Діяльність на благо суспільства та покращання життя / Activity to benefit society and improve lives
Дослідження особливостей психологічного благополуччя та соціальної адаптації студентської молоді в умовах воєнного часу /
Project “Study of Peculiarities of the Psychological Well-Being and Social Adaptation of Young Students in Wartime Conditions”
(Reg. No. 2022/p-021 from 10.08.2022)

Purpose – to involve national and international representatives of scientific institutions and universities within the implementation of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Modern Specialist Formation” (PPPMSF-2023), register of the Scientific Research Institute KRPOCH (Reg. No. 021 from 10.08.2022), to the study of the peculiarities of the psychological well-being and social adaptation of young students in wartime conditions.

Result – methodical and organizational issues of the project during the implementation of PPPMSF-2023 were highlighted https://doi.org/10.26697/PPPMSF-23; scientific paper entitled “Peculiarities of the psychological well-being and social adaptation of young students and cadets in wartime conditions” was published in the International Journal of Science Annals, 2023, Vol. 6, No. 1, https://doi.org/10.26697/ijsa.2023.1.7, Journal indexed in DOAJ, COPE, ERIH PLUS, ROAD, BASE, MIAR, Google Scholar, etc.; levels of general health were defined to assess the psychological well-being and emotional stability of student youth using the GHQ-28, and social support to determine the specifics of emotional, practical support and social integration in wartime using the F-SozU K-22.


Project Executors:
Pypenko I. S., - Project Manager
Melnyk Yu. B., - Project Coordinator
Stadnik A.V., - Project Technical Coordinator
De Matos M. G., - Expert
Mykhaylyshyn U. B., - Executor



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26697/krpoch