рrint ISSN: 2617-2682; online ISSN: 2707-3637; DOI:10.26697/ijsa IJSA REVIEWS Article Review “Phenomenological Perspective in Researching Immigrant Children’s Experience”, authors Batuchina A., Straksiene G. Alaverdov E. V. (Reviewer)1 1 Georgian Technical University, Georgia Received: 15.11.2020; Accepted: 15.12.2020; Published: 20.12.2020 Keywords: children, immigrant, experience, social phenomenon, unfamiliar country Copyright: © 2020 Alaverdov E. V. Published by Archives of International Journal of Science Annals DOI and UDC DOI 10.26697/ijsa.2020.2.8; UDC Conflict of interests: The author declares that there is no conflict of interests Source of support: This study did not receive any outside funding or support Information about Alaverdov Emilia Vidiatovna – https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3282-172X; emily- the author: 78@mail.ru; Doctor of Social Science, Associate Professor, Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia. Review: Despite that, the paper is well developed and the The article of Batuchina and Straksiene conclusion reflects the results of the study; however, it “Phenomenological Perspective in Researching speaks only about the problem and does not give any Immigrant Children’s Experience” has been published recommendations, how to solve it. It would be good if in the International Journal of Science Annals, Vol. 2, the author gives suggestions and recommendations No. 1-2, 2019. about what can be done to mitigate the situation to Migration became one of the most acute problems of the reduce the children's stress. I think after the conclusion modern world, which involves both political and social there should be a small part of suggestions and spectrums and became a very complex problem, which recommendations. Moreover, it would be better if the is very difficult to study from the Phenomenological author uses the Comparative research method, which is Perspective. Everyone is well aware that to manage such exactly used for cross-cultural studies, as the issue of large surges of migrants is practically impossible, as, for migration straightly deals with cross-cultural studies. the scientists, they even do not have a united approach Besides, I would like to highlight that while studying the to the research of this unsolved phenomenon. problem of child migration the authors did not consider For certain reasons people, in most cases, families have the cultural or religious factors. As I understood from to change their dwelling spaces, to move from one the discussions, they conducted their research among the country or city to another. Without even considering the migrants within Europe, or labor migrants from the Post- physiological stress of the family members, especially soviet countries since they do not even mention the children or elderlies. Among the many problems, which problems of cultural adaptation. It would be good if they migrants face in a host country the most acute one is an continue their study among the children migrants from adaptation. There is a mistaken perception that children the Middle East. After the Arab Spring, Europe adapt to every novelty and situation easily than adults, continues to receive a large number of Muslim migrants, however, in this regards children are the most with very different culture and worldview. Europe vulnerable. Here the problem is that in most cases, indeed does its best to reduce the numbers of newcomers children are not even listed, since parents are concerned through the strict border control and tightening the about searching for jobs and finding the ways to adapt refugees and asylum seekers Packages. However, the to a new space. problem is still acute, in this regard, the most important The authors explain that the meaning of migration is is that, besides the difficulties of traveling and minimized for children and that adults do not pay adaptation, at the same time the Muslim migrants face attention to it. However, the experience of grown-ups harassment from the host society, and here the children draws significant attention. since they are undefended again appear in a very The authors pay attention to the moment that children vulnerable situation. They not only have trouble in a new leave all their belongings and move to a new unknown environment but they feel unwelcomed and unsecured in country where they face difficulties. the context of cultural and religious differences. 41 International Journal of Science Annals, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2020 Thus, it is worth saying that the experience of migrant Reference children requires a thorough study. In this case, the main Batuchina, A., & Straksiene, G. (2019). objective of Researching Immigrant Children’s Phenomenological Perspective in Researching Experience should be, firstly the awareness of their Immigrant Children’s Experience. International psychological situation and conditions, and the Journal of Science Annals, 2(1-2), 26–32. development of effective ways to their adaptation and doi:10.26697/ijsa.2019.1-2.04 integration to the new environment, considering their cultural aspects. Cite this article as: Alaverdov, E. V. (2020). Article Review “Phenomenological Perspective in Researching Immigrant Children’s Experience”, authors Batuchina A., Straksiene G. International Journal of Science Annals, 3(2), 41–42. doi:10.26697/ijsa.2020.2.8 The electronic version of this article is complete. It can be found online in the IJSA Archive https://ijsa.culturehealth.org/en/arhiv and in the KRPOCH Publishing Repository https://ekrpoch.culturehealth.org/handle/lib/71 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.en). 42