International Journal of Science Annals, Vol. 2, No. 1-2, 2019 SOCIAL SCIENCES. Psychology OVERVIEW Theoretical Preparation of Future Practical Psychologists in the Conditions of Modern Higher Education for the Applied Analysis of Behavior in primary school educational activity AuthorsтАЩ Contribution: Tantsura A.S. 1 BDFG, Funtikova O.╨Ю. 1 ABDG A тАУ Study design; B тАУ Data collection; 1 Classical Private University, Ukraine C тАУ Statistical analysis; D тАУ Data interpretation; E тАУ Manuscript preparation; F тАУ Literature search; G тАУ Funds collection Received: 22.10.2019; Accepted: 14.11.2019; Published: 30.11.2019 Abstract Background and At present, there is a great need to define and substantiate the scientific provisions of Aim of Study: a holistic system of training the future specialist for the applied analysis of studentтАЩs behavior in primary schoolтАЩs educational activities. In our view, there are not enough theoretical and practical materials to prepare a future psychologist in elementary school. The aim of the study: to substantiate the system of preparation of future practical psychologists for the applied analysis of behavior in primary school educational activity. Material and Methods: In the study, the following general scientific methods were used: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization. Results: Theoretical knowledge in the educational psychology and pedagogical disciplines not only influence the thinking of the future specialist to master a logically organized specific class of ideal objects of psychology, their properties, relationships and changes, but also enable the immanent unfolding of the content, as the starting point of the movement of thought in the practical point of motion. Conclusions: Requirements for the content of education of practical psychologists have been updated. Conceptual bases development of self-design of future practical psychologistтАЩs professional activity, creation and substantiation of his personality and definition of basic characteristics of his activity, development of self-realization of personality of psychologistтАЩs practice in professional activity will allow them to successfully carry out the process of preparation of specialist in applied analysis of problems of behavior of elementary school students. Keywords: age psychology, general psychology, basics of psychocorrection, pedagogical psychology, social psychology, psychodiagnostics, psychological service. Copyright: ┬й 2019 Tantsura A. S., Funtikova O. A. Published by Archives of International Journal of Science Annals DOI and UDC DOI 10.26697/ijsa.2019.1-2.03; UDC 378.091.12:159-059:37.046"465*7/11" Conflict of interests: The author declares that there is no conflict of interests Peer review: Double-blind review Source of support: Departmental sources Information about Tantsura Anna Sergiyivna (Corresponding Author) тАУ the authors: 3869-9123;; Postgraduate Student of the Department of Pedagogy, Classical Private University; Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. Funtikova Olha Oleksandrivna тАУ;; Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences; Professor, Department of Pedagogy, Classical Private University; Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. 20 ╤Аrint ISSN: 2617-2682; DOI:10.26697/ijsa IJSA Introduction Results and Discussion Preparation of the future specialist in higher education For the preparation of the future practical psychologist is the main goal of the state policy in the field of the important role is played by the disciplines of the education, which provides the creation of conditions for specialty and the disciplines of the professional direction the development of personality and professional self- in terms of content, training courses should be integrated realization, updating the content of education and to ensure systematic learning of disciplines, to avoid organization of educational processes in accordance duplication of educational material, to strengthen cross- with the market economy principles, modern scientific curricular links, and to improve the organization of the and technological achievements (Fagan & Wise, 1994; educational process and the introduction of new learning Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2014; Virna, 2012). Topic technologies (DтАЩjachenko & Kandibovich, 1993; for today is the fulfillment of the main task of higher Dutkevych & Savytska, 2005). education: professional training of the individual, The organization of psychological and social- formation of specialists with higher education, pedagogical activities in addressing behavioral capability of creativity, making optimal decisions, problems, leading a healthy lifestyle, and shaping a having the skills of self-education, ability to coordinate health culture among primary school pupils was their actions with the actions of other participants in explored by Melnyk (2008, 2017). their educational environment (Cabinet of Ministers of According to the analysis of literature, the preparation Ukraine, 2011). of the future practical psychologist is reflected in the Training of the future specialist is carried out according educational and professional program, curriculum of all to the relevant standards of higher education. The disciplines with a list of knowledge, skills of the future orientation of the future practical psychologist on his specialist, which are necessary for successful professional development, self-improvement and professional activity in general educational institutions, ensuring a high level of competitiveness in the and is carried out on the basis of studying the social educational services market is ensured by appropriate cycle, natural sciences, theoretical, practical and conditions in the preparation process (Thomas, 1999). professional training (Kyrychuk, 2002). Scientists have their vision of an ideal model for training Practical training tasks: deepening theoretical future specialists in content orientation and duration of knowledge through practical training; developing skills training, given greater freedom of choice in mastering of future practitioners in educational institutions, the specialty, changes in the space, levels and forms of particularly in primary schools; formation of creative training that will affect the innovative performance of research approach to pedagogical activity in work with the future specialist (Lozova & Trotsko, 2012). It is elementary school students. necessary to have a polymodal representation of any The analysis of curriculum and the schedule of the pedagogical experience, moving away from the outdated educational process for the preparation of the future mainstream verbal training methods, to provide search practical psychologist in institutions of higher for new and effective ways of representing professional pedagogical education reflects the cycle of humanitarian and oriented knowledge and skills of the future and socio-economic training (13 academic disciplines), specialist (Chepelieva, 1998; Smith, 2002). the cycle of scientific and natural preparation (8 The role of psychology and modern approaches of the disciplines), the cycle of professional and practical psychologistтАЩs activity in the educational space was training (25 courses), a cycle of the variant part of the studied by Melnyk (2013); Melnyk, Prokopenko, and training (24 courses). Stadnik (2015). According to the curriculum and the timetable of the There is a great need to define and substantiate the educational process, practical training provides: scientific provisions of a holistic system of training the introductory practice in the first year (2 semesters) of 54 future specialist for the applied analysis of studentsтАЩ hours (1 week) and diagnostic and psycho-correction in behavior in elementary school educational activities. the fourth year (8 semesters) of 324 hours (6 weeks). The aim of the study. To substantiate the system of For the future specialists the complex qualification preparation of future practical psychologists for the examination in psychology includes the courses applied analysis of behavior in primary school (Figure 1). educational activity. The program of the course тАЬAge PsychologyтАЩ and the corresponding textbooks provide the solution of a Materials and Methods number of tasks of highly qualified professional training Preparing a future specialist for applied behavioral specialists, in particular: mastering the system of analysis of elementary school, students should take into knowledge about the patterns of mental development; account the fundamental principles of behavior in equipping students with the knowledge of psychological school, the philosophy of positivism, reflection on the patterns of personality development at different stages subject of influence in the content of positive behavioral of ontogeny (Pavelkiv, 2011). changes in the subject and the behavior of the subject The analyzed program of the course тАЬAge PsychologyтАЭ and behavior. also provides a close connection with the disciplines: In the study, the following general scientific methods general psychology, social psychology, history of were used: analysis, synthesis, comparison, psychology, the basics of psycho-counseling and generalization. psycho-correction, psychology of personality. 21 International Journal of Science Annals, Vol. 2, No. 1-2, 2019 It should be noted that from the course тАЬAge age child тАЬPsychology of the teenager and high school PsychologyтАЭ future specialists will gain knowledge studentтАЭ, which makes 10% of theoretical material. about the mental development of the child from birth to Unfortunately, much attention is paid to adolescent school age, master the terminology, guidance in the age development, his or her social situation, communication, periods of the mental development and the essence of self-expression needs, and increased sexual age crisis of the student and ways of overcoming them identification among others. in school; learn to distinguish between conscious and In our view, there is not enough theoretical and practical unconscious manifestations of the psychology of materials to prepare a future psychologist to work in elementary school students; future specialists will get elementary school. acquainted with the specifics of diagnostic and We have analyzed the program of the course тАЬGeneral collection of work with children of different school age. PsychologyтАЭ and textbooks, that direct students to Formation of relevant professionally oriented acquire knowledge and ideas about the mental activity knowledge and skills of the future specialist was of the younger generation as a means of reflection and facilitated by the study of topics: тАЬPsychological transformation of the world; to analyze functioning of development of a young school-age childтАЭ, тАЬPsychology psychic patterns; expanding outlook and professional of a тАЬheavy childтАЭ, тАЬCharacteristics of the development horizon (Maksymenko & Soloviienko, 2000). of the psychic in ontogenyтАЭ. Students are introduced to the structural components of In our view, for future practical psychologists, an in- the human psychology. Future specialists have acquired depth study of the topic of the тАЬAssociationist Concept the skills to explain the features of the course of mental of Learning by Watson and GazriтАЭ is important, which processes, understand the functioning of mental states proves the thesis of establishing associative stimulus- and manifestations of mental properties; at the level of reactive communication on the basis of reinforcing the self-control and self-observation of their own mental behavior of the subject. states and behaviors, they can describe their functioning. The analyzed training course тАЬAge PsychologyтАЭ reflects In the process of preparing future specialists in applied the training of the future psychologist on the main 10 behavioral analysis, it is important to focus on the topics; among them there is one topic of the seminar acquisition of knowledge on the following issues dedicated to the developmental problems of the school- (Figure 2). Psychological Service in the Educational System Pedagogical Psychology Age Psychology THE COURSES FOR General Psychology THE COMPLEX QUALIFICATION Social Psychology EXAMINATION IN PSYCHOLOGY Basics of Psycho Correction Psycho Diagnostics Figure 1. The courses for the complex qualification examination in Psychology for the future specialists. The concept of psychological knowledge and methods of psychology Psychology as a science, stages and features of its development THE MAIN ISSUES The structure of mental phenomena and their relationship Analysis of the manifestation of mental phenomena and their psychological content Figure 2. The main issues for the acquisition of knowledge of future specialists in applied behavioral analysis. 22 ╤Аrint ISSN: 2617-2682; DOI:10.26697/ijsa IJSA It is found that in the preparation of future specialists, The purpose of teaching the discipline is to form the ability to adhere to a certain methodological studentsтАЩ perceptions of cognitive psychology laws, and approach to psychological research and analysis of the task is to help students gain profound knowledge of mental processes and personality of the child is formed; current issues in psycholinguistics; to develop skills and to be guided in different theories, critically analyze competences for conducting experimental research in it different approaches to the basic psychological and to correctly use the results obtained in future categories, use the knowledge gained in practical professional activity. activity; to determine the basic properties of the In our opinion, for future practical psychologists who individual, psychological mechanisms for determining purposefully prepares themselves for applied analysis of his behavior; to take into account the individuality, elementary school students, it is necessary to become uniqueness, inner potential of self-creation of acquainted with the topic of cognitive psychology тАЬThe personality. theory of language by Homskij and Miller and the The analysis of the main topics in general psychology critique of behaviorismтАЭ, to find out behavioral proves that in the topic тАЬThe main stages of the approaches to linguistic nouns of child by adult. It is formation of psychology as a science. Basic useful for students to become acquainted with Homskij Psychological Schools and AreasтАЭ it is useful for future and MillerтАЩs arguments and to be able to express their practical psychologists to consider in detail precisely the professional position, to argue their views on the 3rd stage of development of psychology: psychology as scientific dispute between Homskij and Miller (1965) the science of behavior, which studies the external and Skinner. manifestations of mental activity тАУ behavior. The training course тАЬSocial PsychologyтАЭ, places in the In the course of тАЬEducational PsychologyтАЭ future minds of future psychologists the knowledge of basic specialists know about the subject, tasks and methods of concepts, principles, provisions of social psychology, pedagogical psychology, history of formation and forms the skills and practical and research activities in development of pedagogical psychology, cross- the social field (Bihun, 2011). curricular links and system of categories of pedagogical Future specialists will learn information about the psychology. essence, place, role of social psychology during their The educational course тАЬEducational PsychologyтАЭ studies; system of scientific knowledge and its contains 10 topics, among which there is a seminar conceptual apparatus, learn methods of research of lesson on the theme: тАЬThe concept of learning and its social and psychological phenomena; methods of verbal psychological mechanisms: psychological and non-verbal communication for successful characteristics of the learning process, psychological interaction with elementary school students; methods analysis of didactic principles of teaching; peculiarities and means of interpersonal interaction between teacher of educational motivation; factors affecting the and elementary school students. effectiveness of learningтАЭ, as well as a seminar session Future specialists, through mastering the tasks of the тАЬPsychological features and general patterns of the course of social psychology, have developed the ability learning process: the ratio of learning and learning to analyze intragroup and group relationships between processes, the structure of learning, psychological students, practically oriented approaches to solving features of the process of learning skills and skills; problems of socialization of students in the educational indicators of learning abilityтАЭ. environment by means of social and psychological Future psychologists have formed knowledge about influence. psychological models of teaching and classification of In the context of the training course тАЬSocial types of learning, innovative teaching technologies, PsychologyтАЭ, future practical psychologists need to types of modern learning: programmable, sign- study in depth the topic тАЬContemporary direction of contextual, modular; types of learning: rapid and slow development of foreign social psychology: SkinnerтАЩs rates of acquisition of material by elementary school theory of operant learningтАЭ, which includes the students, criteria for success in primary school, factors provisions: human behavior is determined, predicted for learning effectiveness and ways to activate the and controlled by the environment; Respondent educational activity of elementary school students. behavior is a response to a familiar stimulus; operant We believe that in order to qualitatively prepare future behavior is determined and controlled by the result, practical psychologists for applied analysis of primary which will then be obtained. school studentsтАЩ behavior, it is necessary to consider in It has been found out that the curricula for the training more detail the topic тАЬForms of learning: respondent, of the future practical psychologist in different domestic operant, verbalтАЭ, as a process and result of acquiring educational institutions include the тАЬWorkshop on individual experience and adapting to specific psycho diagnostics and correction in educationтАЭ, the conditions of existence; making new connections training course тАЬFundamentals of psycho-correction between different situations, causing the subject to workтАЭ, тАЬPsychological correctionтАЭ, тАЬPracticum on group change behavior. тАЬBasics of psychological counselingтАЭ, тАЬPersonal crisis The course тАЬCognitive PsychologyтАЭ forms studentsтАЩ counselingтАЭ, тАЬOrganization of training communication knowledge of psycholinguistics and has with children of all agesтАЭ, тАЬPsychological assistance to interdisciplinary links with general psychology, social children who have been abusedтАЭ, тАЬEmergency psychology, psychological personality, pedagogical psychological assistanceтАЭ. 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