thinking, text, blip-culture.
Researches of time of informative society assert that the traditional
forms of assimilation of information experiencing deep crisis and must yield
more corresponding to time of «network technologies». Modern
researchers: A. Toffler, J. Bodriyar and other experts noticed, what the
source of information as a «book» is pretty soon remain in the past, but A.
Toffler assumed, that the future would remain colorful magazines [1], and
the J. Bodriyar predicted the «Internet age» age of simulacra [2]. Indeed,
in ХХІ century people stop to read large texts, they give advantage to the
short volumes of information, but not large books. Instead of the full textual
expressing thoughts and feelings, often began to use pictures or photos with
a small comments. This was entails extinction the classical perception and
text by itself. What leads us to the so-called «clip» perception of
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
Materials and methods
The problem of «blip» or «clip» culture were studied by outstanding
scientists as E. Toffler, M. McLuhan, M. Castells. Among recent works
should be noted researches of F. I. Hyrenok, T. V. Semenovskyh,
G. P. Bakhtina.
For example, M. McLuhan writes: «Society at the present stage is
transforming in the «electronic society» or «global villag and sets, by
electronic means of communication, multi-dimensional perception of the
world. The development of electronic communication returns the human
mind to pre-text era, and linear sequence of characters ceases to be a basis
of culture» [3].
In addition to electronic information there are still remaining text
information, but were significantly transformed, it’s main principle becomes
the «picture». According to A. Toffler: «Third Wave people, by contrast,
are more at ease in the midst of this bombardment of blips the ninety-
second news-clip intercut with a thirty-second commercial, a fragment of
song and lyric, a headline, a cartoon, a collage, a newsletter item, a
computer printout. Insatiable readers of disposable paperbacks and special-
interest magazines, they gulp huge amounts of information in short takes.
But they also keep an eye out for those new concepts or metaphors that sum
up or organize blips into larger wholes. Rather than trying to stuff the new
modular data into the standard Second Wave categories or frameworks, they
learn to make their own, to form their own «strings» out of the blipped
material shot at them» [1].
The book adjusts to system sequential perception of large amounts of
information, but features of new type of consciousness are unable to handle
such large volumes because its main feature is «fragmentariness and
illogicality». T. V. Semenovskyh notes that «Clip thinking is a process of
displaying a wide variety properties of objects, without links between them,
which is characterized by fragmentation of the information flow,
illogicality, full heterogeneity of information, high speed switching between
the parts, pieces of information, the lack of a coherent picture of the
perception of the world» [4].
In some ways the trend described is true, but is it true conclusions?
Are these changes harmful? Did it really cutting our knowledge’s? Does the
information received by us decreasing in such circumstances?
The purpose of this article is to study whether the eligible these
pessimistic forecasts of worsening perception of modern information and
deaths books as information sources.
The main point of the prosecution, which predicts death of the book
a tendency to replace text by images on modern Internet sites and
magazines. In the usual sense replacement linear text by short phrase with
Collected articles Issue 2017
image may seem degradation. But let us compare it from the point of view
of history and equivalent amounts of data at different times.
According to the online source «Our world in data» [10] for the
period 1751-1800 in the UK, France and Germany were printed books
(Table 1).
Table 1
Production of printed books for half a century (in thousands of books),
2 807
15 603
7 999
39 084
32 112
32 912
61 257
40 553
89 306
85 163
57 708
89 259
73 631
78 205
138 335
157 153
116 814
As for 1800 at average was 0,19 books per person in Britain and
around 0,12 in France and Germany printed in year.
Until 1800 Great Britain had 54% of population learned to read and
write, in France it was 50%, in Germany 35% (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Literacy rates around the world from the 15th century to 2003 [9]
Dr Matthew Taunton at the University of East Anglia wrote: «In the
19th century, more people were reading more publications than ever
before ... The Times went from a circulation of 5000 a day in 1815 to
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
around 50000 in the middle of the century ... In 1896, the Daily Mail «The
Busy Man’s Daily Journal» – was launched at the cost of only half a penny,
and by 1900 it was selling nearly 1000000 copies a day .... Mudie’s Select
Library opened in 1842, and made the Victorian triple-decker novel
accessible to a wider public, with 25000 subscribers by 1890 ... Census data
can scarcely tell us much about the nature or quality of the population’s
encounters with the printed word, but they nevertheless show a rise in male
literacy from 69,3% in 1851 to 97,2% in 1900, and an even more striking
growth in female literacy, from 54,8% to 96,8% over the same period» [5].
During this period the population of Great Britain varied from
16300000 to 41154600 inhabitants [10]. What gives us is sufficient small
amount of printed text per capita.
Now take a look at the statistics on the use of the Internet among the
population as an analogy of the modern sources of information.
According to the resource «Internet live stats» at the current moment
in the UK have access to the internet about 60273385 (92,6% of the
population). In France 55860330 (86,4% of the population). In Germany
71016605 (88,0% of the population) [7].
In 2013, company Intel has made calculation [6], which shows the
amount of information totally produced and absorbed by all users of the
network in general (Figure 2).
Figure 2. What happens in an internet minute? [6]
Collected articles Issue 2017
These data can be systematized as follows (Table 2):
Table 2
Systematized data from Figure 2
Action per minute
Wiki page views
WeChat messages
Instant message MIM send
Photos uploaded
Pages views of sites
Searches in Google
Hours of video uploaded
in YouTube
Hours if video watched
Messages sent in Facebook
Pieces of content shared in
This is more than clearly illustrates that we have become to receive
the information in several orders more than our ancestors.
But not all of this information is textual. Maybe in terms of classical
literature, ten-pages of description of the sunset is more developed and
correct approach. But in terms of information transfer quality photo or video
are certainly informative. Even if you do not take as a basis the idea that
only a few of us can express in words the perfection of nature, its beauty
and uniqueness. Do not forget that during the transfer, we always change
the original information. Changing the extent of our senses. Conscious or
not, miss something from a picture or put emphasis on something particular.
Photography allows each of us to see something different, something
important that close to him in the one same picture. While retaining the
basic mood wanted to show us by author.
With all that we are still have control over how much time we
should spend on study photography, how far we want to or can now dive
into it. Do we want to study it carefully and understand the author, or we
just do not have time and we watch it for general information about the
events in the text.
Often this as example bring to show that in this way we lose the
depth of the author’s ideas. So maybe. But anyone who reads a lot, in itself
knows that the level of diving into the text also depends from our mood, our
free time and skill of the author. We are not machines. Sometimes we want
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
to reread something for deeper understanding. Another paragraph we just
run over. Some pages we are leaf through when author does not excite us.
Therefore, the perception of information in the information society becomes
even more developed and multifactorial, but not so monotonous as before,
when in addition to text information, we simply had no other applications.
And this feature we have kept working with nonlinear/clip
information. Which is by its structure gives us more free treatment. It is
help us easier to sink into the picture, run through unimportant, grasp the
meaning or flip vain.
Although at first sight this is completely fragmented information.
But if we are compare this amount of data, received by us now, with
information from the text era, it will be obvious that the values are
absolutely incommensurable. Now a person is not just read. In
correspondence we using audio and visual data. For a couple of hours a
person can see the whole history of some country. Or see the story about
someone's day, week, month, and even year. And this, at first look, a
kaleidoscope of information, is actually an ordered data. Which is ordered
by us, in our minds, according to our needs. It's has come time when to
obtain the necessary information we need more than one or few books.
More than one source. We already have the feasibility to almost parallel not
only learn something but also shared something and watch what was shared
with us. To collect the data used in this article was conducted search,
reading and verification of more than 30 different sources in order to find a
more optimal. With almost half of them, the work was at the same time.
That probably would not able to afford the average person of XIX century.
Therefore, we can reach the conclusion that the book is not dead, and
reading is not lost. Just our needs have increased, and the classic format has
not had time to adapt. In the beginning we broadcast information by
primitive pattern on stones and rocks. When this became insufficient, we
have created a written language, developed mathematics. Then began to mix
it all. With the development of typography books began to acquire schemes,
drawings and photos for transmission deeper meaning. Is that killed a book?
Have people stopped reading books? And now we are on the dawn of a new
era. We still do not understand what will book become at the end. What will
remain in past of it, as once happened with rock art, and that it will remain
as an essential part. It is too early to make a verdict, the book is simply not
caught up with us yet. Where from arise so many concerns about the death
of the book? E. Toffler writes: «The sudden shift of social ground rules
today, the smudging of roles, status distinctions, and lines of authority, the
immersion hi blip culture and, above all, the breakup of the great thought-
system, indust-reality, have shattered the world-image most of us carry
Collected articles Issue 2017
around in our skulls. In consequence, most people surveying the world
around them today see only chaos. They suffer a sense of personal
powerlessness and pointlessness» [4]. It is this inability to adapt to changes
causes pessimistic and very negative assessment of the current
transformation of perception, such as the following: «Based on the views of
researchers, we can say that clip thinking leads to : mass attention deficit
disorder; losses desires of a new knowledge; destruction of needs and
ability to creativity; aided by consistent use of secondary information on the
level of processing and combining; no structuralization in desires and
actions; discrepancy way of thinking of lifestyle; inconsistency in decisions
to resolve problems even purely everyday and weakening the responsibility
for the consequences; operate only the content of fixed length, inability to
work with semiotic structures of arbitrary complexity and focus on any
information for a long time; Mass ignorance of youth and their phenomena
of their passion of their ignorance; absolute confidence in their correctness,
because the people who personify anti-intellectualism, not aware of the
problem; disparities between formal and actual level of knowledge; a sharp
decline in the actual learning and learning success; falsification of
assessment» [4, p. 151].
Discussion and conclusions
According to the study, we found:
1. The process of assimilation information in modern society does
not decrease, but rather becomes more developed and multifactorial. The
amount of information extends through audio and video inserts, making
reading not as monotonous as before, when in addition to text information,
we simply had no other options.
2. The book does not die, it’s transformed into a new presentation.
Currently, we need large amounts of information, so the structure of the
presentation should be bright so that we can more easily remember. To
obtain the necessary data we can do it longer with one or more books. Most
researchers now read in parallel up to the 30 articles in different tabs in
browser, which allows us to immediately compare the data and do a lot
more detailed conclusions about innovations of contemporary world of
science and culture. The term «text reading» itself developing, our needs
have increased, and the classical format of the book did not have time to
adjust yet.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
1. Toffler, A. (1980). The Third Wave. New York: William Morrow
and Company.
2. Baudrillard, J. (1993). Symbolic exchange and death. London:
Sage Publications, Inc.
3. McLuhan, M. (1962). The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of
Typographic Man. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
4. Semenovskyh, T. V. (2013, February 18). «Klipovoe mishlenie» –
fenomen sovremennosti [«Clip thinking» the phenomenon of modernity].
Optimal’nyye kommunikatsii Optimal communications. Retrieved from (in Russian)
5. Taunton, M. (2014). Print culture. Discovering Literature:
Romantics and Victorians. Retrieved from
6. Intel Corporation. (2013). What Happens in an Internet Minute?
Retrieved from
7. Internet live stats. (2014). Internet Users by Country [table].
Retrieved from
8. Roser, M., & Ortiz-Ospina, E. (2017). Literacy. Retrieved from
9. Roser, M. (2017). Books. Retrieved from
10. Naselenie Velikobritanii [Demography of the United Kingdom].
(2017, June 16). Retrieved July 21, 2017, from RuWiki:Население_Великобритании (in Russian)
Олексій Савченков. Перспективи книги у сучасній освіті:
смерть чи переродження.
У цій статті досліджується феномен «кліпове мислення» та зміни
сприйняття інформації у сучасному суспільстві взагалі. Те, як звична
нам століттями книга, як лінійна подача інформації,
трансформується в щось нове в кліпову подачу шляхом сприйняття
нелінійних, окремих і не завжди упорядкованих шматочків інформації.
Це підтверджується проведеним аналізом таких показників, як
зростання рівня грамотності протягом останніх, майже сьомі
сторіч, постійне зростання друку книг та порівняльний огляд
інформації в мережі інтернет. Вони однозначно показують, що,
незважаючи на багато песимістичних прогнозів, обсяги сприйняття
інформації при кліповому мисленні багаторазово збільшуються в
порівнянні з лінійним методом. А книга як метод поширення
Collected articles Issue 2017
інформації не зникає, а лише трансформується у більш зручне
джерело, яке більш адаптовано до нових умов сучасному читачеві.
Ключові слова: інформаційне суспільство, кліпове мислення, текст,
Ołeksij Savchenkov. Perspektywy książki we współczesnej
edukacji: śmierć czy przeistoczenie.
Ten artyk analizuje zjawisko «clip myślenie» i zmiany postrzegania
informacji we współczesnym społeczeństwie. Od lat zwykła książka, która
stanowi liniowe podanie informacji, przekształca się w przekaz clip poprzez
nieliniową percepcję, przez postrzeganie nieliniowych, oddzielnych i nie
zawsze uszeregowanych fragmentów informacji. Analiza potwierdziła, że
nastąpił wzrost umiejętności, w ciągu ostatnich siedmiu stuleci, dzięki
zwiększeniu ilości wydrukowanych książek i korzystaniu z informacji w
internecie. Widać wyraźnie, że mimo wielu pesymistycznych prognoz
wielkość percepcji w clip myśleniu rośnie w porównaniu z metodą liniową.
Książka jako sposób rozpowszechniania informacji nie znika, tylko ulega
transformacji w bardziej wygodne źródło, lepiej zaadaptowane do nowych
warunków współczesnego czytelnika.
Słowa kluczowe: społeczeństwo informacyjne, clip myślenie, blip-kultura.
Received 25.07.2017
Information about the author:
Savchenkov Oleksii Postgraduate Student, Odessa National Polytechnic
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
UDC [004.855+608.7::008]-043.83-057.4:658.286
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017.93
© Perezva E., Mironenko S., 2017
Elena Perezva,
Sergey Mironenko
Odessa Automobile and Road College
Odessa National Polytechnic University
Present the problems of technological education; the issues of increasing
the effectiveness of the educational process and pedagogical skill;
specificity of teaching computer disciplines for students studying in the
specialty «Transport Technologies»; particular qualities of studying
computer science and computer technologies in specialties connected with
transport and its processes.
Keywords: technological education, pedagogical skills, transport
technologies, educational process.
The problems of the formation of computer literacy among the
younger generation and the application of information technologies in the
educational process were concerned by a lot of researchers as
I. T. Zaretskaya, L. P. Babenko, B. Kolodyazhny, N. V. Morse,
V. Y. Bykov and many others. Based on the practical advice of these
authors, their theoretical materials, teachers and students very often use
them in their educational activities, but the problems of development and
effective use of information and communication technologies in education
are still very relevant in modern Ukraine. Create conditions which would
most effectively operated such information space and an appropriate
educational environment, which would be for the students as comfortable
and interesting, would encourage them to self-development, have stepped
up their cognitive activity, develop their critical thinking and ability to
analyze. All of that is the purpos that should be tried to reach not only by
teachers in the field, but the government generally.
So information and communication technologies (ICT) are rapidly
developing, accelerating all the processes of scientific, technical and social
development of the country, influencing the nature of the development of
pedagogical systems and the education system as a whole. However, to
ensure the integration of Ukrainian education system into the European and
Collected articles Issue 2017
world educational space, we should take steps to modernize the target and
technological aspects of education, based on widespread use of ICT.
Informatization of education system is a through, comprehensive directions
of innovative development of the education system, resources are still not
used properly [3].
In our country there are many problems and difficulties that have a
negative impact on the development of education informatization process,
including the following:
- in the state are not defined strategic goals and development
objectives, no long-term and medium-term forecasting and planning of
socio-economic development, as envisaged in the developed world and the
European Union;
- critical state of national scientific and technical sphere is largely
due to the lack of an effective system of public administration science,
would be responsible advocated compliance with the law and the current
needs of the development of national science and provide its interaction
with the production, carried out the necessary coordination of research and
development [1];
- imperfection of the legislation on the use of ICT in education;
- a large number of documents (in the form of reports, plans, etc.),
must be systematically filled by teachers and through the fact that there is
no time for self-education;
- the constant change of curricula also reduces the effectiveness of
the work of teachers is one of the reasons for the acceleration of their
«teacher burnout»;
- insufficient financing of educational institutions and, accordingly,
low motivation of teachers and many other problems.
In modern conditions, developed countries, in which science plays
the role of the main economic-reproduction factor, ensure their development
through science, the improvement of existing technologies, technology and
the use of fundamentally new scientific achievements.
One of the most important strategic goals that the Ukrainian society
should set for itself in the modern world is the search for opportunities and
the introduction of effective measures aimed at enhancing the development
of scientific and technical potential for accelerating the technological
development of the state's economy, increasing its competitiveness and
innovativeness [1].
Accordingly, information technology training in Ukraine still require
some improvement to reach the international advanced level, and this is
reflected in the quality of education, the level of training of future
specialists and the teachers.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
Increasing the level of computer literacy of the future specialist is an
urgent issue and requires both high professional skills of the teacher himself
and the availability of proper software and hardware that do not always
meet modern education requirements.
Materials and methods
The Odessa Automobile and Road College of the Odessa National
Polytechnic University has been working the division of transport systems
for 15 years now. Taking into account the geopolitical position of Ukraine
in general and the South region of Ukraine, in particular, is very predictable
need for staff in areas of «Transport technologies». Today, college
graduates have a demand not only in the south of Ukraine, but also in the
country generally.
To ensure that the future specialist was competitive and highly
qualified, on the basis of the college several theoretical and theoretical
conferences of international level were held with the participation of
representatives of Ghent University, employees of Odessa transport
organizations and other specialists of this branch. During such events,
students were given the opportunity to analyze modern transport problems,
to get acquainted with the modern integrated package of multimodal
transportation planning for OmniTRANS. This software is successfully
used in transport planning in transportation systems, thanks to its powerful
data processing center programming language and interface provides
convenient. OmniTRANS transport planners a powerful set of tools used to
solve a wide spectrum in the transport modeling problems. One of the main
issues facing the planner is the control and management of potentially large
and complex data sets that need to be collected and then used in models
where a large number of options can be obtained. OmniTRANS established
to carry out this difficult task, ensure effective and consistent storage of data
in a relational database, and there are no restrictions on the number of
zones, nodes or links that make up the transport network. In the near future
this software will be introduced in the educational activities of our
educational institution.
The future specialist of the transport industry should work day by
day with information, presented in the form of tables of data, both textual
and numeric, and analyze large amounts of data. Using the Microsoft Excel
table processor, a student can perform automated calculations much faster
and without errors. The use of tools such as «Finding Solutions» and
«Parameter Selection» helps students solve optimization planning problems,
transport tasks and other linear programming tasks. Everything has
particular importance, since future professional activity will be connected
with solving problems of this type.
Collected articles Issue 2017
Using the experience of the colleges from Gent University, such as
Frank Whitlock and Dominic Gillis, as well as the teachers of colleges, a
methodical manual for diploma and course design for the specialties
«Organization of transportation and management on motor transport»,
«Organization and regulation of road traffic» in the field «Transport and
transport infrastructure» was developed. The aim is to familiarize students
with the computer model and the design of traffic on the streets of Odessa.
The high level of methodical work of the teachers of the college, the
availability of technical facilities and modern software is the basis that
encourages students to work harder while performing tasks on computers.
Free access to the Internet in the classroom, making tasks more effective
and interesting. The use of «BlendedLearning» and Internet resources
allows students to improve cognitive activity and to carry out a search
operation, and allows teachers to combine traditional methods and current
technology. The use of information and communication technologies in the
classroom improves students’ attitude to knowledge, as well as the quality
of communication between students and teachers.
The success of educational process will be provided only by the
quality of the technologies. They are considered to be the guarantor of
obtaining good pedagogical results. Although the same technology can be
used by teachers with different levels of professionalism, however, there
will be no significant differences in their work. The development of
education in the future from these positions is not associated with an
increase in professionalism, and with the introduction of high-quality
Paying tribute to the idea of technological education, we cannot
disagree with the opinion that it eliminates the problem of pedagogical skill.
Certainly, XXI century will make adjustments to the development of
pedagogical paradigms; the public functions of the teacher will change.
However, it is difficult to imagine a truly humanistic society without a
teacher spiritual guide, mentor, helper, and then a teacher who knows
the art of influence, to awaken thought, to encourage, to infect [2].
In the process of teaching, the teacher must have a high level of
pedagogical skill. Pedagogical skills – a set of personality traits, providing a
high level of self-organization of professional activities on the basis of the
All the components of pedagogical skill are interrelated, they
inherent self-development, and not only growth under the influence of
external factors.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
So, to make teacher acted creatively, independently analyzed the
results of its operations and adjusting means of the orientation of the target,
it has to have a certain inner base, certain properties, characteristics, the
development of which will provide professional self-development of the
teacher, and through it – and student development.
The foundation of pedagogical skill is professional competence. The
teacher's knowledge is addressed, on the one hand, to the discipline he
teaches, and on the other hand to students whose psychology should be
well-known. In preparation for the lesson, the teacher think over its
contents, methodology takes into account the perception of students of a
certain age group, their own capabilities. The content of professional
competence is the knowledge of the subject, the methods of teaching it,
pedagogy and psychology.
The criteria of the teacher’s skill are expediency (in terms of
direction), productivity (by results), dialogicality (by the nature of relations
with students), optimality in the choice of means, creativity (in terms of
content) [2].
Discussion and conclusions
The formation of information society in Ukraine determines how to
direct its influence on the modernization of the education system, and
indirect, associated with the emergence of a new lifestyle, a change in its
quality. The rapid development of ICT, the dissemination of new
methodological training systems create conditions for unlimited access of
all subjects of education to electronic educational resources. This process is
gaining in scale and intensity, and its results convince that there is no
alternative for ICT in the modern world [3]. However, in Ukraine there are
still unresolved problems that hinder maximum efficiency of the
introduction of ICT in the education system, so the question remains open.
The need for effective use of modern computer-oriented training
systems to ensure the harmonious development, training and education of
students, requiring the teacher high professional competence and
pedagogical skills. To effectively form a future specialist, the teacher needs
not only as a source of knowledge, but also as a navigator on the life path of
personality formation, providing the cardinal needs of the student in self-
To achieve this goal it is necessary to create such a comfortable
environment in which students and teachers will be able to develop and
implement as much as possible their abilities, knowledge and skills, but it is
necessary to consolidate the efforts of not only the teachers and
management of individual schools, and first and foremost the government.
Collected articles Issue 2017
1. Postanova Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy «Pro Rekomendatsii
parlamentskykh slukhan na temu: «Pro stan ta zakonodavche
zabezpechennia rozvytku nauky ta naukovo-tekhnichnoi sfery derzhavy»
[Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine «On the Recommendations
of Parliamentary Hearings on the topic: «On the State and Legislative
Support for the Development of Science and the Scientific and Technical
Sphere of the State»]. (n.d.), Retrieved from (in Ukrainian)
2. Ziaziun, I. A., Kramushchenko, L. V., & Kryvonos, I. F. (2004).
Pedahohichna maisternist [Pedagogical Excellence] (2nd ed.). Kyiv:
Vyshcha shkola. (in Ukrainian)
3. Bykov, V. Y. (2011). Tekhnolohii khmarnykh obchyslen
providni informatsiini tekhnolohii podalshoho rozvytku informatyzatsii
systemy osvity Ukrainy [Cloud computing technologies leading
information technologies for the further development of the informatization
of the Ukrainian education system]. Kompiuter u shkoli ta simi Computer
in school and family, 6, 3-11. (in Ukrainian)
Олена Перезва, Сергій Мироненко. Формування
комп’ютерної грамотності та інформаційної культури в
майбутнього фахівця транспортної галузі.
Відображено проблеми технологізації освіти, питання підвищення
ефективності навчального процесу, педагогічну майстерність і
викладання комп’ютерних дисциплін для студентів, які навчаються за
спеціалізацією «Транспортні технології»; особливості вивчення
інформатики та комп’ютерних технологій на спеціальностях, які
пов’язані з транспортом та процесами, які пов’язані з ним.
Ключові слова: технологізація освіти, педагогічна майстерність,
транспортні технології, навчальний процес.
Elena Perezva, Sergey Mironenko. Kształtowanie
komputerowego piśmiennictwa i kultury informacyjnej u przyszłego
fachowca branży transportowej.
Przedstawiono tu problem innowacji edukacji, rozpatrzono zagadnienia
dotyczące podwyższenia efektywności procesu edukacyjnego i umiejętności
pedagogicznych; ukazano specyfikę wykładania przedmiotów
informatycznych dla studentów, którzy studiują na kierunku «Technologie
transportowe»; właściwości studiowania informatyki i komputerowych
technologii na specjalnościach, które związane z transportem i
skorelowanymi z nim procesami.
Słowa kluczowe: innowacja edukacji, pedagogiczne umiejętności,
technologie transportowe, edukacyjny proces.
Received 26.07.2017
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
Information about the authors:
Perezva Elena Lecturer, Odessa Automobile and Road College Odessa
National Polytechnic University.
Mironenko Sergey Doctor of Philosophy in Techniques, Docent,
Director, Odessa Automobile and Road College Odessa National
Polytechnic University.
Collected articles Issue 2017
UDC 159.925:001.11
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017.100
© Behun-Trachuk L., 2017
Larysa Behun-Trachuk
Mukachevo State University
The article is devoted to the problem of burnout as a destructive
phenomenon in the work of university teachers. Three main approaches to
the definition of professional burnout have been outlined. A generally
accepted theory of viewing the structure of burnout as the one including the
emotional debilitating, depersonalization process of personal achievement
has been scrutinised. Main mental and physical symptoms and hallmarks of
debilitation reflected in physical, psychological, and behavioral spheres of
a teacher’s life have been identified. The article deals with a problem of
professional burnout of staff. Considered occupational stress factor leading
to the emergence of professional burnout and some views on the nature,
symptoms, and consequences of professional burnout and exhaustion of
energy in emotional and personal resources of the university teacher.
Keywords: burnout, depersonalization, university teacher, professional
In existing conditions of globalization, the growth of information,
communicative, emotional stresses, lack of motor activity and interference
in the harmonious lifestyle of modern man as a result of the intensification
of professional activity, the professional burnout has become a present-day
As a phenomenon of the subject of lab our existence, the
professional burnout sone of the major problems of theoretical and applied
psychology of labor, the subject of work psychology, psychology of
management and human resources management.
The urgency of professional burnout issues is related to the
phenomenon conceptualization of the burnout in the context of labor
activity, the definition of mechanisms and risk factors of its evolution aimed
at development of scientifically grounded technologies for counteraction to
its negative consequences.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
Materials and methods
There is no clear updated vision and understanding of the deep
psychological mechanisms of the phenomenon of «burnout» at the
conceptual level.
So, for example, in the analyzed dictionary sources (Great
Dictionary of Modern Ukrainian Language / Formation and editors,
V. T. Busel; Philosophical Dictionary / Ed. V. V. Shynkaruk; Psychological
Dictionary etc.) there are not clear definitions of concepts «burnout»,
«emotional extinction», «professional burnout». This proves that, despite of
a number of investigations, dealing with certain aspects of the burnout, a
significant number of issues remain unresolved.
Among them: the lack of unambiguous understanding and definition
of the subject area of the phenomenon of burning; A variety of views on
nature, the root cause of burnout and its structure; unreasonably wide
interpretation of the phenomenon of burning and its spread to various
spheres of human life, except for professional.
Therefore, the purpose of this article is to substantiate the essence
and highlight the characteristic of the category of «professional burnout» on
the basis of theoretical analysis of science sources.
To do this, consider the concept of «emotional burnout».
The term «burnout» was proposed by the American psychiatrist
H. J. Freidenberg in 1974. Sometimes this term is translated as «emotional
burning». H. J. Freidenberg investigated the syndrome that manifested itself
in the following manifestations:
а) Feelings of indifference, emotional devastation, exhaustion (one
can not give up work as it was before);
b) dehumanization (development of negative attitude towards its
colleagues and clients);
c) negative self-perception in a professional plane – a feeling of
insufficient professional skills.
There are three main factors that play a significant role in the
emotional burnout syndrome – personal, role and organizational.
Personality factor. The conducted studies show that age, family
status, herds of this work, do not affect the emotional burnout. But women
in a greater degree develop emotional exhaustion than men, they fail to
connect the motivation (arranged wages) and the development of the
syndrome due to the importance of work, satisfaction with professional
Psychologist H. J. Freidenberg describes «burning down» as
sympathetic, humane, mummy, idealistic, oriented to people, and at the
same time – unstable, introverted, obsessed with fixed ideas.
V. Boyko points out the following personal factors contributing to
the development of a syndrome of professional burnout: a tendency to
Collected articles Issue 2017
emotional coolness, a tendency to intensive experience of negative
circumstances of professional activity, weak motivation of emotional
dedication in professional activity.
Role factor. Established relationship between role conflict, role
uncertainty and emotional burnout. Work in the situation of distributed
responsibility limits the development of the syndrome of emotional burnout,
and with a not clear or unevenly distributed responsibility for their
professional actions, this factor sharply increases even at a significantly
lower work load. Contribute to the development of emotional burnout those
professional actions in which general efforts are not coordinated, there is no
integration of actions, there is competition, while the successful outcome
depends on the concerted actions.
Organizational factor. The development of the emotional burnout
syndrome is associated with the presence of intense psycho-emotional
activity: intensive communication, reinforcement of its emotions, intensive
perception, processing and interpretation of the information received and
decision-making. The second factor in the development of emotional
burnout is the destabilizing organization of activities and the disadvantaged
psychological atmosphere. This is a fuzzy organization and planning of
work, lack of necessary funds, the presence of bureaucratic moments, many
hours of work, which has a difficultly measured content, the presence of
conflicts both in the system «leader – subordinate» and among colleagues.
There is another factor that contributes to the syndrome of emotional
burn-up the presence of a psychologically complex contingent, which has
to deal with a professional in the field of communication (serious patients,
«complex» adolescents, etc.)
Currently, there are several theories that distinguish the stages of
emotional burnout.
J. Grinberg proposes to consider emotional extinction as a five-step
progressing process.
1. The first stage of emotional burnout («honeymoon»). An
employee is usually happy with work and tasks, and is enthusiastic about
them. However, as work continues to continue, professional activity begins
to bring less satisfaction and the worker becomes less energetic.
2. The second stage («fuel shortage»). Fatigue, apathy appear, there
may be problems with sleep. In the absence of additional motivation and
incentives, the employee loses interest in his work or disappears
attractiveness of work in this organization and the productivity of its
activities. Possible violations of labor discipline and disqualification
(distancing) from professional duties. In the case of high motivation, the
worker can continue to burn, using internal resources, but at the expense of
his health.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
3. Third stage (chronic symptoms). Excessive work without rest,
especially «workaholics», leads to such physical manifestations as
exhaustion and predisposition to illnesses, as well as psychological
experiences chronic irritability, acute malice or depression, «tucked into
the corner». The constant experience of lack of time.
4. The fourth stage (crisis). As a rule, chronic diseases develop,
resulting in a person partially or completely losing capacity for work.
Increasing dissatisfaction with their own efficiency and quality of life.
5. Fifth stage («breaking the wall»). Physical and psychological
problems become more acute and can provoke the development of
dangerous diseases, threatening the person’s momentum. The employee has
so many problems that his career is in jeopardy.
Scientists B. Perlman and E. A. Hartman proposed a «Dynamic
Model» that includes four stages of emotional burnout:
1. The first stage is the tension associated with additional efforts to
adapt to situational work requirements. Such tensions call the two most
likely types of situations. First: skills and abilities of an employee are
insufficient to meet the status-roles and professional requirements. Second:
work may not meet its expectations, needs or values. These and other
situations create a contradiction between the subject and the work
environment, which triggers the process of emotional burnout.
2. The second stage is accompanied by a strong feeling and stressful
experience. Numerous stressful situations do not cause relevant experiences,
because there is a constructive assessment of their capabilities and
awareness of the requirements of the working situation. Movement from the
first stage of emotional burn-up to the second depends on the resources of
the individual and on the status-role and organizational components.
3. The third stage is accompanied by the reactions of the main three
classes (physiological, affective, cognitive) in individual variants.
4. The fourth stage is an emotional extinction as a multifaceted
experience of chronic psychological stress. Being a negative consequence of
psychological stress, the burnout experience manifests itself as a physical,
emotional exhaustion, as an experience of subjective misfortune physical
and psychological discomfort. The fourth stage is figuratively comparable
to the «attenuation of combustion» in the absence of the required fuel.
According to M. Burisch the model, the development of the
emotional burnout syndrome is a series of stages. At first, there are
significant energy costs the result of an extremely high positive
installation for professional activities.
As the syndrome develops, there is a sense of fatigue, which is
gradually replaced by disappointment, decreased interest in their work.
However, it should be noted that the development of emotional burnout is
individual and is determined by the difference in the emotional and
Collected articles Issue 2017
motivational sphere, as well as the conditions in which the professional
activities of a person.
In the development of a syndrome of emotional burnout, M. Burisch
distinguishes the following stages and phases:
Preventive phase
Excessive part:
- Excessive activity;
- Sacrifice of needs that are not linked with work, conscientious
removal from your mind of failures and disappointments;
- Limitation of social contacts.
- Feeling of tiredness;
- Insomnia;
- Risk of accidents;
Reduction of personal participation
In relation to colleagues:
- Loss of positive conception of colleagues;
- Step up from assistance to control and supervision;
- Shifting of guilt for one’s failures onto others;
- Dominance of stereotypes in personal behavior towards other
employees manifestation of inhuman approach to a person.
In relation to other people:
- Absence of empathy;
- Indifference;
- Cynical remarks.
In regard to professional activities:
- reluctance to perform their own duties;
- unsubstantiated prolongation of pauses in work, late arrivals,
leaving work sooner;
- focus on material side with unhappiness with work.
Growing requirements:
- loss of life ideal, focus on one’s needs;
- feeling of being used by other people;
- envy.
Emotional reactions
- Constant feeling of guilt, decline in self-esteem;
- Uncalled for fears, mood changes, apathy.
- protective behavior, accusation of others, ignorance of one’s own
inputs in failures;
- lack of tolerance and ability to compromise;
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
- suspicion, conflict with other.
Phase of distructive behavior
Intellectual sphere:
- Decrease of concentration, inability to perform complicated tasks;
- Rigid thinking, lack of imagination.
Motivation area:
- Lack of initiative;
- Decrease in effective activities;
- Performing duties strictly following instructions.
Emotional social sphere:
- Indifference, avoidance of informal contacts;
- Lack of participation in other people’s lives or excessive
attachment to a specific person;
- Avoiding subjects linked to work;
- Self-sufficiency, loneliness, abandonment of hobbies, boredom.
Psycomatic reactions and decline in immunity:
- Inability to relax in a free time;
- Insomnia, sexual disfunctions;
- Increased blood pressure, tachycardia, headaches;
- Pain in the back, digestive disorders.
Disappointment and negative approach to life:
- Feeling of impotence and lack of meaning in life;
- Existence despair.
According to M. Burysch, a strong dependence on work leads in the
end to complete despair and existential emptiness.
Thus, according to the results of the theoretical analysis of the
concepts of «emotional burnout», «professional burnout» is extremely
important in the professional activity of the individual.
The study of the mechanisms of counteraction to professional
burnout as a systemic effect of subjective-personal, organizational and
social factors is important for many branches of science and practice related
to practice, professional maladaptation, deformation, mental well-being and
professional health, labor motivation, social interaction of employees in
various professional groups.
Professional burnout is a system quality of the subject of
professional activity, which is formed as a result of the violation of optimal
functioning in the system of «subject – profession – organization – society».
It is manifested in negative psychic conditions, attitudes towards
oneself or in their own achievements, to other subjects of professional
activity, as a cause and effect of reducing the supply of resources at
different levels of psychological regulation.
Collected articles Issue 2017
Discussion and conclusions
Thus, professional burnout is an inserted into the system quality of
the individual, which manifests itself in the deformation of professional
objectives by way of semantic alienation. The dynamics of the development
of professional burnout is due to contradictions between the organizational
and professional requirements to the subject of labor, its expectations, the
activity of attracting resources to the activities and management of them.
With the negative development of professionalization, these contradictions
contribute to the violation of semantic regulation, semantic alienation (loss
of faith and the content of active activity), decrease in the activity of life
position and confidence, are manifested in a significant change of subjective
assessment of the ratio of vital «losses» and «achievements».
1. Boyko, V. V. (1996). Energija emozij v obshenii: vzgljad na sebja
i na drugich [Energy emotions in communication: a look at ourselves and
others]. Moscow: «Filin». (in Russian)
2. Boiko, V. V. (2004). Energija emozij [Energy of emotions].
St. Petersburg: «Piter». (in Russian)
3. Freudenberger, H. J. (1974). Zapobigannja emozinomu vigoraniju
[Staff burn-out]. Journal of Social Issues, 30, 159-166 (in Ukrainian)
4. Jackson, S. E., & Maslach, C. (1982). After-effects of job-related
stress: Families as victims. Journal of Occupational Behaviour, 3, 63-77.
5. Maslach, C. (1997). The truth about burnout: How organization
cause personal stress and what to do about it. San Francisco: CA, Jossey-
6. Perlman, B. (1982). Burnout: summary and future research.
Human relations, 35(4), 283-305.
Лариса Бегун-Трачук. Сутність та характеристика категорії
«професійне вигорання».
У статті розглядається важлива проблема професійного вигорання
персоналу. Розглянуто чинник професійного стресу, що призводить до
виникнення професійного вигорання, і деякі погляди на суть, симптоми
та наслідки професійного вигорання й виснаження емоційно-
енергійних і особових ресурсів викладачів вищої школи. Проаналізовано
сучасний стан визначення предметної області феномену вигорання;
різноманіття поглядів, його першопричину та структуру;
трактування феномену вигорання і його поширення на різні сфери
людської життєдіяльності. Було розглянуто механізми протидії
професійному вигоранню, питання, пов’язані з професійною
дезадаптацією, деформацією, душевним благополуччям та
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
професійним здоров’ям, трудової мотивації, соціальної взаємодії
викладачів вищої школи.
Ключові слова: вигорання, деперсоналізація, професійне вигорання.
Larisa Behun-Trachuk. Treść i charakterystyka kategorii
«wypalenie zawodowe».
W artykule rozpatruje się ważny problem wypalenia zawodowego
personelu. Analizie poddano czynniki zawodowego stresu, który
doprowadza do powstawania wypalenia zawodowego, oraz niektóre
poglądy na istotę, symptomy i skutki wypalenia zawodowego, a także
wyczerpania emocjonalnych, energetycznych oraz osobowych zasobów
wykładowców wszych uczelni. Przeanalizowano aktualny stan określenia
przedmiotowego obszaru zjawiska wypalenia; przedstawiono różne
poglądy, praprzyczynę tego zjawiska i jego strukturę; a także jak
traktowany jest ten problem i jak rozprzestrzenił się na różne obszary
ludzkiego życia. Rozpatrzono także mechanizmy przeciwdziałania
zawodowemu wypaleniu, zagadnienia związane z zawodo dezadaptacją,
deformacją, jak również psychiczną kondycją i zdrowiem, z motywacją
zawodową i społecznym współdziałaniem wykładowców wyższych uczelni.
Słowa kluczowe: wypalenie, depersonalizacja, wypalenie zawodowe.
Received 29.07.2017
Information about the author:
Behun-Trachuk Larisa Postgraduate Student, Assistant at the
Department of Pedagogy Music Education and Performance Art,
Mukachevo State University.
Collected articles Issue 2017
UDC 811.111:37.091.33
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017.108
© Lazareva O., Kovtun O., 2017
Olga Lazareva,
Olena Kovtun
National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»
The growing role of social competencies, also referred to as soft skills, for a
future working career is discussed, given a significant altering of the
concepts of job families and functions, profession, workplace, working
hours in the changing economy. The major attention is paid to such soft
skills as collaboration, communication, critical thinking and problem-
solving and the ways they can be developed at ESP classes in technical
HEIs. Some exercises based on student-centred approach aimed to form
these important skills are mentioned. To assess the effectiveness of the
teaching methods applied through the module devoted to communication in
academic and professional environments, a survey was undertaken among
students of the first year. Its results show that innovative methods including
role plays, team work and brain-storming are generally perceived by
students as less appealing and efficient than more traditional ones such as
reading or translation. It is concluded that more efforts are needed to
introduce student-centred practices for developing soft skills.
Keywords: soft skills, social competencies, ESP, innovative teaching
methods, student-centred learning.
In the coming years the global workforce is expected to experience
significant altering of job families and functions. The World Economic
Forum recently stated that «65% of children entering primary school today
will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that do not yet
exist» [1]. Even today we can see that the concept of «profession» itself has
blurred, with an employee having to master still new skills and sometimes
becoming literally jack-of-all-trades. For instance, emerging small-scale
start-uppers usually simultaneously become experts in accountancy,
logistics, management etc. apart from their major occupation.
Moreover, the workplace is no more as it used to be. The
introduction of advanced information technologies, creation of
intercontinental companies, rearrangement of traditional economies have
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
made and will continue making work and workers more flexible, adjustable
to new conditions and challenges. This means that employees are no more
strictly tied to a definite workplace and working hours; members of teams
may be located in different cities, countries and even continents. And the
work itself is less routine requiring skills and knowledge of many adjacent
fields. For example, being at least basically computer literate is now a must
in almost all areas, while 30 years ago access to computers was a privilege
of the few. Project work, one example of non-routine activity, has increased
40-fold over the past 20 years, making collaboration and teamwork more
important than ever [2].
This is especially apparent in middle-class jobs that will increasingly
depend on a worker’s ability to process and convey information [3]. To
succeed at work, people must be able not only to analyse problems without
the benefit of instructions but also to communicate their findings to others,
across borders and time zones.
Another reason to rethink the approach to preparing for future jobs is
the huge rise of AI technologies and robotics, which have penetrated into all
spheres of our life. While robots have been historically confined to
performing manufacturing tasks explicitly preset by designers, now
advanced robotic systems have been successfully implemented carrying out
a wide range of once only human cognitive tasks. And this tendency is
going to ever grow in future. The estimates [4] show that «about 47 percent
of total US employment is in the high risk of being automated relatively
soon, perhaps over the next decade or tw.
The U.S. Department of Education emphasises [5] that 60 percent of
all new jobs in the early 21st century will require skills that only 20 percent
of the current workforce possesses, which means urgent necessity in
reshaping the whole process of preparation for a future working career,
especially in higher education.
An individual starts to make choices in education that will affect the
skills needed in their career at least a decade before they enter the
workplace by which time technology and consumer preferences will have
changed significantly.
In 2015, the World Economic Forum published a report [6] that
focused on the pressing issue of the 21st-century skills gap. In that report,
they defined a set of 16 crucial proficiencies for education in the 21st
century. Those skills include six «foundational literacies», such as literacy,
numeracy and scientific literacy, and 10 skills that are labelled
«competencies» and «character qualities». Competencies, which are also
referred to as soft skills [7], are the means by which students approach
complex challenges; they include collaboration, communication, critical
thinking and problem-solving. Character qualities are the ways in which
students adjust to changing environment; they include curiosity, adaptability
Collected articles Issue 2017
and social and cultural awareness. Overall, they argue that social skills
such as persuasion, emotional intelligence and teaching others will be in
higher demand across industries than narrow technical skills (or hard skills),
such as programming or equipment operation and control. In essence,
technical skills will need to be supplemented with strong social and
collaboration skills.
That is why it is clear that our education system needs to adapt by
providing training that places more emphasis on developing these abilities
in students, moving beyond the current learning-for-exam focus to more
group-based projects, in-class presentations, and team-working exercises.
Materials and methods
In this article we will focus on soft skills and the ways they can be
developed at English classes. We assume that active methods of teaching
based on student-centred approach are more efficient in fostering social
skills than traditional ones. Our discussion will be based upon the analysis
of the survey made in National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic
Institute» (NTU «KhPI») aimed at learning how students perceive
innovative teaching approaches compared to traditional ones.
Recently, the department of foreign languages has designed and
implemented a competence-based syllabus for the students of technological
departments who study ESP during their first and second years. The first
module, 64 hours long, is devoted to socialising in professional and
academic environments. And it is during this time when communication and
collaboration skills are mostly developed. The activities fostering these
abilities in students are embedded into the syllabus through various tasks
including time-proven classical ones such as reading or vocabulary
exercises as well as more active pursuits, i.e. role-plays, surveys, interviews,
research work etc. The latter are sometimes called innovative methods of
teaching despite the fact that they are known and have been used for
decades. Nevertheless, it should be admitted that most students have no or
little experience in applying them. That is why the word innovative is quite
appropriate in this context.
Advocates of the 21
-century skills favour student-centred methods
e.g. problem-based learning and project-based learning that allow
students to collaborate, work on authentic problems, and engage with the
community [8]. And, yet, Ukrainian teachers still rarely use them. But most
teachers of our department after duly organized ESP teacher development
seminars given by the trainers of the British Council (Ukraine) have started
effectively using their teaching strategies based on student-centred
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
Following are the ways we applied during the English classes for
non-native speakers to maintain some of the basic soft skills in the
framework of this approach.
- Communication. As a soft skill, communication is not about being
just loquacious. Able communicators can adjust their speaking style in
agreement with their audience, and explain complex issues to their
colleagues and collaborators. Communication is also an important aspect of
leadership, with the University being the place to raise future leaders in
scientific and technological spheres.
To develop this skill in ESP class it is necessary to create a
language-rich environment. We can achieve this e.g. using audio- and
videofiles of different situations from everyday life and proposing students
to role-play them after listening or watching (buying tickets at the booking-
office, leaving a message on the phone, booking a hotel room, etc.).
One way of promoting communication is arranging discussion in
pairs or groups. The ability to communicate ideas and to be an active
listener has been the less developed skill both in Ukrainian secondary
school and at the university. Besides, most students with poor English are
shy enough to demonstrate their English to the teacher and the whole class,
they are afraid of making mistakes preferring to be silent rather than
stumbling every other moment. Moreover, the usual practice of the teacher
asking the students one after another steals time and demotivates those not
engaged in interaction. That is why pair and small-group work, that
provides full-scale involvement in the activity, may serve as a technique
which can repair communication training gap.
- Collaboration (or Teamwork). Good teamwork involves a
combination of other soft skills. Working in a team towards a common goal
requires the intuition and interpersonal acumen to know when to be a
leader, and when to be a listener. Good team players are perceptive, as well
as receptive to the needs and responsibilities of others.
To train this skill, it is important to foster greater respect and
tolerance for others and provide opportunity for group work. Only working
on a definite task of the project students can have a practical experience of
teamwork and learn how to distribute or assign roles in the team and
achieve the required goals.
As an example we can discuss preparing a presentation by a small
team (3-4 students). They select the topic in the area in question, choose the
head of the group who set the tasks. After the presentation is delivered, their
work is assessed collectively.
- Problem solving (Critical thinking) does not just require analytical,
creative and critical skills, but a particular mindset: the efficiency of the
problem solution should also depend on measured judgment and rely on
Collected articles Issue 2017
strong teamwork. Individuals who solve problems with the aid of the team
have a great advantage over those who toil alone.
Creative problem solving requires corresponding creative activities.
So our teachers use exercises and techniques to help students define the
problem, brainstorm ideas, decide on a solution and even implement the
solution and review the results. The purpose of these activities is to get
students to think about the problem in different ways and have some fun
while solving it. The activities can be performed individually (for example,
make a rule out of examples) or as a group work when a team of members
analyze information, negotiate and cooperate with one another. It also
encourages them to listen to each other and to think about the way they
make decisions. One example may be suggesting that after reading a
professional text the students should discuss and propose another way of
solving the same problem.
To assess the effectiveness of the teaching methods applied through
the first module, a survey was undertaken among students of the first year.
There were 41 respondents from different student groups who evaluated
their attitude to the methods and activities. The questionnaire included a
randomly arranged list of activities and an evaluation grid. For each
activity, students were asked to score from 0 to 5 (1) the frequency of its
use; (2) how they like it and (3) its efficiency for them personally. The
activities included both traditional ways of teaching, e.g. oral and written
translation, learning texts and dialogues by heart, vocabulary exercises, tests
etc., and active ones such as pair work, role-plays, presentations,
brainstorming, totalling 26 items. This does not mean that all these activities
and techniques were used equally by all teachers. The main idea was to
receive students’ feedback mainly on the perception of active methods
compared to traditional ones.
After collecting data from the respondents, we averaged the scores
(1), (2) and (3) across each method/activity and then aggregated them into
two groups corresponding to the abovementioned traditional and innovative
approaches. The obtained data are presented in the following chart
(Figure 1).
From the chart it is evident that traditional methods are evaluated
higher than innovative ones on each of the three aspects, while the
respondents express almost the same positive attitude to both. These results
have absolutely proved our assumption on students’ little experience in use
of the innovative methods. It really took time and effort to make the learners
accustomed e.g. to pair work or brainstorming activities. This is one of the
reasons, in our opinion, why the scores for innovative methods are a little
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
Figure 1. Students’ average scores of frequency, likes/dislikes and
efficiency of traditional and innovative teaching methods and activities
It is worth, though, mentioning that one of the active practices
received the highest possible scores far outranking all others. This is role-
plays, their likes averaging 3,87 points and effectiveness – 3,90 points,
exceeded only by the traditional way of teaching when students work under
the guidance of the teacher with 3,96 and 3,97 respectively. It was evident
both in class, when students eagerly participated in such activities, and by
the results of the questioning.
The lowest grades out of the innovative methods were given to
preparing a presentation: likes 1,95 and effectiveness 2,23 points. The
reason for students’ underestimation of this activity and innovative methods
in general may be overwhelming tradition of teacher-centred classes where
students rely in obtaining knowledge and skills mostly on the teacher but
not themselves or their peers. So changing students’ attitude towards active
learning methods is really vital.
Discussion and conclusions
Soft skills are an integral part of the 21
century skills required by
ever evolving economy. Soft skills give the opportunity to be successful
beyond the field of activity and the way of work. They are significant both
in work and in life. The higher you climb your career ladder the greater role
social skills play in your life. Creation of soft skills is obviously built on the
basis of training logical skills with the help of exercises and practical
simulations making students to solve problems by themselves. It is hard to
check the degree of mastering these skills that is why the development of
proper exercises is so important.
More efforts are needed on the part of students and teachers as well
as educational policymakers to shift the emphasis from passive receiving
knowledge to active knowledge-mining not least via communication and
Collected articles Issue 2017
1. World Economic Forum. (2016). Executive Summary: The Future
of Jobs and Skills. Geneva: World Economic Forum. Retrieved from
2. McFarlan, F. W., & Benko, C. (2004). Managing a Growth
Culture: How CEOs Can Initiate and Monitor a Successful Growth-Project
Culture. Strategy & Leadership, 32 (1), 34-42.
3. World Economic Forum. (2016). New Vision for Education:
Fostering Social and Emotional Learning through Technology. Geneva:
World Economic Forum. Retrieved from
4. Frey, C. B., & Osborne, M. A. (2013). The future of employment:
how susceptible are jobs to computerisation? Oxford: Oxford Martin
School, University of Oxford.
5. Augustine, N. R. (2007). Is America Falling Off the Flat Earth?
Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. doi:10.17226/12021
6. World Economic Forum. (2015). New Vision for Education:
Unlocking the Potential of Technology. Geneva: World Economic Forum.
Retrieved from
7. Soft skill (2017). In online Business Dictionary. Retrieved July 29,
2017, from
8. Rotherham, A. J., & Willingham, D.T. (2010). «21
Skills: Not new but a worthy challenge. American Educator, Spring 2010,
Ольга Лазарєва, Олена Ковтун. Розвиток соціальних
компетенцій (soft skills) на заняттях з англійської мови за
професійним спрямуванням (ESP) в технічних ВНЗ.
Обговорюється зростаюча роль соціальних компетенцій, які також
називаються «гнучкими навичками» (soft skills), для майбутньої
професійної кар’єри, з огляду на значні зміни у сутності роботи та
робочих функцій, професії, робочого місця, робочого часу в умовах
мінливої економіки. Основна увага приділяється таким соціальним
компетенціям як співпраця, комунікація, критичне мислення та
вирішення проблем, а також способам їхнього розвитку на заняттях
з англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням (ESP) у технічних
ВНЗ. Розглядаються деякі вправи, основані на студентоцентрованому
підході, які спрямовані на формування цих важливих навичок. Для
оцінки ефективності методів викладання, що застосовуються у
навчальному модулі, присвяченому спілкуванню в академічному та
професійному середовищі, було проведено опитування серед студентів
першого курсу. Його результати показують, що інноваційні методи,
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
такі як рольові ігри, командна робота та мозковий штурм, як
правило, сприймаються студентами як менш привабливі та
ефективні, ніж традиційні, наприклад, читання чи переклад. Зроблено
висновок, що необхідні додаткові зусилля з впровадження
студентоцентрованих вправ та завдань для розвитку гнучких
Ключові слова: гнучкі навички, соціальні компетенції, англійська мова
за професійним спрямуванням, інноваційні методи навчання,
студентоцентрований підхід.
Olga Lazarjewa, Ołena Kowtun. Rozwój społecznych
umiejętności (soft skills) na zajęciach z języka angielskiego zawodowej
specjalizacji (ESP) na wyższych uczelniach technicznych.
Omówiona została wzrastająca rola społecznych umiejętności, które
nazywa się również «miękkimi umiejętnościami» (soft skills), dla przyszłej
kariery zawodowej, ze względu na znaczne przemiany w istocie pracy i
funkcjach zawodowych, zawodzie, miejscu pracy i czasie pracy w
warunkach zmiennej gospodarki. Głów uwagę zwraca się w tym artykule
na takie społeczne umiejętności, jak współpraca, komunikacja, krytyczne
myślenie i rozwiązywanie problemów, a także sposoby ich rozwoju na
zajęciach z języka angielskiego zawodowego profilu (ESP) na wyższych
uczelniach technicznych. Rozpatrzono pewne ćwiczenia oparte na
indywidualnym podejściu do uczniów, mające na celu kształtowanie w nich
owych istotnych umiejętności społecznych. Dla oceny efektywności metod
wykładania tych umiejętności, stosowanych w edukacyjnym module,
poświęconym relacjom w akademickim i zawodowym środowisku,
przeprowadzono wywiad wśród studentów pierwszego roku. Jego wyniki
pokazują, że innowacyjne metody, takie jak gra fabularna, praca zespołowa
i burza mózgów, z reguły postrzegane przez studentów jako mniej
atrakcyjne i efektywne zadania niż tradycyjne, na przykład czytanie czy
tłumaczenie. Sformułowano wniosek, że konieczne dodatkowe wysiłki,
żeby wprowadzić ćwiczenia i zadania nastawione na uczniów dla rozwoju
miękkich umiejętności.
Słowa kluczowe: miękkie umiejętności, socjalne kompetencje, język
angielski, specjalizacja zawodowa, innowacyjne metody nauczania,
podejście nastawione na uczniów.
Received 07.08.2017
Information about the authors:
Lazareva Olga Doctor of Philosophy, Docent, Associate Professor at the
Department of Foreign Languages, National Technical University «Kharkiv
Polytechnic Institute».
Kovtun Olena Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign
Languages, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute».
Collected articles Issue 2017
UDC 378:[37.011.3-051:54+57]
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017.116
© Chuvasova N., 2017
Natalia Chuvasova
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University
In the article on the basis of the pedagogical theory and practice analyses
there were investigated and discovered the opportunities of the
methodological approach to the research of the problem of future chemistry
and biology teachers’ creative potential development in the process of
specialist training in the higher educational establishments. It is declared
that a particular way reference enables to determinate the teaching
activities strategy, the lines of approach, to explain the project conception
of the developing model of the researched phenomenon. It has been
investigated that the paradigmatic approach usage, being realized through
the system of such approaches: system-practical, person-centered,
competent, dialogical which compose methodological basis of the problem
investigation, just provide a means of system development of future
chemistry and biology teachers’ creative potential.
Keywords: approach, future chemistry and biology teachers’ creative
potential development.
Under the condition of the industrial society the role of higher
education in the society functioning and in man’s life has been changed
essentially: the high rate of scientific and practical mankind knowledge
accumulation, the complicacy of all kinds of man’s activities set much
higher conditions to the level of specialist training with the diploma of
higher educational establishments compared to the previous practice.
Firstly, this is reflected in proficient higher level of knowledge use that will
help future chemistry or biology teacher to fulfill effective professional
implementation; secondly, in qualitative deeper and system acquisition
variety of skills, technologies and strategies of cognitive and practical
activity; thirdly, in motivation training to individual study which rise in
arms and from the sphere of «intellectually» advanced merge into
something of minimal necessity as a result of rapid alternation in
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
professional and social spheres. The scientific literature analyses claims that
modern teacher’s creative potential is a very important characteristics of the
professionalism, as well as a multiplex and dynamic phenomenon. The
creative potential is connected with the search of some new paradigm
attitude and methodological approaches, which characterize the pedagogical
reality, its methodological basis without which one cannot reach the
effective research problem solution.
Materials and methods
For the achievement of the objective, challenges implementation and
hypothesis proof there was used such complex of methods: analysis,
synthesis and philosophic psychologically-pedagogical systemization and
methodical research, inquiry (filling a form, testing, discussion),
pedagogical experiment for discovering of results rating of future chemistry
and biology teachers’ creative potential development in higher educational
Category «approach» is used in the pedagogical practice as a
practical commitment of a teacher on «certain totality of interrelated
concepts, ideas and methods of pedagogical activity» (O. Stepanov and
L. Luzina [3, p. 83]). L. Kondrashova considers the concept «approach» in
scientific literature is interpreted as an orientation on those or other aspects
of student’s cognitive activity, the process of personality individuality
becoming. Any approach unites initial concepts, principles and technologies
of studies [1].
For different students is characteristic for different degree or
intensity in the active cognition. A student’s degree display of creative
potential in the educational process is a dynamic, constantly new index. For
realization of our research we must know the initial level of the creative
potential development.
Experimental work was conducted on the basis of the articles of the
chemical-biological cycle, because during the process of chemical processes
analysis, solving chemical problems, implementation of laboratory and
practical work from the courses of biology, chemistry and other studies,
students get used to the valuable argumentation of their actions. It allows to
avoid groundless generalizations, analogies, keep the formally – logical
chart of reasoning, develop the ability to work in a necessary rate to all
members of the group, carry out self-control.
During the ascertaining experiment the level of creative potential
development of future chemistry and biology teachers was found out. 53,2%
students have a low level of this difficult personality education, 41,9% have
middle level, 5% have high level.
Collected articles Issue 2017
The analysis of the received facts allows to talk about unefficiency
of traditional studies. Paradigm approach to the lessons organization does
not get the proper attention which confirms supposition about the absence
of the focused effort on future teachers of chemistry and biology’s creative
development. The ascertaining experiment discovered that essence of
development of creative potential is understood far not by all teachers (and
if it is understood, it’s very approximately) that is why it is not used.
The obtained information gives the opportunity to suggest that at
traditional studies there can be seen spontaneous development of creative
potential of future teachers of chemistry and biology, that does not provide
high quality studies. All process of studies carried intuitional spontaneous
character, self-organization and self-control were fragmentary.
One need to search the reasons of such circumstances not only in
social terms but also in genesial system of studies. Methodical and subject
content side of the visited lessons were not aimed at the students’ creative
potential development, providing of creative atmosphere which stimulates
the students’ creative approach to the solution of creative cognitive tasks.
The focused effort of teachers in relation to the development of students’
positive motivation and cognitive interest was absent.
The place of student in the role of a passive listener, a simple
performer of teacher’s will, when he is forced mainly to reproducing the
mastered, leads to the decline of creative potential’s level, low degree of
getting creative knowledge and skills, the subject specific of terminology.
Teachers pay not enough attention to the development of students’ creative
potential, to its emotionality, expressiveness, sequence, conviction that
leads to the decline of creative potential level.
Paying attention to the fact that in pedagogical practice not full scope
of paradigm approach is used by students during studies, we made attempt
to find out the possibilities for development of creative potential future
teachers of chemistry and biology.
Today the problem of development of creative potential is fully
described with system practical approach, which is based on theoretical
positions of A. Asmolov, L. Vigotskiy, P. Galperin, V. Davidov,
D. Elkonin, A. Leontiev.
Using the system practical approach in the process of preparation
of future chemistry and biology teacher the studies were organized as an
active process of mastering of different types of professional activity. At the
same time the purpose of studies included not only the acquiring of
knowledge and abilities but also forming practical skills (competence),
which confirm the profession selected. Exactly this skills set afterwards will
come forward as a basic criterion of competence of future of chemistry and
biology teacher.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
The system practical approach presented the variety of variants of
the development of the the same preparation system of future chemistry and
biology teacher. In relation to higher professional education this approach
excludes the presence of the unique and universal system of professional
preparation for all specialities. The research of process of development of
future chemistry and biology teacher’s creative potential demands bringing
in such categories, as «system», «unit», «par, «relation», «structure»,
which represent an ambiguousness and dynamic of researched fenomena.
The components of this difficult personality education of future chemistry
and biology teacher were analysed through the prism of integral approach,
as the main function of each component of creative potential is work for
«the unit».
From the point of view of system practical approach, the main
sense of any pedagogical theory consisted in the exposure of integral
properties of every component of the system. At every level of preparation
of competent chemistry and biology teacher of we dealt with integral
personality and in the total got a graduate who not only obtained a
university diploma, but also owned qualified characteristics of a chemistry
and biology teacher. Without regard to that a graduate has the opportunity
to apply the obtained education to practice, the marked levels are the
components of the integral multilevel system of higher professional
education, because they are interrelated.
The basis of personality – oriented approach in studies comprised the
conceptual positions of psychologists about the dominant role of activity in
intercourse and forming of a personality. Taking into account that fact, the
educational process was directed not only on knowledge mastering, but also
on the methods of mastering and thinking process, on the development of
cognitive forces and creative capabilities of future of chemistry and biology
teachers. We considered that in accordance with that there must be a student
in the centre of studies, his aims, reasons, interests, inclinations, the level of
his proficiency and capabilities.
Competency based approach, in obedience to V. Serikov’s position
[2, p. 112], comprises the progress of culturological and practical
approaches to the content of education and at the same time refreshes the
pragmatic, effective component of the professional culture. A competence
similarly comes forward as personality quality which is based on
knowledge, intellectually and personality predefined social professional
description of a man.
For preparation of chemistry and biology teacher presented a most
valued was practical oriented component of competency based
approach, as it strengthens the actuality of professional education, promotes
its quality and results efficiency. Strengthening of practical essence of
studies resulted in displacement of accents on character of actions
Collected articles Issue 2017
conducted by the future of chemistry and biology teacher. It similarly
influenced on the integration of professional and personality (especially,
motivational) structures of specialist.
It is clear, that dialogic approach which today is intensively
developed in pedagogical science comes into a large notice in
methodological basis of development of creative potential of future of
chemistry and biology teachers.
The questions of the effective use of linguistic activity are examined:
linguistic activity as index of development of subject activity (G. Schukina);
pedagogical organization of linguistic activity is in an educational process
(A. Ksenofontova); connection of language and thought (L. Vigotskiy); the
practical approach to the language (O. M. Leontiev, O. O. Leontiev).
The creative potential of future of chemistry and biology teachers is
an attribute property of any personality, inseparable component of its
structure. If student’s creative potential does not develop, he stops feeling
his or her creative personality. But creative potential does not develop by
itself. It can remain at a low level in every student, if in the process of
studies in higher educational establishment he was not plugged into creative
process, did not obtain experience of some active creative activity. The
search of more detailed approaches to the creative potential development
generates the necessity of lining up an educational process so, that not a
single talented personality went out, that the active cognitive capabilities of
every student could be realized to the full extent. At dialogic approach
character of creative activity and position of student differ considerably.
During organization of educational process on principles of dialogic
approach creative potential rises to the higher level, students are ready for
independent work, display of initiative, creativity. Have the opportunities to
be equal in rights students, to influence on character of creative activity, feel
responsibility for themselves and for the result. For dialogic approach the
peculiar personal character of creative activity is characteristic of, as well as
display of the attitude towards the obtained knowledge, their usage as the
instrument of solution of creative practical tasks.
The dialogic approach allowed to develop intercourse skills in
different situations with surrounding people, ability to listen to others, chose
the reference point, capacities for self – realization, to self – knowledge, the
situation of favourable creative display and development of individual
capabilities was created.
The teachers activity in groups, where there prevailed students with
the low level of creative potential, were lead for the creation of some special
emotional lesson atmosphere, which pushed the future chemistry and
biology teachers to plugging in a creative educational process. So there was
a chain: state of students’ comfort, absence of fear, and then sense of
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
confidence, readiness and expectation of meeting, with a teacher,
expectation of a lesson with creative activity. Psychological pre-conditions
were created for student’s passing to the higher level of development of
creative potential.
During the forming experiment the degree of development of
creative potential was studied. Diagnostic materials which enabled to find
out the level of development of creative potential of future of chemistry and
biology teachers in the process of professional preparation of pedagogical
university were developed.
The results of research showed that realization of the offered
experimental program had provided the improvement of components state
of the probed creative potential from low to the middle and high levels in
experimental groups.
As it can be seen, the first level (the high one) of development of
creative potential is owned by 29,5% students, by the second level (the
middle one) – 61,3%, by the third level (the low one) – 9,2%.
The obtained facts confirm, that students become more mobile,
unchained, active, they are able to conduct a dialog, capable to offer
different ways and methods of solutions of creative educational tasks, prove
their viewpoint and methods of the task implementation, are ready for a
discussion, defend their own vision of educational problem, and its creative
solution. Introduction of the paradigm approach of studies as a base
principle of planning and conducting of lessons on his basis considerably
extended possibilities for studies, development and growth of creative
potential of future chemistry and biology teachers. Students developed their
skills of the active listening, choosing the main idea, argumentative
defending their own viewpoint, their creative potential increased to a higher
level. Students developed their creative skills for solution of various
problems, that enabled to find an output in any situation, creatively to solve
the tasks.
The realization of the research experimental program in
experimental groups reflected positively at the level of development of
creative potential of future chemistry and biology teachers. On the basis of
the conducted experiments we can state that the most favorable situation for
awakening and development of creative potential of future chemistry and
biology teachers in the process of professional preparation in the
pedagogical university involves providing of positive motivation
development, proof cognitive interests to creative activity, cognitive
necessity; providing self-management of studies process and successful
forming of the knowledge system, successful applying of the intellectual
abilities, related to processing of the gained information, by abilities of
lingually mental activity; pedagogical educational environment,
collaboration and co-work of a teacher and students for providing the
Collected articles Issue 2017
success situation, psychological comfort of every student, stimulation of
self-perfection, self-criticism, confidence in themselves are necessary for
development of creative potential of future chemistry and biology teachers.
Introduction of the paradigm approach to the development of
creative potential of future chemistry and biology teachers extends the
possibilities for studies, development and increase of student’s creative
personality. For students the creative approach develops the solution of
various problems, that gives an opportunity to compensate the effect of
aging of the scientific information gained at the university. Every lesson
must create a favourable situation for the display of students’ creativity,
forming the skills of making decision and readiness to the creative personal
responsibility for their result.
Combining in the educational process various approaches and
principles provides gaining the main aim, that is the preparation of
competitive specialist, able to creative pedagogical activity at the level of
world standards, ready to the permanent pedagogical development, social
and pedagogical mobility. A clearness, logic, scientific validity of
conceptual positions, predetermines efficiency of the development of
creative potential of future of chemistry and biology teachers, as the
important description of their professionalism.
1. Kondrashova, L. V. (2014). Pedagogika vishei shkoly: problemy,
poiski, resheniya [Pedagogics of higher education: problems, searches,
solutions]. Kryvyi Rih: Bohdan Chmelnitskiy ChNU. (in Russian)
2. Serikov, V. V. (1998). Lichnostno orientirovannoe obrazovaniye:
poisk novoy paradigmy [Personally oriented education: the search for a
new paradigm]. Moscow: Znanie. (in Russian)
3. Stepanov, E. N., & Luzina, L. M. (2002). Pedagogu o
sovremennyh podhodah i kontseptsiyah vospitaniya [Teachers about
modern approaches and concepts of education]. Moscow: TS Sphera. (in
Наталія Чувасова. Методологічні підходи до дослідження
проблеми розвитку творчого потенціалу майбутніх учителів хімії
та біології у вищих навчальних закладах.
У статті на основі аналізу педагогічної теорії і практики
проаналізовані та розкриті можливості методологічних підходів до
дослідження проблеми розвитку творчого потенціалу майбутніх
учителів хімії та біології у процесі фахової підготовки у вищих
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
навчальних закладах. Наголошено, що орієнтація на той чи інший
підхід дозволяє визначити стратегію педагогічної діяльності, шляхи
та способи вирішення досліджуваної проблеми, обґрунтувати
проектування моделі формування досліджуваного феномена.
Досліджено, що використання парадигмального підходу реалізується
через систему підходів: системно-діяльнісного, особистісно-
орієнтованого, компетентнісного, діалогічного, які складають
методологічну основу дослідження проблеми й припускають розробку
системи розвитку творчого потенціалу майбутніх учителів хімії та
Ключові слова: підхід, розвиток творчого потенціалу майбутніх
учителів хімії та біології.
Natalia Chuvasova. Metodyczne podejście do badań problemów
rozwoju potencjału twórczego przyszłych nauczycieli chemii i biologii w
szkolnictwie wyższym.
Na podstawie analizy teorii i praktyki pedagogicznej ujawniono możliwość
podejścia metodologicznego do studiowania problemu twórczego
potencjału przyszłych nauczycieli chemii i biologii, w trakcie szkolenia w
wszych instytucjach edukacyjnych. Podkreśl należy, że skupienie się na
konkretnym podejściu do określenia strategii działań edukacyjnych,
sposobów i środków rozwiązania badanego problemu uzasadnia model
konstrukcyjny analizowanego zjawiska. Zbadano, że stosowanie
paradygmatycznego podejścia realizowanego poprzez: aktywność
systemową, zorientowanie na osobowość, kompetencje stanowią
metodologiczną podstawę do badań problemów rozwoju potencjału
twórczego przyszłych nauczycieli chemii i biologii.
Słowa kluczowe: podejście, rozwój twórczego potencjału przyszłych
nauczycieli chemii i biologii.
Received 10.08.2017
Information about the author:
Chuvasova Natalia Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Associate
Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Teaching Techniques, Kryvyi
Rih State Pedagogical University.
Collected articles Issue 2017
UDC 159.9.07:316.613.4::159.925]37.091.12:159-051-021.412.1::005.523
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017.124
© Grankina-Sazonova N., 2017
Natalia Grankina-Sazonova
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
The article is devoted to the study of psychology students’ emotional
intelligence and comparison of their index with other specialties students’
level. It is stated that EI is an important treat for psychologist`s
professional formation. The study found, that the Psychology Students’ EIQ
is higher, than Physics Students’ and Clinical Laboratory Diagnostic
Students’ EIQ, which confirms the idea that psychology students pay more
attention to emotional sphere. But at the same time their emotional
intelligence doesn’t differ significantly from other humanitarian science
students’ level and needs to be developed purposefully as a professional
skill of psychologist in the process of education.
Keywords: emotional intelligence, psychology students, psychologist
professional formation.
The profession of psychologist relates to the «man-man» system, that
is why it requires development of some specific personal features from the
specialist. The professional competence of the psychologist includes not
only professional knowledge and skills, but also such qualities as empathy
capability, communication competence, readiness to establish contact and
other treats that promote opened relationships with other people.
An important base for successful interaction with another person and
growing trust and mutual understanding, which are required for diagnostic,
corrective and therapeutic work of psychologist, is Emotional Intelligence.
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to perceive, use, understand, and
regulate emotions [6]. Therefore, the professional formation of psychologist
demands development of EI in education process for successful work in
An important role of EI for psychologist formation as a specialist
underlines a raw of modern researchers in their studies [1-5; 7].
A. M. Dvoinin and G. M. Danilova note that development of EI and
reflexiveness is a significant part of professional formation of psychology
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
students [2]. A. F. Kachanov names EI as one of four personal traits, which
promote effectiveness of Psychology students in communication [3].
A. S. Obukhova considers that «personal features and Emotional
Intelligence are the instruments for professional activity» of
psychologists [5, p. 292].
Different studies show different results on EI level of psychology
students. For example, A. M. Dvoinin found average level [2], and
I. N. Mescheryikova found low EI level among psychology students, and
proposed a special program to develop EI [4]. Besides, the studies of EI in
the post-soviet countries are mostly held with the help of reflexive
The purpose of the study is to measure EIQ (Emotional Intelligence
Quotient) of Psychology students and to compare it with EIQ of other
faculties` students, using Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence
Test MSCEIT V.2.0, which has another reliability comparing to subjective
questionnaires [6], and to find if the development of Psychology Students’
EI needs additional efforts.
Materials and methods
187 students of 4 different Faculties took part in the research: 55
Psychology Faculty students (5 male, 50 female), 42 Historical Faculty
students (18 male, 24 female), 56 Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics (CLD)
Faculty students (10 male, 46 female) and 34 Physics Faculty students (26
male, 8 female). The age of the students ranges from 18 to 23 years old,
average age is 20 years old. In this way, the representatives of different
scientific dimensions took part in the study: humanitarian, natural and exact
To measure the EIQ the MSCEIT (Mayer-Salovey-Caruzo
Emotional Intelligence Test) v.2.0 Russian language version, adaptation by
E. A. Sergienko and I. I. Vetrova, was used. It is an ability-based test
designed to measure the four branches of the EI model of Mayer and
Salovey. The branches of EI according to this model are:
- Perceiving Emotions: The ability to perceive emotions in oneself
and others as well as in objects, art, stories, music, and other stimuli;
- Using Emotions: The ability to generate, use, and feel emotion as
necessary to communicate feelings or employ them in other cognitive
processes, to facilitate thought;
- Understanding Emotions: The ability to understand emotional
information, to understand how emotions combine and progress through
relationship transitions, and to appreciate such emotional meanings;
- Managing Emotions: The ability to be open to feelings, and to
modulate them in oneself and others so as to promote personal
understanding and growth.
Collected articles Issue 2017
Also two Areas scores are provided by MSCEIT v.2.0. They are the
Expereintial EIQ (recognizing emotions, comparing them to other
sensations, and determining how they interact with thought; includes
Perceiving Emotions and Facilitating Thought branches) and Strategic EIQ
(understanding emotional meanings, their implication for relationships and
how to manage them; includes Understanding emotions and Managing
Emotions branches) [6].
The Program StatSoft Statistica v.6.0 was used for statistical
processing of the data, which included Comparison of groups by the Student
t test method and Fisher`s angular transformation.
We compared the results of testing of four groups of students using
the Student t test method and received following data, represented in
Table 1 (only statistically significant data are represented):
Table 1
Results of comparison of EI of four groups of students
Group 1
Group 2
Strategic EIQ
Using Emotions
* Group 1 is the group with higher index, and Group 2 is the group
with lower index in pare comparison;
** PsSt Psychology Students, PhSt Physics Students, CLD St
Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Students, HSt – History Students.
As far as some studies show difference between men and women in
EIQ, we used Fisher`s angular transformation to evaluate reliability of
differences in groups considering different quantities of males and females
in each of them. The result showed that the differences in relation of sex in
groups are reliable, so the differences in EIQ may be connected with sex,
not with study direction.
To check this supposition we compared the females of the same
groups. Females were chosen because of two reasons:
1) The total quantity of women in current research is higher than the
quantity of men;
2) The studies show that women have higher EIQ, than man in
young age.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
The results of comparison of women EIQ is represented in Table 2
(only statistically reliable differences).
Table 2
Results of comparison of women EIQ in four groups of students
Group 1
Group 2
Strategic EIQ
Using Emotions
* Group 1 is the group with higher index, and Group 2 is the group
with lower index in pare comparison;
** PsSt Psychology Students, PhSt Physics Students, CLD St
Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Students, HSt – History Students.
Discussion and conclusions
As we can see from the results, though the Fisher’s angular
transformation didn’t affirm the reliability of the results considering
different relation of men and women in groups, three statistically reliable
differences of five are confirmed in comparison of women`s results in
different groups. We can`t say exactly if the differences exist due to
selection to the faculties or form during study process and characters,
needed for future profession, but we can scan the current picture for the
moment of testing.
Therefore, we can state that Psychology students have reliably higher
Strategic EIQ and higher rate of Understanding Emotions, than CLD
Students. Besides, comparison of women showed that Psychology female
students have higher general EIQ than female CLD Students. This may
mirror the dimension of activity of CLD «man-machine», when the person
is oriented first of all to receive exact information from the equipment, and
to give exact description of these data. They don`t contact directly to other
person in their professional activity, so they don`t need to develop EI to
reach success in professional formation. On the other hand, profession of
psychologist suggests constant contacting other people and building
Collected articles Issue 2017
relations with them to become successful. EI is a kind of «tool» for
psychologist, and students have to examine and develop emotional sphere.
Another fact, which was confirmed, is that Psychology Students
have statistically reliable higher level of Using Emotions than Physics
Students. Besides, in comparison of female groups Physics Students also
showed lower level of Using Emotions, than CLD and History Students.
Probably the character of problems they have to resolve explains it. Mostly
those are exact tasks, which require «cold mind», i. e. they try to put the
emotions aside, but not to use them in their work. Thus, it may be a
common fallacy, and excited interest, happiness in process of resolving the
physical or mathematical task may contribute to higher achievements.
The comparison of women groups also presented that female
Psychology Students have statistically reliable higher index of general EIQ,
both Experiential and Strategic EIQ, and Understanding Emotions level,
than female Physics Students. In this way, the orientation to numerical
information, exact data in study process makes the emotional information
less evaluated and important, like in the case with CLD Students.
At the same time we didn’t find statistically reliable differences
between female groups of humanitarian sciences: psychologists and
historians. This fact may mirror the common interest for human and
humanity, which makes humanitarian students examine its inner nature,
from the one hand. From the other hand, it may be a sign that psychology
students need more studies, directed specifically to developing EI as an
important professional «tool», a skill, which is extremely important for
specialist formation in this area. It is EI, that makes possible to understand
another person, to create an open contact, to build trustful relations, which
are necessary for psychological work.
We can make next conclusions from our study:
1. There were found several statistically reliable differences in EIQ
level between students of various faculties. In all described cases, the EI of
psychologists was found to be higher, than EI of other faculties’ students.
Consequently, we can suggest that the study of future psychologists
promotes development of EI function.
2. At the same time, we do not observe significant differences
between female groups of psychologists and other humanitarian oriented
students (historians) in EI level. This fact may be a sign that psychology
students need more studies, directed specifically to developing EI as an
important professional character.
3. We found that students taking different studies have statistically
reliable differences in levels of EI. It should be further examined if it
happens due to selection or during study process because of various
educational tasks.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
1. Volkodav, T. V. (2016). Formirovanie emotsionalnogo intellekta
budushchikh pedagogov-psikhologov [Formation of emotional intelligence
of future teachers-psychologists]. Istoricheskaia i sotsialno-obrazovatelnaia
mysl Historical and Socio-Educational Thought, 8(5/3), 51-53. (in
2. Dvoinin, A. M., & Danilova, G. I. (2012). Emotsionalnyi intellekt
i refleksivnost studentov-psikhologov [Emotional intelligence and
reflexivity of psychology students]. Vestnik PSTGU: Pedagogika.
Psikhologiia Bulletin PSTGU: Pedagogy. Psychology, 1(24), 121-134. (in
3. Kachanov, A. F. (2012). Razvitie lichnostnykh kachestv,
sposobstvuiushchikh effektivnosti v obshchenii u studentov-psikhologov
[Development of personal qualities that promote efficiency in
communication among students-psychologists]. Severo-Kavkazskii
psikhologicheskii vestnik North Caucasian Psychological Herald, 10(2),
19-22. (in Russian)
4. Meshcheriakova, I. N. (2010). Formirovanie emotsionalnogo
intellekta studentov-psikhologov v protsesse obucheniia v VUZe
[Formation of emotional intelligence of students-psychologists in the
process of studying at the university]. Vestnik TGU: Pedagogika i
psikhologiia Bulletin TGU: Pedagogy and Psychology, 1(81), 157-161.
(in Russian)
5. Obukhova, S. G. (2015). Vzaimosviaz pokazatelei emotsionalnogo
intellekta i lichnostnykh osobennostei studentov-psikhologov [Interrelation
of indicators of emotional intelligence and personal characteristics of
students-psychologists]. Mezhdunarodnyi nauchnyi zhurnal «Simvol nauki»
nternational scientific journal «Symbol of Science», 8, 291-293. (in
6. Sergienko, E. A., & Vetrova, I. I. (2010). Test J. Mayer,
P. Salovey, D. Caruso «Emotsionalnyi intellekt» (MSCEIT v. 2.0) [The
Mayer-Salovey-Caruzo Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT v. 2.0)].
Moscow: Izdatelstvo «Institut psikhologii RAN». (in Russian)
7. Valeeva, R. A., & Khakimova, E. K. (2015). Study of Educational
Psychologists’ Emotional Competence Development. Review of European
Studies, 7(5), 91-100.
Наталя Гранкіна-Сазонова. Дослідження емоційного
інтелекту студентів-психологів як важливого чинника
професійного становлення.
Стаття присвячена дослідженню емоційного інтелекту студентів-
психологів та порівнянню його показників з показниками студентів
інших спеціальностей. Стверджується, що емоційний інтелект є
Collected articles Issue 2017
важливою складовою для професійного становлення психолога.
Дослідження виявило, що рівень емоційного інтелекту студентів-
психологів вищий, ніж рівень емоційного інтелекту студентів-фізиків
та факультету клінічної лабораторної діагностики, що підтверджує
припущення про те, що студенти-психологи звертають більше уваги
на емоційну сферу. Але, в той же час, їхні показники емоційного
інтелекту не відрізняється значимо від показників студентів інших
гуманітарних факультетів. Необхідний цілеспрямований розвиток
емоційного інтелекту в якості професійного навику у студентів-
психологів в процесі навчання.
Ключові слова: емоційний інтелект, студенти-психологи, професійне
становлення психолога.
Natalia Grankina-Sazonova. Studium inteligencji emocjonalnej
studentów psychologii jako ważny czynnik rozwoju zawodowego.
W artykule omówiono inteligencję emocjonal studentów psychologii i
porównano jej wydajność z inteligencją emocjonalną studentów innych
specjalizacji. Zarzuca się, że inteligencja emocjonalna jest ważnym
elementem rozwoju zawodowego psychologa. Studium pokazuje, że poziom
inteligencji emocjonalnej studentów psychologii jest wyższy niż poziom
inteligencji emocjonalnej studentów fizyki oraz Wydziu Laboratorium
Klinicznego, co potwierdza założenie, że studenci psychologii zwracają
większą uwagę na sferę emocjonalną. Ale w tym samym czasie ich wskaźniki
inteligencji emocjonalnej nie różnią się znacząco od wskaźników innych
studentów humanistyki. Dlatego lepiej ukierunkować rozwój inteligencji
emocjonalnej jako umiejętność zawodową studentów psychologów podczas
Słowa kluczowe: inteligencja emocjonalna, studenci psychologii, rozwój
zawodowego psychologa.
Received 10.08.2017
Information about the author:
Grankina-Sazonova Natalia Postgraduate Student, V. N. Karazin
Kharkiv National University.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
UDC [37.014.542+005.7-056.13]-027::37.014.6:005.6
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017.131
© Polyakova G., 2017
Ganna Polyakova
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
The content of environmental, marketing-monitoring and stakeholder
approaches has been actualized and developed. The ways of their
implementation for internal quality assurance in higher education
institutions are proposed. The essence of the environmental approach in
higher education is considered as theory, methodology, tools of indirect
(through the environment) management of personal and professional
students’ formation, development, self-development and self-actualization of
the educational process subjects. The implementation of this approach is
presented through the introduction of a system of actions for the integral
quality assurance and development of educational environment components
in higher education institutions (value-oriented, socio-psychological,
informative-communicative, spatially-objective, the use of educational
monitoring technologies and feedback tools for the educational process
subjects. The marketing-monitoring approach involves studying the external
and internal environment in the higher education institutions as marketing
and creating strategies for education quality on this basis. Its
implementation will be presented in undertaking marketing-monitoring
studies, which form the basis of information quality management in higher
education institutions. The stakeholder approach allows to consider a
higher education institution as a stakeholder-company concentrating on the
parties concerned interests. The implementation of this approach is in
defining the parties concerned groups in a higher education institution
(external and internal stakeholders), studying their positions (aims,
interests, expectations, requirements, needs, etc.), as a consequence
presenting educational services quality evaluation and providing
appropriate changes in higher education institutions activity.
Keywords: quality assurance of higher education, environmental approach,
marketing-monitoring approach, stakeholder approach.
Collected articles Issue 2017
The training of modern specialists is carried out in the conditions of
active reformation of the national system of higher education in Ukraine,
which is aimed at joining the European educational environment, ensuring
the quality of higher education at the level of national and international
In the Communiqué of the Conference of European Ministers
Responsible for Higher Education «The Bologna Process 2020 the
European Higher Education Area in the new decade» (28-29 April 2009),
the following priorities for the development of the European higher
education area are outlined: Social dimension: equitable access And
completion, Lifelong learning, Employability, Student-centered learning,
and the teaching mission of higher education, Education, research and
innovation, International openness, Mobility, Data collection,
Multidimensional transparency tools, Funding [19].
The main components of the quality assurance, that a higher
education institution has to focus on, are identified in the Standards and
Guidelines for Quality Assurance, that is: Policy for quality assurance,
Design and approval of programs, Student - centered learning, teaching and
assessment, Student admission, progression, recognition and certification,
Teaching staff, Learning resources and student support, Information
management, Public information, On-going monitoring and periodic review
of programmes, Cyclical external quality assurance [18, p. 9-17].
The construction of internal quality assurance systems in higher
education institutions makes it necessary to turn to the international and
local research of theory and practice, to look for new approaches to the
management of the quality of educational activities and the results of higher
education. We propose to draw attention to the following methodological
approaches: 1) environmental, as the quality of educational results depends
on the quality of educational conditions and resources of higher education
institutions; 2) marketing-monitoring, as the providing of educational
services is carried out in open market conditions; 3) stakeholder approach,
as the quality of higher education must meet the requirements and needs of
the parties concerned.
Materials and methods
The article presents methods of analysis and generalization of
scientific research for studying the state of development of the problem;
modeling for determination the essence of environmental, marketing-
monitoring and stakeholder approaches to quality assurance in higher
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
Ensuring the quality of higher education is directly related to the
formation of a qualitative model of the educational environment, its ability
to respond to external and internal changes, the availability of tools
(methods, technologies), monitoring demand and satisfaction of
stakeholders in higher education.
Quality of higher education is defined as «A multi-dimensional,
multi-level, and dynamic concept that relates to the contextual settings of an
educational model, to the institutional mission and objectives, as well as to
specific standards within a given system, institution, programme or
discipline» [14, p. 70].
Quality assurance «An ongoing, continuous process of evaluating
(assessing, monitoring, guaranteeing, maintaining, and improving) the
quality of a higher education system» [14, p. 74].
Quality assurance at the institutional level will be facilitated by the
environmental approach.
Referring to the environmental approach in higher education was
considered by A. Artyukhina [1], M. Bratko [4], O. Horchakova, [8],
T. Menh [11], O. Yaroshinskaja [20] and others.
The study of above-mentioned research allows to consider the
environmental approach in higher education as: theory, methodology, tools
of indirect (through the environment) management of personal and
professional students’ formation, development, self-development and self-
actualization of the educational process subjects.
On the basis of the analysis and generalization of scientific research
of M. Bratko [4], O. Horchakova [8], and our previous studies
(G. Polyakova [13]) as for the educational environment in the higher
education institutions essence and structure, we define the educational
environment of a higher educational institution as a conceptually holistic,
loosely-coupled interconnections, conditions, impacts and resources that
excite, direct, support the activity of higher education institutions subjects
(internal stakeholders) for personal professional development, personal
potential realization and satisfaction of educational needs. Components of
the educational environment are the following: value-oriented, socio-
psychological, informative-communicative, organizational-active, spatially-
objective (physical and virtual).
An environmental approach to institutional quality assurance in
higher education will consist of introducing a complex of actions with the
higher education institutions educational environment, aimed at the integral
quality assurance and development of its components, taking into account
external and internal changes, equipped with educational monitoring
technologies and feedback tools for the educational process subjects.
Collected articles Issue 2017
The second approach we have highlighted for providing quality
education in higher education institutions is the marketing approach. The
basis of the marketing approach in education can be found in the studies of
B. Bratanich [3], V. Dmitriiev [5], P. Gibbs [7], Ph. Kotler, K. F. A. Fox
[10], A. Pabedinskaite, M. Friman [12], Z. Riabova [16] and others.
In the marketing approach, the external environment in the higher
education institutions is considered as a marketing environment and
сreating strategies for education quality on this basis, that is «a set of active
subjects and intensity operating outside the firm and affect the ability of the
marketing service management to establish and maintain relationships of
successful cooperation with target clients» [10, p. 103].
The marketing-monitoring approach to the internal quality assurance
in higher education institutions will be presented in creating a system of
marketing-monitoring studies, which form the basis of information quality
management: the study of world and national trends in the development of
higher education; the study of the labor market (demand, supply,
requirements); determination the higher education institutions
competitiveness (its image, attractiveness, competitive advantages,
positioning in national and international ratings); definition of strategic
development state in higher education institutions; the study of competitors
in providing educational services.
Due to the growth of human-centred orientation in social-
pedagogical systems, the stakeholder approach based on R. E. Freeman
theory of the parties concerned focuses attention.
The stakeholder approach in higher education was considered by,
O. Belash, M. Popov, N. Ryzhov, Y. Ryaskov, S. Shaposhnikov [2],
M. Rahmanova, K. Solodukhin [15], V. Savvinov, V. Strekalovskij [17] and
others. In these studies, consideration of stakeholders’ interests in
management, strategic analysis and image formation are considered.
The stakeholder approach allows higher education institutions to be
viewed as a stakeholder company, that is «an organization whose
precondition is the ability to establish and maintain relationships with the
parties concerned» (M. Rachmanova, K. Solodukhina) [15].
By R. E. Freeman definition, the parties concerned of the company
are «any individuals, groups or organizations that have a significant
influence on the decisions made by the firm and/or are under the influence
of these decisions» [6, p. 25].
V. Savvinov, V. Strekalovs’kij distinguish two groups of
stakeholders in higher education institutions: external and internal
stakeholders. External stakeholders include a state; regional executive
authorities and local self-government bodies; employers (representatives of
business and social sphere); students, entrants, their parents; different
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
educational institutions located in the region; various public organizations
and associations [17]; to this list we suggest adding ratings agencies, quality
certification agencies (international, national); mass-media. The internal
stakeholders include students of all levels of education (undergraduate,
master's degree), post-graduate students, doctoral students; their parents;
scientific and pedagogical staff; educational auxiliary and administrative
staff [17]. To this list it is necessary to add functional structural units
(departments, faculties, laboratories, centres, groups, student youth
The use of the stakeholder approach for ensuring the quality of
educational activities in higher education institutions will be presented by
means of technologies, tools for studying the positions of external and
internal stakeholders of higher education: their attitudes, demand,
requirements, needs, expectations, and satisfaction with the quality of
educational services. These data should be taken into account for the
appropriate changes in the organization and updating of the educational
process content.
Discussion and conclusions
The concept of «quality of higher education», «quality assurance»
has been considered. On the basis of analysis and generalization of local
and foreign experience, the content of environmental, marketing-
monitoring, and stakeholder approaches in higher education institutions has
been reviewed and actualized. The ways of their implementation for internal
quality assurance in higher education institutions are proposed.
The use of environmental approach suggests the following:
1) defining the educational environment of a higher education institution as
a conceptually holistic, loosely-coupled interconnections, conditions,
impacts and resources that excite, direct, support the activity of higher
education institutions subjects (internal stakeholders) for their personal
professional, personal potential realization and satisfaction of educational
needs; 2) identification the structural components of the educational
environment (value-oriented, socio-psychological, informative-
communicative, spatially-objective); 3) providing a system of actions with
the higher education institutions educational environment, aimed at the
integral quality assurance and development of its components, taking into
account external and internal changes; 4) the use of educational monitoring
technologies and feedback tools for the educational process subjects.
Using the marketing-monitoring approach is assumed: 1) defining
the external and internal environment in the higher education institutions as
marketing; 2) conducting marketing - monitoring studies, that form the
management information basis of marketing management in higher
Collected articles Issue 2017
educational institutions; 3) making on this basis management decisions as
for educational activity quality and higher education results quality.
The implementation of the stakeholder approach to institutional
quality assurance in higher education is as follows: 1) to consider higher
education institutions as stake-companies; 2) to identify parties concerned
groups (external and internal stakeholders); 3) to study external and internal
stakeholders’ positions (aims, interests, expectations, requirements, needs,
etc); 4) to present educational services quality evaluation; 5) to provide
appropriate changes in higher education institutions.
The use of the above-mentioned approaches in higher education
institutions will allow to create such an internal quality assurance system
that takes into account changes in the external and internal environment of
higher educational institutions, will be based on a marketing strategy in
providing educational services, will have operational information support to
identify the main interests and educational needs quality of all the parties
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6. Freeman, R. E. (1984). Stakeholder Management: A Stakeholder
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7. Gibbs, P. (2001). Higher education as a market: a problem or a
solution? Studies in Higher Education, 26, 85-94.
8. Horchakova, O. A. (2011). Seredovyshchnyi pidkhid do
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environmental approach to management of an educational institution in a
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university herald, 209(1), 8-15. (in Ukrainian)
9. Kotler, Ph., & Fox, K. F. A. (1985). Strategic Marketing for
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11. Menh, T. V. (2008). Sredovyj podhod k organizacii
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A. I. Herzen, 52, 70-83. (in Russian)
12. Pabedinskaite, A., & Friman, M. (2003). Marketing as efficient
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13. Poliakova, H. A. (2013). Diialnist kafedry v konteksti rozvytku
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«Vyshcha osvita Ukrainy» Theoretical and methodological journal
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15. Rahmanova, M. S., & Soloduhin, K. S. (2010). Innovacionnyj
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16. Riabova, Z. V. (2013). Naukovi osnovy marketynhovoho
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17. Savvinov, V. M., & Strekalovskij, V. N. (2013). Uchet interesov
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of stakeholders in the education development management]. Vestnik
mezhdunarodnyh organizacij International organizations herald, 1(40),
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Collected articles Issue 2017
18. Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European
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Ганна Полякова. Середовищний, маркетингово-
моніторинговий, стейкхолдерський підходи до інституаційного
забезпечення якості вищої освіти.
Актуалізовано та розкрито зміст середовищного, маркетингово-
моніторингового, стейкхолдерського підходів. Запропоновано шляхи їх
застосування для внутрішнього забезпечення якості у вищому
навчальному закладі. Сутність середовищного підходу у вищій школі
розглядається як теорія, методологія, інструмент опосередкованого
(через середовище) управління особистісно-професійним
становленням студентів, розвитком, саморозвитком та
самореалізацією суб’єктів освітнього процесу. Застосування цього
підходу полягає у: запровадженні системи дій із інтегрального
забезпечення якості та розвитку компонентів освітнього середовища
вищого навчального закладу (ціннісно-орієнтаційного, соціально-
психологічного, організаційно-діяльнісного, інформаційно-
комунікаційного, просторово-предметного); використанні технологій
освітнього моніторингу та інструментарію зворотного зв’язку із
суб’єктами освітнього процесу. Маркетингово-моніторинговий підхід
передбачає вивчення зовнішнього і внутрішнього середовища вищого
навчального закладу як маркетингового та побудову на цій основі
стратегій забезпечення якості освіти. Його застосування полягатиме
у проведенні маркетингово-моніторингових досліджень, які
складають інформаційну основу управління якістю освітньої
діяльності ВНЗ. Стейкхолдерський підхід дозволяє розглядати вищий
навчальний заклад як стейкхолдер-компанію, зосереджувати увагу на
врахуванні інтересів зацікавлених сторін. Застосування цього підходу
полягає у визначенні груп зацікавлених сторін (внутрішніх та
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
зовнішніх стейкхолдерів), дослідження їх позицій (цілей, інтересів,
очікувань, вимог, потреб тощо), визначенні на цій основі якості
надання освітніх послуг, рівня задоволеності якістю освіти та
здійснення відповідних змін у діяльності вищого навчального закладу.
Ключові слова: забезпечення якості вищої освіти, середовищний
підхід, маркетингово-моніторинговий підхід, стейкхолдерський підхід.
Ganna Polyakova. Podejście środowiskowe, podejście
marketing-monitoring i podejście interesariuszy do zapewnienia jakości
wyższego wykształcenia.
Ujawnia się treść podejścia środowiskowego, marketing-monitoring,
podejścia interesariuszy. Omówiono sposoby jego zastosowania do
wewnętrznego zapewnienia jakości w szkolnictwie wyższym. Istotą
podejścia środowiskowego w szkolnictwie wyższym jest teoria, metodologia
narzędzia (poprzez środowisko) zarządzania osobistą i zawodową formacją
studentów, rozwój, samorozwój i samorealizacja podmiotów procesu
edukacyjnego. Zastosowanie tego podejścia polega na wprowadzaniu
zintegrowanych operacji systemowych i zapewnieniu jakości komponentów
środowiska edukacyjnego uczelni wyższej (oceniający, orientacyjny,
społeczno-psychologiczny, organizacyjny działalność, informacyjny
komunikacyjny, przestrzenny); za pomocą narzędzi edukacyjnych
technologii monitorowania i informacji zwrotnej z podmiotów procesu
edukacyjnego. Podejście marketing-monitoring obejmuje badanie
wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego środowiska uczelni wyższej jako marketing i
budowanie na tej podstawie strategii zapewniania jakości. Jego stosowanie
będzie polegało na prowadzeniu badań marketingowych i monitorowaniu,
co umożliwi stworzenie bazy wiedzy zarządzania jakośc edukacji w
uczelni. Podecie interesariuszy pozwala rozważyć wyższej uczelni jako
interesariuszy-firmy, skupić się na uwzględnieniu zainteresowania stron.
Jego stosowanie polegało w identyfikacji grup interesariuszy
(wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych), badanie ich pozycji (cele, zainteresowania,
oczekiwania, wymagania, potrzeby etc.), wyznaczanie podstaw jakości
usług edukacyjnych, poziomu zadowolenia z jakości kształcenia i wdrażania
odpowiednich zmian w działalności uczelni.
Słowa kluczowe: zapewnienie jakości wykształcenia wyższego, podecie
środowiskowe, podejście marketing-monitoring, podejście interesariuszy.
Received 14.07.2017
Information about the author:
Polyakova Ganna Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Docent, Head of
the Department of Education Quality Assurance and Innovation
Development, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics.
Collected articles Issue 2017
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017.140
© Khachatrian Ye., 2017
Yeva Khachatrian
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
The article emphasises vital importance of formation of cross-cultural
discourse competence of future specialists in economics as pledge of a
country’s prosperity and its citizens’ well-being. The necessity of all-aspect
study of the notion «cross-cultural discourse competence of future
specialists in economics» is proved. The aspect analysis of the given notion
is realised in various branches of knowledge, in particular philosophy,
culture studies, psychology, linguistics and applied economics. The essence,
structure and functions of cross-cultural discourse competence of future
specialists in economics are revealed on the basis of the aspect analysis.
Keywords: aspect analysis, discourse, cross-cultural discourse competence,
cross-cultural communication, future specialists in economics.
In conditions of social and economic transformations of the society
one of the dominating tasks of the state is to train competent future
specialists in economics, whose professional activity influences economic
prosperity of the country and well-being of its citizens. Improvement of the
quality of economists’ professional education that activates the necessity to
use a competence approach, presupposes training for professional
communication in conditions of international cooperation. Attaining
economic goals during cross-cultural communication with business-partners
of other countries is provided by a high level of professional
communication culture, the basis of which is cross-cultural discourse
competence (CDC). The relevance of the given problem is revealed in the
recent article 2.
CDC is realised by future specialists in economics during cross-
cultural discourse activity (CDA). As the analysis of language and speech is
claimed to be a part of philosophy, sociology and psychology, it is
necessary to consider all sides of CDC on the grounds of scientific literature
in various branches of knowledge.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
Materials and methods
To realise the task of the research a range of theoretical and
empirical methods were used. Among them theoretical analysis and
synthesis, generalisation and comparison were used to study philosophical,
culture, linguistic, psychological and other scientific resources. To reveal
the essence of CDC, the methods of modelling and projecting were applied
in the research. The methods of diagnosing (questionnaires, interviews, and
scientific observations) were used to reveal the relevance of CDC
The research is based on the theoretical and methodological theses
dedicated to formation of future economists’ cross-cultural communication
revealed by T. Kolbina 3.
According to the results of the analysis of scientific literature it is
ascertained that the notion «discourse competence» is less researched in
comparison with the notion «cross-cultural competence». As the definition
of the notion CDC has to reflect its content structure, it is expedient to
research its structural components.
As it is known, the structure of any competence consists of the
following elements: motivational (presupposes readiness for exposing the
quality under discussion in activity and behaviour), cognitive (encompasses
awareness of means, ways, programmes of doing actions, solving tasks,
realisation of rules and norms of behaviour); behavioural (consists of
experience of knowledge realisation in various standard and non-standard
situations); value and content (presupposes attitude to the competence
content, its personal significance, emotional and will regulation as the
ability to expose and regulate competence realisation according to the
situation of social and professional interaction [7]. Thus, the mentioned
elements will be taken into account together with the following aspect
analysis in order to identify the structural elements of CDC.
In the philosophic aspect the notion «discourse» has been researched
by a number of scholars (O. Chorba, V. Kremen, V. Taran, O. Volkov and
others). Discourse is defined as a verbally articulated form of the object
content of a person’s consciousness that is regulated by a rationality type
dominating in this or that socio-cultural tradition. It is considered to be a
special instrument for perceiving socio-cultural interaction. Denotative
meanings are not as important as outlining the special signs that reflect
socio-cultural communicative events [5]. Besides, discourse is considered as
«social material» in which the definite speech acts make conditions for the
following speech acts which are expected to be consistent, relevant and
corresponding to communication etiquette [4, p. 18]. Thus there is a
necessity to analyse «a discourse event» in the context of extra-linguistic
Collected articles Issue 2017
conditions of different types of discourse, in our research – economic one. It
presupposes studying discourse in cross-cultural communication as one of
the main and vitally important spheres for efficient professional activity of
future specialists in economics.
In philosophic works the difference between a dialogue and
discourse is researched. It lies in the fact that a dialogue emphasises
interactive character of the language usage while discourse is aimed at
getting into the social context of communication. Namely discourse is
directed at specifying contents and working out common ideas, thoughts
and beliefs. Such a form of communication gives the possibility to generate
democratic relations, fosters readiness to compromise and find collective
solutions that is of paramount importance for future specialists in
Still, discourse behaviour may be of both constructive and
destructive nature. In philosophers’ view it depends upon the idea and
understanding of what kind of a person a recipient should be, as well as
understanding of oneself and the surrounding reality. Such awareness
affects the discourse means used by a person and thus the effectiveness of
As for cross-cultural discourse, philosophers emphasise the influence
of interconnected tendencies in development of national and ethnic
communities. Among them there is ethnic differentiation (separating social
and ethnic communities, striving for national independence) and integration
(destructing barriers, developing and enlarging cross-cultural connections).
So, the analysis of the philosophical aspect allows to define CDC as
a person’s quality that provides democratic development of the society,
regulation and humanisation of social relations, humane attitudes to
representatives of other cultures. The following functions of CDC are
identified: cognitive (obtaining or transmitting knowledge, ideas or images);
forming (formation of a world outlook, ideology and a system of values);
educative (fostering ethic norms, moral qualities of a specialist in
economics as a subject of CDA).
It is worth noting that understanding and interpretation of foreign
discourse becomes more complicated due to national differences in people’s
world outlook, cultural varieties in social norms of communicative
behaviour as well as individual peculiarities of people’s world perception.
That is why the aspect of culture studies (researched by P. Herchanivska,
Y. Kozhemiakin, A. Sadokhin and others) is of vital importance in the
analysis of CDC.
In a wide sense discourse is interpreted as a complex unity of speech
practices and extra-linguistic factors that reflect a communicative situation,
i. e. give the idea about participants of communication, their purposes and
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
aims, as well as conditions of communication [1, p. 50]. Thus discourse is
equalled to the unity of a thought and word, a meaning and sign, knowledge
and its semiotic expression that becomes sensible only in the process of
communication [6, p. 201]. So, the essence of discourse is defined as a
significant component of socio-cultural interaction, the peculiarities of
which are revealed in interests, goals and communicative styles of
On the basis of the aspect of culture studies, the following functions
of CDC can be outlined: cognitive (research and analysis of different
cultures, in particular business ones), developing (favouring development of
a creative personality in the process of CDA); forming (formation of a
communicator’s image capable for a сross-cultural discourse; his individual
style on the basis of knowledge about types of business discourse);
normative (creating or realising norms, standards, rules of behaviour);
signifying (giving meanings and values to objects of reality).
In spite of the fact that philosophic and culture studies’ aspects are
the grounds for defining the basic notions of our research, still the main
sphere of the discourse usage is the linguistic aspect (presented by works of
Z. Harris, D. Hymes, G. Rickheit, F. Sossiur, T. Van Deik and others). In
this aspect discourse is not limited by written or oral speech but also means
semiotic processes. Its interactive nature, which is perceived in the social
context, as well as extra-linguistic factors, is emphasised. Discourse renders
information about events, subjects, people, their qualities and relations that
create a communicative situation. Thus future economists need to know
typical business situations to produce the corresponding type of activity.
Such awareness of a «situation model» allows to interpret any
communicative situation in terms of general social context and
characteristics of social interaction by participants (positions, qualities,
relations, and functions), their individual experience (knowledge, beliefs,
needs, wishes, feelings, emotions).
Besides, the linguistic aspect emphasises paralinguistic (tone pitch,
intonation, timbre, tempo, rhythm, loudness etc) and extra-linguistic
components (mimicry gestures and all circumstances and events that
accompany a speech act) 4, p. 113-114.
Among the main discourse features outlined by scholars, there is
completeness (uninterrupted interdependence of its structural components);
coherence (that is stipulated by specific rules of communicative behaviour);
chronotope nature (representation and perception of space and time
relations that are realised mainly through verbs and adverbs), informing
nature (that is illustrated even by the absence of a recipient’s response);
inter-subjectivity and intentionality (presence of a subject which is
influenced by speech); processuality (a process of mutual coordination
through verbal and non-verbal semiotic systems).
Collected articles Issue 2017
So in the core essence of the discourse analysis in linguistics there is
the most complete interpretation of the text that is reached by understanding
an extra-linguistic context that takes into account cognitive processes of
generating and perceiving the text as well as pragmatic choices and
connections with other texts.
In the socio-linguistic aspect (T. Anisimova, V. Hrigorieva and
others) the two main types of discourse are outlined: personal (personality
oriented) and institutional. In the former one a speaker is a personality
presented by the inner world, while the latter type characterises a speaker as
a representative of a definite social institution [5]. For each type of the
institutional discourse there is a certain correlation: status component
personal component. The institutional discourse genres are divided into
speech situations of a monologue type (conferences, meetings,
presentations) and speech situations of a dialogue type (sessions,
discussions, negotiations).
Basing on the main issues of the linguistic aspect of CDC we outline
a developing function. It presupposes advancing the development of a
creative and language personality of future specialists in economics,
formation of their communicative competence.
In the social and psychological aspect scientists (A. Asmolov,
R. Baron, M. Makarov, L. Pochebut) research oral and written forms of
communication in natural conditions of the «real world». The three main
discourse categories are considered: action, construction of interaction and
its variable nature. Social factors are exposed through specific linguistic
resources chosen by communicators among a variety of language means,
functional styles, rhetoric modes etc.
Cognitive character of discourse analysis is expressed through the
desire to solve problems by studying communication connected to
correlation and interaction of a person’s outer and inner worlds, genesis and
mentality, individual and social substances. In such a way with the help of
discourse analysis scientists reconsider basic psychological categories, such
as purposes, perceptions, emotions etc [4, p. 80].
On the basis of the social and psychological aspect the following
functions of CDC are outlined: motivational satisfying demands of
communicators; developing development of intellect and memory;
forming influence on the emotional sphere, communicative behaviour of
the recipient, regulative reflexive perception and control of personal
communicative behavior and as a result regulation of a psychological
climate in a social group and solving conflict situations.
The peculiarities of the economic aspect (H. Burkitbaieva,
V. Karasik, W. Orlikowskiy, J. Yates and others) reveal professional
discourse as aim-directed mental and speech activity of specialists
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
connected by business relations during interaction concerning solving a
certain professional problem. Such a kind of social communication is based
on the defined norms and rules.
The analysis of the economic aspect has shown that studying the
types of professional discourse has to become an integral part of training
future specialists in economics as they use oral and written types of
discourse during professional communication. Professional activity of
specialists in economics consists of the following oral types of business
discourse: presentation, interview, report, business telephone talks etc.
Among the types of written business discourse in the professional activity
of specialists in economics are business letters, memorandums, electronic
and other short messages as well as recruitment documents (resumes,
applications) etc. Awareness of communicative means in typical situations
of business communication allows future specialists in economics to
communicate effectively, prepare brief interpretation of professional texts in
the form of abstracts, resumes etc.
Discussion and conclusions
So, the aspect analysis of the notion «CDC of future specialists in
economics» as well as the analysis of scientific research concerning the
competence structure allowed to define the following CDC components:
motivational and reflexive, cognitive, communication and activity oriented.
On the basis of the aspect analysis, the following functions of CDC in
professional activity of future specialists in economics are outlined:
motivational, cognitive, forming, regulative and educative.
The results of the aspect analysis of CDC, outlining its structure and
functions have given grounds to define «CDC of future specialists in
economics» as a high level of CDA in the professional sphere that is based
on system knowledge in different types of business discourse and rules of
its construction necessary to perform efficient economic activity, discourse
skills and habits, and personal qualities that are exposed through motivated
nature, will, tolerance and reflective ability during professional interaction
with representatives of other cultures.
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Culture Studies: Terminology Dictionary
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Akademiia kerivnykh kadriv kultury i mystetstv. (in Ukrainian)
2. Khachatrian, Y. L. (2016). Obgruntuvannia aktualnosti problem
formuvannia mizhkulturnoi dyskursyvnoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh
fakhivtsiv z ekonomiky Substantiation of the Relevance of Forming Cross-
Cultural Discourse Competence of Future Specialists in Economics.
Collected articles Issue 2017
Naukovi pratsi vyshchogo navchalnogo zakladu «Donetskyi natsionalnyi
tekhnichnyi universytet»: Pedagogika, psykhologiia i sotsiologiia, 1-2 (18-
19), 155-159. (in Ukrainian)
3. Kolbina, Т. V. (2008). Formuvannia mizhkulturnoi komunikatsii
maibutnikh ekonomistiv
Formation of Cross-Cultural Communication of
Future Economists
. Kharkiv: VD «INZhEK». (in Ukrainian)
4. Makarov, М. L. (2003). Osnovy teorii dyskursu
Basics of
Discourse Theory
. Мoscow: ITDGK «Gnosis». (in Russian)
5. Discourse. (2003). In A. A. Gritsanov (Ed.), Noveishiy filosofskiy
New Philosophic Dictionary
(p. 327). Мinsk: Knizhnyi Dom. (in
6. Sadokhin, A. P. (2014). Kulturologiia. Slovar terminov, poniatiy,
Culture Studies. Dictionary of terms, notions, names
. Мoscow:
Direkt-Меdia. (in Russian)
7. Zimniaia, I. А. (2004). Kliuchevyie kompetentnosti kak
rezultativno-tselevaia osnova kompetentnostnogo podkhoda v obrazovanii
Key Competences as Result and Target Base for Competence Approach in
. Мoscow: Issledovatelskiy tsentr problem kachestva podgotovki
spetsialistov. (in Russian)
Єва Xачатрян. Аспектний аналіз міжкультурної
дискурсивної компетентності майбутніх фахівців з економіки.
У статті наголошено на важливості формування міжкультурної
дискурсивної компетентності у майбутніх фахівців з економіки як
запоруки процвітання країни і добробуту її громадян. Доведено
необхідність всебічного вивчення поняття «міжкультурна
дискурсивна компетентність майбутніх фахівців з економіки».
Здійснено аспектний аналіз указаного поняття в різних галузях знань,
зокрема філософії, культурології, психології, соціології, лінгвістиці,
прикладній економіці. На основі аспектного аналізу виявлено
сутність, структуру та функції міжкультурної дискурсивної
компетентності майбутніх фахівців з економіки.
Ключові слова: аспектний аналіз, дискурс, міжкультурна дискурсивна
компетентність, міжкультурна комунікація, майбутні фахівці з
Eva Xachatryan. Analiza dyskursu o aspekcie kompetencji
międzykulturowej przyszłych specjalistów w dziedzinie ekonomii.
W artykule podkreślono znaczenie kształtowania kompetencji dyskursu
międzykulturowego przyszłych specjalistów w dziedzinie ekonomii jako
gwarancji dobrobytu i pomyślności obywateli. Uzasadniono konieczność
kompleksowego studium pojęcia «międzykulturowej kompetencji dyskursu
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
przyszłych specjalistów w dziedzinie ekonomii». Określono specyfikę
analizy pojęć w różnych dziedzinach wiedzy, w tym filozofii,
kulturoznawstwa, socjologii, psychologii, lingwistyki, ekonomii stosowanej.
Uczyniono to w oparciu o aspekt analizy charakteru, struktury i funkcji
międzykulturowej kompetencji dyskursu ekspertów w dziedzinie ekonomii.
Słowa kluczowe: aspekt analiza, dyskurs, dyskurs kompetencji
międzykulturowej, komunikacja międzykulturowa, przyszli specjaliści w
dziedzinie ekonomii.
Received 15.08.2017
Information about the author:
Khachatrian Yeva Postgraduate Student, Lecturer, Simon Kuznets
Kharkiv National University of Economics.
Collected articles Issue 2017
Behun-Trachuk Larisa Postgraduate Student, Assistant at the
Department of Pedagogy Music Education and Performance Art,
Mukachevo State University.
Bondarenko Volodymyr – Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Docent,
Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Vocational
Training, Kharkiv National University of Automobile and Highways.
Chuvasova Natalia Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Associate
Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Teaching Techniques, Kryvyi
Rih State Pedagogical University.
Drobot Olga Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor at the
Department of Psychology, State Higher Educational Establishment
«Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky State Pedagogical University named after
Hryhoriy Skovoroda».
Gordyeyeva Anzhela Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Docent,
Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages, Taras
Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Grankina-Sazonova Natalia Postgraduate Student, V. N. Karazin
Kharkiv National University.
Gulina Maria Postgraduate Student, Kharkiv National University of
Automobile and Highways.
Khachatrian Yeva Postgraduate Student, Lecturer, Simon Kuznets
Kharkiv National University of Economics.
Коndratska Ludmyla Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Full Professor,
Professor at the Department of Musicology and Music Techniques, Ternopil
Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University.
Kostina Valentyna Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Docent, Doctoral
Candidate at the Department of Primary, Pre-School and Professional
Education, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University.
Kovtun Olena Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign
Languages, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute».
Kozhevnikova Alina Master Student, Peter the Great St. Petersburg
Polytechnic University.
Lazareva Olga Doctor of Philosophy, Docent, Associate Professor at the
Department of Foreign Languages, National Technical University «Kharkiv
Polytechnic Institute».
Melnyk Yuriy Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Docent, Professor at
the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, National Academy of the
National Guard of Ukraine.
Mironenko Sergey Doctor of Philosophy in Techniques, Docent,
Director, Odessa Automobile and Road College Odessa National
Polytechnic University.
Psychological and pedagogical problems of modern specialist formation
Mitina Svitlana Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology, Docent, Associate
Professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Postgraduate
Education, Bogomolets National Medical University.
Orlov Nicolay Doctor of Public Administration Sciences, Docent,
Professor at the Department of Operative Art, National Academy of
National Guard of Ukraine.
Perezva Elena Lecturer, Odessa Automobile and Road College Odessa
National Polytechnic University.
Podchernyayeva Nataliya Postgraduate Student, H. S. Skovoroda
Kharkiv National Pedagogical University.
Polyakova Ganna Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Docent, Head of
the Department of Education Quality Assurance and Innovation
Development, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics.
Pypenko Iryna Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Docent, Director of
the Educational Center, Kharkiv Regional Public Organization «Culture of
Savchenkov Oleksii Postgraduate Student, Odessa National Polytechnic
Shepel Maryna – Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Lecturer, Odessa
Automobile and Road College Odessa National Polytechnic University.
Yuzefovych Kateryna Applicant, Taras Shevchenko National University
of Kyiv.
Zavaruieva Inna Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Associate Professor
at the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines for Foreign Students,
Dnipropetrovsk National University Of Railway Transport named after
academician V. Lazaryan.
Collected articles Issue 2017
Scientific publication
Collected articles
ISBN 978-83-65554-15-4 (Poland)
ISBN 978-966-97260-9-4 (Ukraine)
DOI 10.26697/9789669726094.2017
Printed in author’s edition
(authors are responsible for content of the materials,
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editing – Iryna Pypenko
designer cover – Yaroslava Svyachenaya
administrator of sites – Yuriy Melnyk
Format 80х64
Symbol «Times». Paper for multipl. equip. Printed on the risograph.
Cond. print sheets 8,71. Acc. publ. sheets 959.
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